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Lords of the Rising Sun (Pre-NES)

Open Clans that Could be Interesting

Omura: Will be the largest traders with the Portuguese soon enough, and will allow tons of Christians into Kyushu and the daimyo, Sumitada, will most-likely become Christian himself. Nagasaki has the potential to thrive, and Yokose is already thriving. However, the Ryuzoji are nearby and are more powerful militarily. Nonetheless, the Omura would be an interesting clan to play.

Asakura: This clan begins with no real enemies except perhaps the Ikko Sect (which cannot launch any viable offenses). Because of their lack of allies right now, they would be fun to play. Any attack on Asakura will surely result in the aggressor losing prestige, if the Asakura maintain their stances. Or, the Asakura could get involved in a conflict, attempting to turn the tables.
So work is trying to get in the way, but I'm still dedicated to this NES. Unfortunately the added 'benefits' (read: responsibilities) of the job mean I've had to limit some of my internet activities until later in the evening, so please don't be offended if I don't get to a PM or whatever until late night or early morning. I've just got an awkward schedule at the moment. In related, and good, news, 45 days until I'm back at the University and probably on here all the time. Who knows?
Hm, What's the Amako clan like in a bit more detail? Claiming them.
I don't really recommend the Amako, but I won't stop you. Don't only look at koku. Here's the info so far.

Spoiler :
Amako Clan
Daimyo: Amako Haruhisa
Heir: Amako Yoshihisa
Family: No one notable.
Factions: Gassan-Toda Samurai (3/2), Amako Retainers (3/4)
Koku: 30,000
Military: Ashigaru spearmen, pikemen, and archers, a few skilled samurai, some horses
Prestige: 0
Growth: 2%
The Amako are based out of their castle at Gassan-Toda, where they have challenged Mori Motonari's eastward expansion. So far, this challenge has had mixed results. The Amako successfully defended Gassan-Toda when it was laid siege by the Mori almost twenty years ago. Since then, Mori Motonari's power and influence have grown significantly. Moreover, the Amako are in no position to attempt an offensive campaign against the Mori and have thus been shoved into a defensive posture, causing the clan's domestic and economic woes to worsen.
OK! Stats IV updated. Still no Army/Navy stats. Those are next. I will also probably create a stat for each clan called "Fortifications". Since we obviously can't possibly list or name the dozens of castles and forts each clan has, I thought that having a general fortifications stat would be useful (though major/important castles will still be on the map, just for reference).

A note on stats: While this NES does have stats, that isn't all we are dealing with. I am not going to be completely strict about historical accuracy, as I've said before. In fact, I encourage you all to change history. However, the game will obviously not be entirely stat-driven, which is why there are no overly-complicated numbers in this game. I would say descriptions matter more than stats, though stats are good to build off of as you advance. There were dozens of battles during this time period in which smaller armies defeated much larger ones, so of course orders will be a very important aspect of this.

Stats are still subject to change, by the way.

Clans with longer descriptions do not mean more important clans. They mean more complicated clans. :)

Ok, and here is the almost-finished MAP.

Spoiler :

Taking me forever. Sorry. It's been a while since I've used anything like gimp. I think this is almost done, though, if not pretty much completely done.

Here is the PROVINCE map, which includes some rivers and major mountains.

Spoiler :
Could you label nations, or put a color coded key in a corner?
What does faction confidence actually mean? Support for/confidence in the clan leader? Confidence in their ability rebel or go off on their own?
What does faction confidence actually mean? Support for/confidence in the clan leader? Confidence in their ability rebel or go off on their own?

I slid this on the first stats page, but maybe no one has seen it. Typically, the best factions are ( high strength / low confidence ). This indicates that the faction has clout and is important, but has "low confidence" in being on their own (so, I guess, high confidence in the daimyo). For example, retainers with 4/2 are common - this means the retainers have a lot of clout, and are content to be part of your daimyo, and not confident enough to rebel.

Higher confidence does not necessarily mean they will immediately rebel / go against your will. It means that those factions will need to be coddled more / appeased in order to prevent causing you trouble.
What does faction confidence actually mean? Support for/confidence in the clan leader? Confidence in their ability rebel or go off on their own?

When it comes to factions, a lower confidence level is good, as it means they have more confidence in your daimyo rather than in themselves to be independent or forceful. High strength and low confidence is the best in this regard.

It's in the rules...
Clans Still Open that would be Interesting

kkmo, I like your descriptive stats, but some of the things I'm reading about myself and my neighbors seems to be at odds from what's going in the stats. In particular, it seems like your stats are based to "future" events, especially the result at Okehezama, and are overly generous and favorable to Oda at the expense of Imagawa. I do not know if the problems noted in Imagawa's description about internal turmoil of their vassals is true, but I do know that the chronicles note that Yoshimoto was able to muster ten times Nobunaga's number when he marched into Owari province, and that there was talk amongst Oda's vassals and advisors of submission and surrender (all ignored by Oda of course, but the point remains).

I'm willing to play the hand I'm dealt, of course, but the histories I've read seem to indicate Imagawa at the beginning of 1560 to be brimming with confidence and at the high tide of its ambitions, especially after many victories over the Oda in just the past year (including taking Otaka and Terabe castles), resolving even to march on Kyoto when the time comes. Imagawa's description seems to indicate more a regime beset by doubt, and rotten at its core. Which is true?
kkmo, I like your descriptive stats, but some of the things I'm reading about myself and my neighbors seems to be at odds from what's going in the stats. In particular, it seems like your stats are based to "future" events, especially the result at Okehezama, and are overly generous and favorable to Oda at the expense of Imagawa. I do not know if the problems noted in Imagawa's description about internal turmoil of their vassals is true, but I do know that the chronicles note that Yoshimoto was able to muster ten times Nobunaga's number when he marched into Owari province, and that there was talk amongst Oda's vassals and advisors of submission and surrender (all ignored by Oda of course, but the point remains).

I'm willing to play the hand I'm dealt, of course, but the histories I've read seem to indicate Imagawa at the beginning of 1560 to be brimming with confidence and at the high tide of its ambitions, especially after many victories over the Oda in just the past year (including taking Otaka and Terabe castles), resolving even to march on Kyoto when the time comes. Imagawa's description seems to indicate more a regime beset by doubt, and rotten at its core. Which is true?

All are good points and questions, Kraznaya. I hope I can answer them suitably.

In the face of the Imagawa threat, Oda's vassals did indeed see submission and surrender as an option. However, that does not mean that they would not have gone with Oda until the end or even died for him. Oda's vassals centered in Owari Province were remarkably loyal. A few here and there faltered, of course, but none of these defections were major or serious enough to seriously bruise the Oda. Perhaps the most serious loss to the Oda before our game begins is Saito Dosan. That seriously complicated things for the Oda family, and surely at the start of this game, the Oda are in a precarious situation. If I remember correctly, the Oda had obtained a couple vassals in Mino province, and those definitely abandoned Nobunaga as the Saito reclaimed the entire province.

The Oda's stats reflect this. Their domain is small, but they have extremely loyal retainers in Owari, and a capable military (though I haven't posted Army stats, and you will see how tiny their army will be from the start - I am going to more or less give them the historical, fateful number).

Onto the Imagawa. The Imagawa are definitely at a turning point, and have a large domain and a formidable military. Indeed, the Imagawa family itself is brimming with confidence, hence their attempted march onto Kyoto. The Imagawa's flaw at this time was perhaps over-confidence, but we both know that. Many Imagawa retainers thought that, as well. Yoshimoto faced scandal after scandal since he had become daimyo, which is a huge reason why he gave political power to his son - and also because he wanted to focus on expanding Imagawa's domain. This was two years ago from our start date, if I remember correctly, and the exchanging of political power to the son has left some retainers uneasy. In addition, the scandals Yoshimoto was involved in have weakened the morale of retainers (nothing too insane, but he apparently was rather "absent" from domestic affairs, and there were even reports sometimes of Imagawa vassals having their rice farms raided by Imagawa troops). The main point here is that these "scandals" caused retainers to question whether the Imagawa were capable of acquiring and utilizing political power in Kyoto in the first place.

I hope you don't see what I wrote as saying the Imagawa are evil or anything. I actually explicitly tried to avoid that, and have a more realistic approach, but one that reflects all the different goings-on. I think they are seen as villains in popular fiction, but really they were not. I never understood that - Nobunaga is just as much a villain as Yoshimoto, in many different ways (especially when he traps entire buildings full of monks and burns them). Anyway. Even Yoshimoto had decent intentions when he wanted to and came from an interesting background. But still, there were things going at this time that were plaguing the inner workings of that clan. It was easy for the Imagawa military to muster, many believe, because the Imagawa military was a bit supreme. It is said many of their commanders were corrupt. None of these are serious enough to inhibit you, as the Imagawa player, from changing history. The chances in our game of the Oda winning an immediate victory are just as low as they were in real life at the time. Also, your 4/4 retainers, while a bit severe, is nothing to hold you back. You, Kraznaya, can change history with your actions.

Which descriptions/stats of your neighbors were troubling to you? I can examine.
Thanks for the elucidation, kkmo. I will try to be mindful of these obstacles in ways even Yoshimoto himself was not. :)

Re: the stats, I was just talking about Oda and myself. I thought I saw an error in the Saito stats, but then I noticed that the conflict between the leper kinslayer lord and Oda was mentioned.
To andis-1: That is a good choice!

To Kraznaya: Any time and I look forward to it. My inspiration for starting this NES was a sincere interest to see different outcomes to what really happened. Okehazama was such a dramatic military blunder, it'd be hard not to avoid it with our foresight. :)
Suit yourself, but the Asakura are surely more powerful at this time.
Nice map!

Also, you (and Kraznaya) seem to know quite a lot about the details of the Sengoku-jidai. Where do you find all this stuff? Admittedly, I haven't looked too hard myself, but I haven't found anything yet that deals with this period in that much detail. What books would you recommend?
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