[MODMOD] Legacy of Erebus: Nuova Alba

I'd rather be able to just type in a number or adjust a slider or click much like how you add population, but I suppose I could settle for adding one dummy unit that increases the AC when added and another that decreased it, both just before deleting themselves. Being able to set the plot counter in scenario files is more important though, and would not have that kind of workaround.

You can control TerrainImpassibles, TerrainPassibleTechs, FeatureImpassibles, and FeaturePassibleTechs in FF though promotions already? I did not realize that.

I'd also really like it if promotions has the the UnitClassTargets, UnitCombatTargets, UnitClassDefenders, and UnitCombatDefenders too instead of just units. (FfH does not use these standard BtS tags yet and I don't think FF does either, but I've found them useful in letting Luonnatar target disciples and Aurelaes target shadows and assassins.) Among other things, that would allow Marksmen to switch out between a series of promotions (similar to the Crew promotions) in order to give the player greater control of whom he attacks rather than always going for the weakest unit. A similar PromotionTargets and PromotionDefenders tag could also be quite useful. Maybe also a ReligionTargets?
3) would be easy to do. Clone the FeatureImpassable, renamed UseFeatureToMoveIntoTerrain or anything else. You'd have to tweak CvUnit::canMoveInto() to make it work after that.

I'm not sure about the WB thing, though. Never tweaked it.
As I said in the Ngomele thread, Kha & Nga Eye-Eater will probably be the content of the first patch. Next I'll work on complying ElohimGuardians to LENA.

Here's a small thing I've done, explaining the upcoming versioning I will use:
Spoiler :
If a leftier number increase, the ones at its right are brought back to 0. If a number right to the decipoint goes above 9, it increases its left neighbor by 1, basically resetting itself in the process. Each time the leftiest number increases, the download will be a complete one, requiring reinstallation. Others will be patches only requiring their respective X.00 base.

This all might sound uninteresting but having a fairly rigid pattern of versioning might help in many ways, like keeping track of what has been changed.

So, as far as I've planned, I have:

1.00: upcoming release, mostly Ngomele update;
1.10: Kha & Nga Eye-Eater;
1.20: ElohimGuardians;
1.30 (or aside download): Music pack;
2.00: WildWildWorld option;
3.00: Re Ki in.

Of course, you can be sure that the bug offset will raise from 0 at some point and that version 2 and 3 will have delayed content too. Nothing ever goes as planned anyway :lol:


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I may borrow that for FA xD Much better than my alphabetical FFH-related releases, such as Version Agares xD

and, Music pack? =D Yey!
how to make them not hover in the small preview picture

Yeah, the Scorpions do hover a bit. This is because for some reason the scorpion moves below the level it is standing on a few of the animations. In particular, in the death anims, the scorpion ends up quite a bit lower than it starts. This meant I had to raise the model up a bit otherwise it was disappearing below the ground when killed which didn't look as good. I think the NIF can be altered to fix it so that appear at the same height in game, but slightly lower in the pedia. If I do an updated version I'll look into it.
What version of Orbis did you install over?
Yes, LENA isn't compatible with last Orbis version yet. I'm working on it, sorry for the delay! :(
There are probably other errors you can't notice... It's just that LENA changes enough files now that it can load at all. xD

You won't get any of the new AI work, for example.

of course, I'm sure there are (forexample, if the Ngomele are in game, it's slightly unstable) but nothing gamebreaking. it's perfectly playable.
Hey, Opera, in which upcoming version are you planning to add the leaders from the create-a-leader contest? Just ... y'know ... curious. ;)
Huhu, I don't know yet. Maybe this one, maybe next one. It all depends of the time I'd need to put them in :) But I didn't forget ;)


Now that's the carrot. The next time, it's the stick.
I could misinterpret that.
You have a point
Notice: I just began working on the Shur spells, now that the design doc is ready. It's not for today yet but at least I'm progressing ;)
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