I don't get the happiness black box.
Like, really don't. The mod is unplayable. I say that slogging through many revisions to happiness over the years.


by 2.3 for -1

. Total deficit is ~5." Alright, I'll start working this 10 food tile then. One of the best reasons to pick sun god right, no distress?
Nope, that's not going to work. What is going on here? The laborer from the last pic was +1 hammer, so even if the method is yield per citizen (which is still absolute garbage in this scenario that these massive food yields are still causing distress) I'm adding 9


, 9/4 citizens is 2.25, so 2.3 - 2.25 is .64 according to this math. I'm going to reiterate that there is literally nothing better I could be working for distress than an improved mine, two flood plain wheat (one supercharged by sun god pantheon), and a NW with food, yet still I'm distressed. Not just IRL. This was a great city to be settled but it maxed out on unhappiness nearly immediately. Where is the strategy? Where is the logic? Where is the FUN? How can I play 4X without the expansion?
With that other wheat improved, we finally have the only way to avoid distress in the current mod state. It's simple really, you only need to work 37


(38 assuming the granary isn't counted), or with the current pop of 5, just 5 7+ yield farms. Totally doable with fertilizer and terrace farm triangles in the ancient era!
Don't forget, you're not allowed to grow either or you just get knocked down a few points. What did you think the game was just going to let you improve your empire for free?
My only explanation for what's going is is somehow (and I have no idea why no one else has picked up on this yet especially with the people playing 43 civ games) needs compared to cities aren't scaled to map size, so in a standard game where there would be 7 other capitals my city needs to compare with, now there are 11, basically the global average is stronger. Or AI are just getting free, hidden tile yields on Immortal+. Again, black box and all that.
I'm sorry for being so ornery but I love this project and I hate to see how happiness changes seem to take one step forward, two back over the years. Right now it seems every city but your capital just maxes out unhappiness per citizen (and maybe a few more if it feels like it). Which is basically the same as vanilla without the unhappiness from settling.