League of Legends

That wasn't clear the first time around. You seemed to be implying that Dota 2 was better than LoL in those categories. If that's case, mind substantiating your opinion in some way?
I could have worded it better.I meant dota2 is dota 1 on a different engine better UI and no engine constraints . The better UI was with respect to dota 1. With LOL UI I have no opinion both have their pro/cons it is for the player to decide

If you don't genuinely detest Riot including champ unlocks in their business model, it's not actually a problem.

Well I don't like their business model to be frank . They can make their game have a one time fixed cost and have extra monetization from cosmetics I won't mind. But starting a game where some players have extra advantages from paying money or playing for more time is something I don't like . Riot could learn from Valve's business practices in this aspect.

I think dota 2 would have as large as an audience once its fully released. Right now it playable and requires a beta key , but there is not much of a support for new players . After adding a tutorial system , mentor system , porting some more heroes from dota 1 (techies!) and making some adjustments to present match making system , upgrading their servers for more capacity , valve can release it.
Well I don't like their business model to be frank . They can make their game have a one time fixed cost and have extra monetization from cosmetics I won't mind. But starting a game where some players have extra advantages from paying money or playing for more time is something I don't like . Riot could learn from Valve's business practices in this aspect.
Paying money doesn't really give that much advantage. It's simply outclassed by playtime and experience. Buying a champion doesn't tell a person how to play the game. They can still be rolled. The champ rotations each week are fairly rounded as well (There's an issue with buying rune pages (over the free allotment of two), but if you're at the point where more than 2 sets of runes are making significant differences, you're already fairly experienced gamewise to compensate.)
Sivir and Ezreal can fulfill much the same role on a team. One is much less expensive. It's been suggested elsewhere that matchups (hero A counters hero B, and so on) in roles for teams make a larger difference in DotA, hence the need for a wider selection by default.

I think dota 2 would have as large as an audience once its fully released. Right now it playable and requires a beta key , but there is not much of a support for new players . After adding a tutorial system , mentor system , porting some more heroes from dota 1 (techies!) and making some adjustments to present match making system , upgrading their servers for more capacity , valve can release it.
It could be, but then again the higher learning curve tends to discourage people. LoL is generally more accessible than DotA. Complexity doesn't necessarily make a game better. Even so, both games are known about now, and informal stats seem to indicate in a certain direction.
LoL is plenty competitive, nobody other than a professional player needs all 106? champions unlocked, nobody but a professional player needs all the bagillion runes unlocked. With the first win of the day bonus it's more than easy with casual play to get too many options to play with a reasonable amount of free time anyhow. And if you have an unreasonable amount of free time, then you can unlock all the jazz for free anyhow. It is probably the best shining example of a Free to Play model out there.

That said, DoTA has its merits, but its just to assinine to hold my attention for more than about 10 minutes then I remember why I have zero interest in it.
It could be, but then again the higher learning curve tends to discourage people. LoL is generally more accessible than DotA. Complexity doesn't necessarily make a game better. Even so, both games are known about now, and informal stats seem to indicate in a certain direction.

Right now dota2 is not yet released to public. Beta keys are many but not everyone has friends with beta keys . The server capacity is limited too. But once it is fully accessible I expect dota 2 to have impressive figures. There is a substantial amount of players who play dota 1 in garena , b.net , rgc who would jump to dota 2 rather than lol as there is no learning curve involved as dota1 is almost identical . Lots of HON and some LOL players would jump if they would get a beta key .

LoL is plenty competitive, nobody other than a professional player needs all 106? champions unlocked, nobody but a professional player needs all the bagillion runes unlocked.

Actually its the opposite. Competitive level play in this moba genre involves only a tiny fraction of the available ~100 heroes . There is no need to unlock all the heroes. But the player who plays casually who plays for fun wants to play all heroes . I have certainly have played all dota 1 heroes atleast 10 times each.

Best way to play against a certain hero in the enemy lineup is to play him yourself. Let's say an overpowered hero is released this week . Some of the players who have bought the hero start owning with him against the other players who have no access to the hero and don't know to counter him. Best way to counter that hero would be play him yourself so you get an idea of what works against him and for him. But of course you have to buy that hero first .

Anyways this genre is gonna be interesting once blizzard releases their blizzdota .Though knowing blizzard it won't be free to play .
...I wake up, realize just what the hell I posted last night, and it's turned into a LoL vs. DotA debate.

Honestly, I should have expected this, huh?
Anyways this genre is gonna be interesting once blizzard releases their blizzdota .Though knowing blizzard it won't be free to play .

blizzdota won't get anywhere because dota 2 with valve has already established itself in gigantically-popular-but-all-pirated warcraft III/dota chinese crowd (G-League switched over, i.e. their massive televised league; dunno about ACE league) and it's plenty popular in US/Europe/Southeast Asia.

LoL already grabbed the slightly-more-casual players and got massively huge in Korea market (and is big globally, same idea in Europe/US). What is blizzdota going to bring in, a few super loyal blizzard fans? Even people who want the third option of virtually the same game played HoN.
LoL is plenty competitive, nobody other than a professional player needs all 106? champions unlocked, nobody but a professional player needs all the bagillion runes unlocked. With the first win of the day bonus it's more than easy with casual play to get too many options to play with a reasonable amount of free time anyhow. And if you have an unreasonable amount of free time, then you can unlock all the jazz for free anyhow. It is probably the best shining example of a Free to Play model out there.

That said, DoTA has its merits, but its just to assinine to hold my attention for more than about 10 minutes then I remember why I have zero interest in it.

I don't need to play games. I want to play games.

I don't need all of the champions to be immediately available when I download LoL for free. I want all of the champions to be immediately available when I downloard LoL for free.

Otherwise, I am essentially paying for the game, be it with RP or boosts or simple hard labor to acquire the champions/runes/levels necessary in order to remain on equal footing with everyone else.

In DotA, you download the game, you run it, and you start off on equal footing, along with everyone else. The determinant of victory is team composition (again, not hindered by a lack of hero selection) and skill level only.

IdiotsOpposite said:
...I wake up, realize just what the hell I posted last night, and it's turned into a LoL vs. DotA debate.

Honestly, I should have expected this, huh?
Yes, you should have.
I used to play it a lot, then quit, and now my colleagues are getting me back into it. They play on a different server, too, so i have to level up again. Fortunately my favourite champion is Tristana, who is pretty easy to get.
I dunno man, it's just pretty insanely easy to unlock for free an effective lineup of champions in any meta "role" you want to play. I don't even think you need to play an champion to understand how to play against said champion. Granted, it doesn't have to float everybody's boat, I can see how there being so much content available that real money transactions are required if you want to play anything you want at all from the get go could put people off, but hey - the game has to monetize somehow and at least they haven't actually locked power away behind the money wall(golden bullets anyone?). I also see how complexity for complexity's sake isn't everybody's cup of tea either, hence why DOTA falls flat for a lot of players.

IO - is there a specific part of LoL that you wanted to talk strategery about? I'm better at thinking about the game than I am at playing it, so I do find that enjoyable.
I have played neither game. I think I will try the "LoL" now for a bit. Maybe I will try Dota a bit then if I like LoL, since from what I am hearing here is that Dota is the better version of LoL
I played a lot of HoN a couple of years ago, but got sick of trying to keep up with all the new heroes being released. You really need to play these sorts of games with likeminded people, and use voice communication, otherwise you (and everyone else) just end up raging at each other.
I dislike all MOBAs... Don't find competetive PC gaming very interesting.
It does off putting after a little while. The best thing LoL ever did was to mute the opposing team by default in the chat settings.
At least with my experience, The 450, and 1350 champs fill all roles and don't take too long to unlock.
Just want to mention that my three favorite champions cost 1350 IP (Singed), 3150 IP (Swain), and 3150 IP (Olaf), respectively. These are all very good champions. Singed in particular has been considered one of the strongest late-game champions for years. 1350 IP is about 10 games.
All super-tanks are weak against Vayne and to a lower extent, Kog.

But Kog so squishy-squish tho~

And Vayne is a terror late-game, yes, but she's easy as all hell to shut down early if you know what you're doing. As a tank, you'll just have to trust your AD carry and support know what they're doing against a Vayne.
DOTA stands for drug of the Asian
No dont play it.
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