Jan. 6th commission

Committee is now in possession of many hours of video taken by a film maker contracted by the Trump family in Sept 2020 to record them through the campaign and even after Jan 6. The committee has delayed the final hearings until after they have reviewed the film. The filming was a private contract by the family that even the campaign did not know about. Apparently Donald and all the kids are recorded on what I guess was to be a celebratory propaganda film after he won in Nov.
Committee is now in possession of many hours of video taken by a film maker contracted by the Trump family in Sept 2020 to record them through the campaign and even after Jan 6. The committee has delayed the final hearings until after they have reviewed the film. The filming was a private contract by the family that even the campaign did not know about. Apparently Donald and all the kids are recorded on what I guess was to be a celebratory propaganda film after he won in Nov.
The FBI carried out a surprise pre-dawn search of Jeffrey Clark's house this morning after obtaining a search warrant. No mention of what they were looking for yet, but is an interesting development, given that Clark, an environmental attorney at the DOJ, was instrumental in drafting a plan to nullify the 2020 election results and allow Trump to remain in power. At the end, Trump even wanted Clark to become the Acting Attorney General because Clark was eager to go along with Trump's plan.
But wait....Hillary's emails, fake dossier, Obama spied, they were tourists, false flag at the Capitol, witch hunt, Trump is the real president!
if I respond you'll turn into a moderator
Feel free to start a serious thread on any of the topics alluded to in my not so serious post. :)
But wait....Hillary's emails, fake dossier, Obama spied, they were tourists, false flag at the Capitol, witch hunt, Trump is the real president!
Deep state! BLM! Antifa! Nasty women! Kapernik! Socialism! CRT! Hugo Chavez! Space lasers! Fake News!

The Trumpers have a lot of enemies, don't they? I mean, c'mon, who hasn't incited a violent mob to break into the Capitol and scream for the VP's blood while beating the crap out of the cops?
Twitter Users Mock Matt Gaetz's 1st Tweet After His Pardon Request Is Made Public
"Pardon me?" many Twitter users asked the Florida congressman.
By David Moye

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) became a victim of “pardon bombing” Thursday on Twitter.

It happened after the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol revealed that the lawmaker was one of at least five members of Congress who attempted to get pardons from then-President Donald Trump for their roles in helping Trump attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

But Gaetz wanted his pardon to be a lot broader than his role in Trump’s election fraud, according to Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. She told the committee that Gaetz had been pushing for a pardon since early December, according to Business Insider.

Former White House senior adviser Eric Herschmann told the committee that the “general tone” of the pardon request revolved around the idea that “We may get prosecuted because we were defensive of, you know, the president’s positions on these things.”
However, Herschmann noted that the pardon Gaetz was angling for may have been intended to also protect him from the sex trafficking investigation swirling around him. “The pardon that he was discussing, requesting, was as broad as you could describe, from... the beginning of time up until today, for any and all things,” Herschmann told the committee.

After the revelation, Gaetz posted on Twitter to accuse the committee of being “an unconstitutional political sideshow” that is “rapidly losing the interest of the American people and now resorts to siccing federal law enforcement on political opponents.”

Twitter Users Mock Matt Gaetz's 1st Tweet After His Pardon Request Is Made Public
"Pardon me?" many Twitter users asked the Florida congressman.
By David Moye

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) became a victim of “pardon bombing” Thursday on Twitter.

It happened after the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol revealed that the lawmaker was one of at least five members of Congress who attempted to get pardons from then-President Donald Trump for their roles in helping Trump attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

But Gaetz wanted his pardon to be a lot broader than his role in Trump’s election fraud, according to Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. She told the committee that Gaetz had been pushing for a pardon since early December, according to Business Insider.

Former White House senior adviser Eric Herschmann told the committee that the “general tone” of the pardon request revolved around the idea that “We may get prosecuted because we were defensive of, you know, the president’s positions on these things.”
However, Herschmann noted that the pardon Gaetz was angling for may have been intended to also protect him from the sex trafficking investigation swirling around him. “The pardon that he was discussing, requesting, was as broad as you could describe, from... the beginning of time up until today, for any and all things,” Herschmann told the committee.

After the revelation, Gaetz posted on Twitter to accuse the committee of being “an unconstitutional political sideshow” that is “rapidly losing the interest of the American people and now resorts to siccing federal law enforcement on political opponents.”

Do we know who if anyone got one?
There was talk of the "Pocket Pardon", is that not a thing then?

It is theoretically a thing, but has never been done before (that we know of) and no one seems to think that Trump would do that for anyone not named Trump.
Former Trump attorney John Eastman keeps low profile in NM
Copyright © 2022 Albuquerque Journal


SANTA FE — John Eastman, a lawyer who advised former President Donald Trump in his failed bid to overturn the 2020 presidential election results, is a registered New Mexico voter with a residence in one of the state’s most liberal enclaves. State voting records show Eastman is a registered Republican who has cast ballots in every local and statewide New Mexico election since November 2018 — including casting an Election Day ballot in this year’s June 7 primary election. His residence in Santa Fe is in the capital city’s north side — not far from the state Governor’s Mansion. An individual who answered the intercom at Eastman’s gated house on Thursday afternoon said Eastman was not available.

Attorneys for Eastman also did not respond to Journal questions about his New Mexico residence and his role in Trump’s post-election attempt to remain president. Eastman has been a central figure in the U.S. House Select Committee’s investigation into the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 of last year, which has revealed several New Mexico connections. On Thursday, records released by the committee showed former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows had sent to acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen a list of voting-related complaints compiled by New Mexico Republican Party Chairman Steve Pearce. In the email, Meadows told Rosen to forward the allegations to his “team” for review. The allegations include unsubstantiated claims of voting irregularities, such as multiple alleged cases of dead people voting.

As for Eastman, his signed declaration to the congressional panel investigating the events of Jan. 6, 2021, was executed in New Mexico on Jan. 22 of this year, according to a copy of the document. Among other things, Eastman drafted a legal memo that sought to build a case for ex-Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the results when electoral votes were to be certified on Jan. 6, 2021. Pence ultimately rebuffed the pressure and certified results that showed Democrat Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election.

Eastman, who was a law professor in California and previously clerked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, later sought a preemptive presidential pardon for his post-election activities from Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, but reportedly did not receive one.
“I’ve decided I should be on the pardon list if that’s still in the works,” Eastman wrote in an email that was presented as evidence by the Jan. 6 committee. While he has been under national scrutiny, Eastman appears to have kept a low political profile in New Mexico.

Alex Curtas, a spokesman for Secretary of State Maggie Toulosue Oliver, said the office has not had any communication with him. A spokesman for New Mexico’s Republican Party declined to comment Thursday as to whether Eastman has played any official or unofficial role in the state GOP in recent years. The state GOP spokesman also wouldn’t comment on whether Eastman was involved in New Mexico’s five designated Republican presidential electors convening in December 2020 to cast votes for Trump, despite that Biden won New Mexico and its five electoral votes by a comfortable margin of 11 percentage points — or more than 99,000 votes. New Mexico was one of seven states won by Biden in which designated GOP presidential electors convened to cast votes for Trump after the 2020 election.

EX TRUMP LAWYER from page A1 to A2

John Eastman, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, appears during a video deposition to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol at the June 16 hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Unlike New Mexico, however, the six other states in which Republican electors convened to sign election certificates were all hotly-contested “swing” states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Prosecutors in several of those states, including New Mexico, have referred to federal law enforcement allegations that Republicans submitted a false document intended to deliver more electoral votes to Trump.

In addition, Thomas Lane, who worked on behalf of the Trump campaign in Arizona and New Mexico, was one of several people who were hit with grand jury subpoenas this week as part of a U.S. Justice Department probe into the Trump team’s plan to overturn the 2020 election results, according to reports from the Washington Post and New York Times. Under New Mexico law, it is a fourthdegree felony for designated electors to cast their ballot for anyone other than the presidential candidate who received the majority of the votes cast in the state.

However, the five New Mexico GOP electors added a caveat to their 2020 certification that they were only casting votes in the event that legal challenges changed the outcome of the presidential election.
The testimony that is making a real difference for me is Barr.

He said Trump is delusional if he really believed in the voter fraud stuff.

He also said that a peaceful transition might not have happened if he hadn't investigated the voter fraud stuff right away. (An unusual action).

If a Republican partisan that has his head on straight is saying this stuff, I have to believe it.

That makes Trump dangerous for the republic.
The testimony that is making a real difference for me is Barr.

He said Trump is delusional if he really believed in the voter fraud stuff.

He also said that a peaceful transition might not have happened if he hadn't investigated the voter fraud stuff right away. (An unusual action).

If a Republican partisan that has his head on straight is saying this stuff, I have to believe it.

That makes Trump dangerous for the republic.

Here is the 15-minute C-SPAN summary if people want to give it their own listen, so they have talking points in their own circles.

[remember to watch a significant portion, to like and comment, to boost it in the youtube algo!]
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Jan. 6 Panel Abruptly Sets Tuesday Hearing on ‘Recently Obtained Evidence’
The panel, which had planned at least two additional hearings next month, had not been scheduled to meet this week.

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol on Monday abruptly scheduled a hearing for Tuesday afternoon to hear what the panel called “recently obtained evidence” and take witness testimony. The hearing is scheduled for 1 p.m., according to a news release issued by the committee, in which it provided no other details about the surprise session. The panel has held a series of hearings this month laying out the findings of its nearly yearlong investigation, but it had not been scheduled to have any additional sessions this week.

The committee is planning at least two more hearings for July, according to its chairman, Representative Bennie G. Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi. Those hearings are expected to detail how a mob of violent extremists attacked the Capitol and how President Donald J. Trump did nothing to call off the violence for more than three hours. Previous hearings have focused on the pressure campaigns Mr. Trump launched against the Justice Department, state officials and his own vice president, as he sought to cling to power.
They must have found something important and useful.
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