In my opinion, an independent city spawn in Hanoi in 257bc is enough. Maybe Guangzhou and Hanoi can combine as the same independent leader, to represent the Nanyue State, for historical.Was just playing Vietnam earlier and it seems China gets conquerors against Vietnam around the time that Vietnam falls under the Nanyue state historically. So I think the possibility that Vietnam falls under Chinese rule is reflected. There were a few periods of temporary independence for Vietnam after 179BC and 938AD so I think it adequately reflects the difficulty China had maintaining control over that far-flung region. I think the problem with shifting the start date so dramatically is that you would probably have to revise all of the UHVs.
In history, North Vietnam belonged to China from 111BC(Han Dynasty) to 928AD. The history of Nanyue State is very short, only 92 years.
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