New Civs [Suggestion/Request]

Arabia represents everything Arabic east of Suez. India and Mughals already can respawn just like any other civ.

If Arabia collapses after 800BC then Babylonia should respawn as the Abbasid Caliphate.
India can't respawn if Mughals are alive.
If Arabia collapses after 800BC then Babylonia should respawn as the Abbasid Caliphate.
India can't respawn if Mughals are alive.

Arabia will ALWAYS collapse after 800 BC. I would be surprised if they did manage to collapse before that date. ;)

I think you mean 800 AD. And to be more specific, BEFORE 800 AD instead of after. Otherwise the Abbasids would exist at very unhistorical dates.
But that's not likely to happen, as Arabia spawns not many turns before that. That means that Arabia will have to collapse within 13 turns to make room for the Abbasids. It's not hard to see that such thing will never happen.

(BTW, 750 AD would be a more appropriate date for the Abbasids to spawns)
India can't respawn if Mughals are alive.
They could in previous versions for a while in an attempt to represent the Maratha state, that didn't go too well.

And yeah, Arabia collapsing after 800 AD is almost impossible. Well, human player can destroy them before this date, but in this case Abbasids suddenly appearing after the Arab conquests failed would be quite illogical and railroading.

I agree, however, that Moors should respawn and represent the whole Maghreb.

ok, I have never been a particular booster of my homeland in terms of inclusion in this mod but now that Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Columbia are in I've changed my mind. leaving aside such issues as how many slots are left, performance and Leoreth's inclination to do the work, this is my pitch:

Reading Leoreth's reply made me laugh. You do make some very good points, especially considering that the south American civs are now in the game.
It would be the latest spawning civ though. 1867. What would their UHV be? Try to obtain complete separation from England by 1980? Exterminate the French by 2020?
They'd do better as a non playable, semi-minor civilization. A special type of civilization that you can talk to and trade with, but they cannot declare war or act in the International Congress.
Even then, that's only IF England loses Canada. Canada does best as a part of Great Britain; I only wish they colonized and defended better.
It wouldn't have to be playable. But if it was, UHVs could be something about building a railroad quickly, technology, culture, or great people.
After reading srpt's argument for Canada, I actually agree it should be a civilization :o

He should work on getting that modmodmod done
Canada needs to be in the modmod! Only that, come to think it... Would that mean that even Australia has a shot at becoming a Civ? :lol:
Canada, Australia and South Africa may be simulated as parts of the "Commonwealth of nations" :mischief:
Decolonization ---> Commonwealths
Seems like a good progression to the fall of empires
I'd love to see a Canada in the game. The only thing I don't like is that America would have to steal Alberta from from them, which would be a bit odd. That could be fixed if other civs actually agreed to trade for oil.

On the other hand if Canada was in the game you would probably have to vasselize them ala Mexico.
No, not really. The Mexican vassalization goal is only in so that their inclusion didn't make it easier for you because they were represented by Spanish colonies before.
The ancient world needs to be fleshed out more. Even though this isn't a new civ technically, I really think we should add city-states a bit before Greek Spawn and City States in Germany starting from a bit after the Romans spawn.

The Greek City States could be a nice little addition.

And early on the independent cities in Germany would simulate the tribes of Germania. A bit later on, they would represent the HRE states before they united.

Even though Leo has shot down this idea already, I think the Celts should be a playable civ. I don't know much about their history, I think the play experience would be very unique and fun (burn Roman and British cities), and maybe it has a chance if someone makes a really good argument on why it should be in. I personally think that that would help flesh out the Mediterranean more. The ugly question would be the location of the capital.
The ancient world needs to be fleshed out more. Even though this isn't a new civ technically, I really think we should add city-states a bit before Greek Spawn and City States in Germany starting from a bit after the Romans spawn.

The Greek City States could be a nice little addition.

And early on the independent cities in Germany would simulate the tribes of Germania. A bit later on, they would represent the HRE states before they united.

I think that could easily be represented by having Indie cities spawning across Greece and the Balkans. Likewise for Germany. Best part would be that it is accurate (up to some pint of course) and would be fun.
You can play as the Celts in the Civilizations in Abundance mod. It's fun but it sure looks strange having a huge empire stretching across Europe before Rome even gets started.

I'd like to see them added, but maybe in a limited capacity. For example: can't build roads, limited culture spread. Goals like build x amount of duns/pagan temples and raise Rome would be fun.

Even though Leo has shot down this idea already, I think the Celts should be a playable civ. I don't know much about their history, I think the play experience would be very unique and fun (burn Roman and British cities), and maybe it has a chance if someone makes a really good argument on why it should be in. I personally think that that would help flesh out the Mediterranean more. The ugly question would be the location of the capital.

Make them run cities-states.

I think we could add all the civs from the RFC civilization in abudance, but every abadunt civ should appear only if human player choses to play with it.
Make them run cities-states.

I think we could add all the civs from the RFC civilization in abudance, but every abadunt civ should appear only if human player choses to play with it.

Both Native America and the Zulus are adequately depicted as native units, which I think are the only base civs we are missing.
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