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New NESes, ideas, development, etc

Cool. Of course, you need to make it clear that final decisions of canonity (for conflicting magic fluff, for example) is up to you or a set of trusted judges. Or even PMed to you first, then posted after approval.

Just off the top of your head, will magic be more based off of Ki/Spirit/Soul/Emotions, Physical/Toughness/Personal Energy (with smarts to utilize it), or Nature/Forces/Altering/Drawing Energy, or will that be determined as we post fluff, or will it be a mix of all of them? (probably won't be concrete anyways. Magic is Magic. :p)
Cool. Of course, you need to make it clear that final decisions of canonity (for conflicting magic fluff, for example) is up to you or a set of trusted judges. Or even PMed to you first, then posted after approval.

That is the idea. I will be the final judge on what comes and goes, based on the popular support of the players. I may or may not assign judge roles to help me in this.

Just off the top of your head, will magic be more based off of Ki/Spirit/Soul/Emotions, Physical/Toughness/Personal Energy (with smarts to utilize it), or Nature/Forces/Altering/Drawing Energy, or will that be determined as we post fluff, or will it be a mix of all of them? (probably won't be concrete anyways. Magic is Magic. )

That isn't up to me.
I'd advise you do the judging to yourself- it's your NES to moderate, so you're best suited to decide what stays and what goes.
I'd advise you do the judging to yourself- it's your NES to moderate, so you're best suited to decide what stays and what goes.

I agree, but prior to final submission I would not be opposed to letting other players do some judging. Team work is key to getting something that is consistent.
After speaking with NK about a NES project I've had on the backburner for a while now, I've decided to go ahead with it. The NES itself will be a player-collaboration in fantasy world building. That means everything, including the map, magic system, creatures, etc.

It would be broken down into two main phases: World Building and Play. The first phase would again be broken down into the creation of the world/worlds/realms/dimensions (or whatever the players decide on), the establishment of creatures and a magic system with rules (that being a system of magic that isn't just 'lulz I'm Time Lords', but a system with understood mechanics so all players know what they are getting into in the play phase of the NES. This also establishes a magic system to build the world around and, in combination with the world itself, can be used as a means to explain the why of fantastical elements of the setting.), and lastly the history of the world with civilizations and all that jazzy jazz.

I think the idea has potential to create a wonderful fantasy storyNES that the entire community can experience. Thoughts?
Sounds cool. Would be fun
I kind of want to start my own story-based NES, possibly with different character archetypes and tropes from tvtropes to help guide characters and provide a bit more structure. An example: "Hey, Radio, I'd like to join this NES, and I'd like to be a(n) [insert archetype] so could you throw a couple events my way to help develop that". Then again, story NESes can vary pretty wildly in participation, so I'm not entirely sure, especially as the school year approaches for many.
Still ruminating on ideas for it, Lucky, but I'm in (insofar as I can be in any NES these days). :D
a magic system with rules (that being a system of magic that isn't just 'lulz I'm Time Lords', but a system with understood mechanics so all players know what they are getting into in the play phase of the NES. This also establishes a magic system to build the world around and, in combination with the world itself, can be used as a means to explain the why of fantastical elements of the setting.)
Selling out to the simulationists?
Selling out to the simulationists?

How does that make sense? A magic system with rules does not mean "+3 to attack". A magic system with rules means the manner in which the magic system functions, the how and why. Instead of just "do whatever magic" you have magic that has known limitations, sources and origins. It is a very common thing in fantasy writing.
Hello, all. Recently, or really off and on for the past few months, I have thought of trying my hand at GMing a NES. I have bounced around perhaps half a dozen ideas, but recently one has stuck, and I more or less have a clumsy ruleset that just needs refining and balancing. The concept is simple, taking Reapolitik (an interactive AAR style) and adjusting it to run on a world administered by a GM instead of running on a game like civ. An example of the most successful Realpolitik game to date can be found here:


It was immensely successful as an 'Interactive AAR' more so I may argue than a great many forum games, IOTs, and NESes have been among themselves. What a Realpolitik is in terms of a game is that players become politicians, and run a single country. In this case, it will probably be the United States in a modern day setting, or near enough to modern day. The politicians will form parties, and parties can form coalitions to get elected. Traditionally, once elected, the president has all the power and say on running the nation, but that was for simplicity and because of the need for centralized orders for the game is was based on, Civ. But with this, power would also be in the Senate and the House in Congress, etc.

I have hit a couple of snags and decisions however, and I have decided to post here for advice. The first snag is that I don't have a map, and am incapable of making one (and I don't know how to edit one of your fancy NES style maps either), although that may be solved from what I skimmed at of the above discussion, which apparently is about creating maps and how to of it. But if anybody has a suitable modern day world map that I could use for this, that would be wonderful.

The other is a decision. I have considered double hosting this game. What that means for me and for this, is that maybe the NESers will play the senate, and I will open another thread either on Paradox or in the IOT forum and people in that forum can sign up and play as members of the house of representatives, the other congressional chamber. Or I can just centralize it here. Which way do you think will work best, or more importantly, be more interesting?

I also want to know what you think of letting players, instead of being politicians, take over the role of one of the leading generals or admirals of the military with their character, and interact with the game that way. After all, the military can wield its own political power in a way.

One other thing. Traditionally in RPs (that is, Realpolitiks) players would have 2 votes to vote for a party of their choice, and in some RPs an NPC popular vote will also be called based upon the speeches of the candidates in the thread. Would you prefer something like that, with a little tweaking to make it suitable for this game, or would you prefer each election gets decided by NPC voters in its entirety?

Thank you for your help!
I was actually just thinking about running something like this. Only it'd be set in the last days of the Roman Republic and the whole point would be to abuse your power and seize total control of the country or something.

I think it would be interesting even if you ran it with your idea in mind. I think it might be better if we did it the traditional Realpolitik way, that way, elections and laws and things are decided by the senators as opposed to an RNG.
How does that make sense? A magic system with rules does not mean "+3 to attack". A magic system with rules means the manner in which the magic system functions, the how and why. Instead of just "do whatever magic" you have magic that has known limitations, sources and origins. It is a very common thing in fantasy writing.
Known limitations, sources, and origins get in the way of telling a story, quisling. Next you'll be forcing the players to use NUMBERS and STATS. :rolleyes:
I kind of want to start my own story-based NES, possibly with different character archetypes and tropes from tvtropes to help guide characters and provide a bit more structure. An example: "Hey, Radio, I'd like to join this NES, and I'd like to be a(n) [insert archetype] so could you throw a couple events my way to help develop that". Then again, story NESes can vary pretty wildly in participation, so I'm not entirely sure, especially as the school year approaches for many.
What's the point of using naked archetypes for your character? It's more fun to try to create something unique. I know it's almost always possible to pigeonhole someone into a TVTropes classification, but what's the reasoning behind starting off from there?

Known limitations, sources, and origins get in the way of telling a story, quisling. Next you'll be forcing the players to use NUMBERS and STATS. :rolleyes:
Slippery slope fallacy Dachs, you should know better than that. ;)
Known limitations, sources, and origins get in the way of telling a story, quisling. Next you'll be forcing the players to use NUMBERS and STATS. :rolleyes:

Known limitations, sources and origins aid the story, not inhibit it. A lack of definition is the leading cause of chaos in storyNESes. But hey, what would I know? It isn't like I participate in them or anything like that. :p
After speaking with NK about a NES project I've had on the backburner for a while now, I've decided to go ahead with it. The NES itself will be a player-collaboration in fantasy world building. That means everything, including the map, magic system, creatures, etc.

It would be broken down into two main phases: World Building and Play. The first phase would again be broken down into the creation of the world/worlds/realms/dimensions (or whatever the players decide on), the establishment of creatures and a magic system with rules (that being a system of magic that isn't just 'lulz I'm Time Lords', but a system with understood mechanics so all players know what they are getting into in the play phase of the NES. This also establishes a magic system to build the world around and, in combination with the world itself, can be used as a means to explain the why of fantastical elements of the setting.), and lastly the history of the world with civilizations and all that jazzy jazz.

I think the idea has potential to create a wonderful fantasy storyNES that the entire community can experience. Thoughts?

I'd play, but one question: how would the NES go about actually setting up the magic system etc. in the first place?
I'd play, but one question: how would the NES go about actually setting up the magic system etc. in the first place?

Player collaboration. Those who join would work together to determine first the basics of the magic system, followed then by details. The end result being an understood system of magic that can easily be used in the story setting without confusion.
@ moose : by magic system, could you probably set up some guidelines regarding magic styles ? since u have already mentioned the unavailability of time magic, guess there wouldn't be no necromancy either ?

i think some "schools of magic" type of thing might be good .viz healing, nature etc.
We would have to trust Luckymoose to be fair, and contributors to not be crazy.

EDIT @ bonefang- probably, but I guess the details will be made as we post. Like I said, there are many things we can "borrow" off and many ways we can make it unique. Is it a special language or just codified dances of any language? Is it powered by souls, physical ability, or natural veins? Does it require study or does it manifest in blood or in certain areas? Or all of the above?

If we can maintain this thing, I say go ahead. I have some ideas bouncing around, and although I don't have that much time, I can help and I will certainly enjoy the final product.
@ moose : by magic system, could you probably set up some guidelines regarding magic styles ? since u have already mentioned the unavailability of time magic, guess there wouldn't be no necromancy either ?

i think some "schools of magic" type of thing might be good .viz healing, nature etc.

I didn't exclude time magic. I excluded the idea of just making yourself uber, as Crezth put it. The magic system doesn't have to be generic, either. Schools of magic is a very generic approach. But it isn't up to me what the final product is, just the players as a whole.
me likes the idea of magic coming off as natural talents among certain families .
hate me for this,.. but Naruto style would make it pretty much balanced.

there could also be NPC merchants/tribes who could provide access to newer types of magic .

just my 2 cents.
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