pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Siam

pre-release info


Jul 30, 2024
Sid Meier's Civilization VII - Siam City.png
New Civ Game Guide: Siam
Our next modern-age civilization boldly enters center stage — give it up for Siam! Siam slowly took in and adapted colonial governance, incorporating parts of Laos, Lanna, and Malaya. It walked a delicate line between adopting Western norms and maintaining its own Buddhist traditions and developing into the Thailand of today.


Unique Ability:
Grants a Diplomatic Action to immediately become Suzerain of a City-State at a higher Diplomacy Cost than Befriending Independents.

Unique Improvement:
Unique Quarter. Increased Happiness on Urban Districts in this City.

Unique Civilian Unit:
Unique Great Person Unit. Can only be built once you are Suzerain of at least one City-State, and the specific Uparat received is random. Each Uparat can only be received once. Cost increases per Uparat built.

Unique Military Unit:
Chang Beun:
Unique Ranged Unit. Has increased Movement and Combat Strength. Can move after attacking.

Associated Wonder:
Doi Suthep:
Influence Base. Increased Culture and Gold for each City-State of which you are Suzerain. Must be built on a Rough tile.

Starting Biases:

Check out the full game guide for more info & civic trees:
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FYI the link is currently broken. :)
Do they get a unique quarter without any buildings to create it?

Link is working now for me.
That leaves Buganda and Mughal to unveil as well. Himiko and Japan will definitely be revealed together, and sure hope it's this week!
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Love this civ! Influence monster... now if only we knew how to unlock it after a Tecumseh/Shawnee exploration age :think:
The start biases that includes resources makes me think that "having three ivory" would unlock Siam. IE all resources start bias civs can be unlocked by controlling three copies of that resource.

But that is just an guess.
Chang beu is the unique elephant Gatling gun right?
It should be, considering I think the Mughals were confirmed to have a Sepoy. Though I guess they could always have a second military UU considering that can be a thing now.
Pretty sure befriending is the process leading up to becoming the suzerain
I think so too : befriending them so they don’t act like barbarians anymore. And then upgrading to suzerain

So independent powers evolve essentially from a barb camp to city state to a suzerain city state

Beautiful screenshot btw - love this image. And definitely a civ I would love to play
Curious what the Bang improvement actually is - can't spot what it would be in the screenshot (although I did notice an odd-looking river in it lol) or find a translation for the word.
Curious what the Bang improvement actually is - can't spot what it would be in the screenshot (although I did notice an odd-looking river in it lol) or find a translation for the word.
The pic is fairly old, it also has a glitched out Rail Station where the main building appears as a regular building adjacent to the tile with the rails. Probably best to not overinterpret any oddities in there.
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