Leugi's Israel for VP

It's definitely something to do with the Shophet. It's giving you 6:c5faith:/:c5culture: from 3 dummy buildings, 1 for each shophet it finds in the game. At least that is how it is supposed to work.

Let me see if I can replicate it on my local version. I've been meaning to add a small optimization to this civ anyways

EDIT: I got the same error, but with only +2:c5faith:/:c5culture:, instead of 6. I changed the lua to use a for loop, rather than what it was doing before. It's more computationally intensive, but seems to work as intended.

I'll post an update soon. If you're impatient, copy/paste this into your VPCompatibility.lua
function ShofetCultureFaith(iPlayer)
    local pPlayer = Players[iPlayer]
    if pPlayer:GetCivilizationType() ~= eCivilizationIsrael then return end

    local uShophet = GameInfoTypes.UNIT_ISRAEL_SHOPHET
    local ShophetCount = 0
    for uUnit in pPlayer:Units() do
        if uUnit:GetUnitType() == uShophet then
            ShophetCount = (ShophetCount + 1)
    pPlayer:GetCapitalCity():SetNumRealBuilding(GameInfoTypes.BUILDING_SHOPHET_DUMMY, ShophetCount)
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There are some more errors besides YAgem:
[30144.182] no such table: Language_zh_CN
[30144.182] In Query - insert into Language_zh_CN('Tag', 'Text') values (?, ?);
[30144.182] In XMLSerializer while updating table Language_zh_CN from file Localization/IGE_ZH_CN.xml.
[30147.614] no such table: MinorCiv_YagemStartPosition
[30148.113] no such column: ArtDefineTag
[30148.394] no such column: ArtDefineTag
[30152.263] Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[30163.666] Passed Validation.
What mods are you using? Is this Israel?

There is no Localization/IGE_ZH_CN.xml file in the Israel mod.
I meant these 2 lines:
"no such column: ArtDefineTag"

IGE is Internal Game Editor mod.
I meant these 2 lines:
"no such column: ArtDefineTag"
well that's dumb; that tag only exists in the Solomon's Temple, and it's not out of place there.

Whatever, if it's a null value or removed it doesn't affect gameplay, it just shouldn't throw up an error. I've been meaning to update this anyways to remove the CapitalOnly value.
For Yagem you can do some check like I did in capture+++ or csl. It is more professional if tgere are no errors. Especially for me who do lots of checks fo other mod errors. Sometimes I spend dozens of minutes looking for source of errors.
v10 Update is live

Reduced global minority happiness needs reduction, in keeping with the new happiness system's needs calculations
Increased faith on barbarian camp clearing to 50:c5faith:
Thanks! I'm about to release a new version that changes a bunch of things :D

v11 Changelog
    Dummy buildings now use the IsDummy = 1 condition
    Hasmonean Guerilla and Shock I promotions now correctly applied to Maccabee in non-4UC version
    Changed UA name back to 'Chosen People' out of respect to Leugi and the Jewish people's reverence for the name of their God
    Fixed text on Solomon's Temple. Better grammar, more active voice, etc.

Balance Changes:
    Reduced faith on clearing barb camps to 40 (40 years in the desert)
    Removed Desert start bias (consistent with other VP civs which had non-essential start biases removed)
    Increased Tourism Themeing bonus on Solomon's Temple to 10 (consistent with VP +40% increase in bonuses in 01-15 patch)
    Removed 100 faith instant bonus on construction of Solomon's Temple
    Added 50 faith on adoption of policies to Solomon's Temple (more consistent with Leugi's original design for Israel civ)
    Removed Milhemet and Milhemet Mitzvah from Shofet. Milhemet Reshut (gain GPPs on unit kills within 2 tiles) is now a permanent bonus (less lua now too, yay!)
    Added new promotion to Shofet: Shofar
    Shofar - 30 damage to adjacent enemy cities every turn

    Yields from Shofets are applied using a faster code
    All GP tile code (Kibbutz and UA) now use 'WHERE MadeByGreatPerson = 1' statements to ensure compatibility with mods that add more GP tiles.
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Nice I was just about to start a game as Israel :D
Added 50 faith on adoption of policies to Solomon's Temple (more consistent with Leugi's original design for Israel civ)
I did this when I first downloaded it, great minds!

I was considering
"+2:c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture for all GP improvements and Great Works" => "+2:c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture in every City for each [ICON_RELIGION] Holy Site or [ICON_TOURISM] Landmark you own"
"+2:c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture for all GP improvements and Great Works" => "+2:c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture in every City for each [ICON_RELIGION] Holy Site or [ICON_TOURISM] Landmark you own"
That forces you to wait for your third GP, probably mid medieval, or the Industrial era to start using your UA. Ouch
I would draw the comparison with India. Both have a minor part of the UA that lets them get an early religion, but that's not actually a minor bonus at all. The freedom to pick the riskier pantheons and enable fast-forwarded strategies from picking +culture is a major draw for the civ. Also, in this case it may be optimal to plant the second GP, depending on the game.
India has 2 portions of their UA that help them found early and both of them are more reliable than faith on barb clearing.

You're talking about making the largest portion of the UA non-existent until 1/3 of the way through the game on a civ whose golden age was 950BC. People would hate that. I would hate that.

It also pushes Israel wide, which doesn't suit them, and overlaps with Hungry's FDR for VP
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Hello and thank you for adapting this Leugi's civ for VP, I love David uniqueness

As I only play Civ5 from time to time- VP and its UI modmods :bowdown:- , unfortunately I wouldn't be able to appreciate the Civ general balance especially on the hardest difficulties.

But nonetheless I had the chance to test Israel last early summer I think and I found the civ fun and but quite odd, a bit OP on the martial side but meh on the cultural one.
Now I feel his weakness in the field of science typically feels well balanced with his great UU and an Authority start combo plus the fact you can almost freely choose your pantheons to suit your needs (gold, science etc) while being able to found and reform except for very tricky games I guess or difficulty levels I'm too bad to play at.
Your missionaries/ great prophet production and power can go nuts with things like Hagia Sophia or Borobudur and Scholar Priests or Martyrdom combination among others.
And pray the Lord Iron and the good old early wars against Korean or Austrian scum, burn Shoshones :c5razing:

But I wanted to share with you a minor issue I encountered during my last game with VP 2.17 and Israel.

As a matter of fact if you go for "Theocratic Rule" with the event system on you feel screwed. More specifically if you look at Hokath's file called "TheocraticRule.xml" in "(7) Community Events (v 4)\XML\Hokath\ReligiousEvents" line 246 and 461 you can see that one of your early/mid religious "choices" offer you a +2 :c5culture: on every of your temple, always a nice boost to fight boredom when you go wide... and don't play Israel!
I guess there is not much you can do about this but I thought you should be aware of this.

I guess there is not much you can do about this but I thought you should be aware of this if it wasn't the case before.
Cheers and keep up the good work! :thanx:

PS : We apologize for the complete lack of focus and concision, those responsible have been sack


  • TheocraticRule.xml
    20.6 KB · Views: 64
Thanks for the writeup!

Yeah, there's a few events linked to temples that won't work, but most of them simply don't fire. Does theocratic rule actually fire even if you don't have a single temple on empire?
Thanks for the writeup!

Yeah, there's a few events linked to temples that won't work, but most of them simply don't fire. Does theocratic rule actually fire even if you don't have a single temple on empire?

To speak the truth I stopped this game because I had screwed up with a map pack setting it and it was getting very boring. But on the other hand I can tell you that Israel is powerful on Barbarian heavy, huge map! The bonus on the Grand Ossuary was there and I hadn't encounter any problem until that moment.
I Will try to load a save as I didn't update the MODS (still on VP2.17 and 4 UC 41) when I will be home, so maybe tonight :undecide:

Thank you
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