League of Legends

The reason there are a lot of fail Vladimirs is because they get Hextech Revolver -> Will of the Ancients first item. Spell vamp is so overrated.
Vlad used to be an invincible laner (past the very early levels), but never was as useful to the team in fights as other casters. His laning was nerfed (thank god), so now he doesn't have much going for him anymore. However his passive is so strong that there's still potential for him to enter godmode if he somehow manages to get fed.

If you want to play a tanky caster, Swain is the better option at the moment, i think.
Currently I'm just looking for a new character to learn/try so seeing Vlad cheap was tempting.

This week I tried Heimerdinger a bit but he seems to have the same issues as an engineer in TF2 where he is only useful if the enemy are dumb and fight around the turrets rather than attacking them. The characters I mostly play at the moment are Morgana, Nunu, Caitlyn and Lux as I don't really have much success with jump attack characters.
My favourite mages are Anivia and Annie. Annie has an aoe stun and does massive damage; Anivia has an aoe stun, aoe slow, a wall, and does good damage.
I've played as Anivia a couple of times as Anivia against the AI when she was on the free rotation but didn't really play enough to get the timings right. Also when do you go and get blue buff as in a recent game I was playing against Anivia and they were a long time out of lane trying to get the buff and came back at half health.
I usually just push my lane out and then go get it with the jungler. He should be tanking it. If he's not available for whatever reason, i usually don't bother getting it. I pretty much always build both catalyst and tear of the goddess, so i don't need it for the lane.
Anivia is ok, but SOOOOOOO blue buff dependant, more so than any other AP. She does go well with certain team comps, but you need to build your team around her. For example, Anivia would work well with a Lee Sin jungle - He can give you all the blue buffs, and his kick synergises nicely with Anivia's wall and CC I would say... She also counterpicks certain enemy champions - Picking Anivia against an Akali or a Tryndamere is god pick, and one that no one seems to make.
i am kinda new to this forum,
but none of you play DOTA ? the warcraft mod ?
What do people think about the new patch?

Had a few games this morning and it feels like Surge is going to be a useful addition particularly for dps characters, not sure if I would use it for a mage. I also like that the boosts for the spells in the mastery pages are now grouped together as previously I had two nearly identical pages with the only difference being the spell boosts.
It adds a pretty good amount of ap too. I'd use it on mages for sure.
Yeah although it seems like ignite might still be more useful for those situations where most of your abilities are on cool down
Surge might be useful on hybrid champions, who benefit from both AP and AS. Like Kayle, Teemo, and Jax. Exhaust is still the better spell overall, though, unless the other team is stacking Cleanse.
And ignite seems better for getting kills in lane, since it gets people even after they've reached their tower.
The new patch made my life a lot easier. The new offense mastery tree is spectacular.

The flash nerf wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Surge is strictly dominated by Ignite and Exhaust.

I main Ashe with a side of Annie and Cho. NA server. Username is integralds.
Flash nerf is soooo bad... I want old flash back :( Tired of fail flashing...

On the other hand, I love the offensive mastery tree. Been getting back into Poppy, and boy do hybrids benefit from that tree. Oh the damage :D
I wouldn't say Ignite strictly dominates Surge. On certain champions Surge is way better in teamfights, and it scales much better into lategame than ignite does. 35%As + 78AP for 12 seconds should do way more than 410 true damage on a properly build Teemo, Kayle, Jax, etc.
Surge also cannot be cleansed, unlike exhaust.

It's still rubbish for laning compared to the other two summoner spells, though. But i could see surge smite Skarner working, if your top an bottom lane have an exhaust each.
totally ignored :\

I would have been more likely to reply if you had mentioned something about LOL.

My character is now level 30 so the next step now is to try and find a group of people to play regularly with. It would be nice if they added a standard voice chat to the game with the option to mute players as then random teams would hopefully be able to organise better.
I would have been more likely to reply if you had mentioned something about LOL.

My character is now level 30 so the next step now is to try and find a group of people to play regularly with. It would be nice if they added a standard voice chat to the game with the option to mute players as then random teams would hopefully be able to organise better.

You could play with me <3
I can play whenever.

I personally just use Skype to voice chat.
You could play with me <3

Yeah would be good to have a game. Hopefully I won't be too bad.

Tyo which server are you on as I couldn't seem to find you on EUW?

(It would be nice if the same account could be used on multiple servers as I've got a friend who plays on EUNE because he has friends from Denmark)
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