pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Abbasid

pre-release info
Ideally Iran will have an Achaemenid - Sassanid - Safavid path by the end of development but for now Persia - Abbasid - ? will do fine.
I agree. :) I am eagerly awaiting the verdict of the community when the game has come out and the community can evaluate from hard fact and not thought experiments!
Ideally Iran will have an Achaemenid - Sassanid - Safavid path by the end of development but for now Persia - Abbasid - ? will do fine.
Mughals most likely for right now.
Persian dynasty from 224 to 651. Considering them as the Explorian Age civilization will depend on the point of view...
It looks like Antiquity Persia may already contain some Sassanid elements, but they're the best option for an Exploration Persian civ IMO--mostly Persia was ruled by foreigners throughout the period.

I think they make more sense as an Antiquity civ. My preferred Persian path would be Sassanids -> Safavids -> Qajars, with Achaemenids, Seleucids, Parthians, Seljuqs and Ilkhanids as bonus options in future DLC
We already know Antiquity Persia will be chiefly Achaemenid, and Safavids fit better in Modern--plus, the Qajars were largely a failure as a dynasty. (I wouldn't consider the Seleucids, Seljuqs, or Ilkhanate as Persian, though obviously they'd be regional options for Persian civs. I'm fine with treating all the Hellenistic kingdoms as "Greece" TBH, though I think the Seleucids have a better argument to be treated as unique than the Ptolemies.)
Given the heavy Persian cultural and political influence on the Caliphate, I think Abbasid as an Exploration successor to Persia makes a lot of sense.
Yes. The Persian language and tradition even influenced to Ottoman empire.
Cleopatra leading Greece!
You know it's completely possible in the Civ7 :D (if we have the leader Cleopatra in the game)
Huh, Xerxes temporarily appeared on Leaders page of Civ 7.
Huh, Xerxes temporarily appeared on Leaders page of Civ 7.
Did he? That would be a pleasant surprise; I've given up hope of having a Persian leader in Civ7 at launch.
Persian dynasty from 224 to 651. Considering them as the Explorian Age civilization will depend on the point of view...
They were contemporaries with the Byzantines, and assuming they will eventually be Exploration, it fits.
We have the Khmer in Antiquity, so the timelines aren't strict. If Antiquity Persia does not have Sassanid elements it could work as a progression from the Achaemenids.
It looks like Antiquity Persia may already contain some Sassanid elements, but they're the best option for an Exploration Persian civ IMO--mostly Persia was ruled by foreigners throughout the period.

We already know Antiquity Persia will be chiefly Achaemenid, and Safavids fit better in Modern--plus, the Qajars were largely a failure as a dynasty. (I wouldn't consider the Seleucids, Seljuqs, or Ilkhanate as Persian, though obviously they'd be regional options for Persian civs. I'm fine with treating all the Hellenistic kingdoms as "Greece" TBH, though I think the Seleucids have a better argument to be treated as unique than the Ptolemies.)
Qajars built a lot of beautiful stuff though, and I like building beautiful stuff in civ 🙂
Qajars built a lot of beautiful stuff though, and I like building beautiful stuff in civ 🙂
Sure, but there's no reason we couldn't have a mix of Qajar architecture in a Safavid civ. ;) (Safavids built some pretty things, too, though.)
You know it's completely possible in the Civ7 :D (if we have the leader Cleopatra in the game)

It would be a blast if leader files would be compatible enough to easily MOD Civ6 leaders into Civ7 and vice-versa…

… or I’m providing FXS a recipe for a cheap DLC that would allow them to milk Leadermongers money 🤑

… or both!
Any screenshot maybe? I hope it would be true!
Unfortunately, I wanted to open the page, because the video thumbnails usually have the leader's civ's Wonder, so I found it funny we would see the Persian Wonder before the page for Persia would be up, but it sent me to 404. So I refreshed the page wondering If it's not up or cache related and he disappeared. He had something I would describe as helmet of sorts, is all I can describe :D
They were no less Persian than the Safavids (with the exception of the Seleucids, who were more Greek than Persian)
I'd consider them more Turkic than Persia. Most historians agree that the Safavids were the first native Persian dynasty since the Sassanids.
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