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New NESes, ideas, development, etc

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What's the point of using naked archetypes for your character? It's more fun to try to create something unique. I know it's almost always possible to pigeonhole someone into a TVTropes classification, but what's the reasoning behind starting off from there?

Now that I think of it, and I'm not tired and looking at TVTropes, it doesn't sound like such a good idea anymore. However, I do have a rough draft of the NES, so give me some feedback, or something.

Radio NES: And all the Gods Fell Down
Please stop referring to the art of modding as GMing.

Anyway, I've been considering creating a new NES. I had decided though that I wouldn't attempt to mod one until after I had acquired my old username again. Now that this debacle is finally over, and my flirtation with a full time career in music (resulting in nonstop practicing) has basically run it's course, I have two ideas for a NES.

1) France and Britain intervene in the American Civil War on behalf of the Confederacy. The war is a devastating loss for the United States. When Prussia invades Austria in 1866, a bolder French Empire intervenes on behalf of Austria, resulting in a four year long war that becomes the first real total war in Europe. In the aftermath of the war, Austria is the main loser, forced to disavow all influence in the German minors for only token reparations. France recognizes all German minors except Luxembourg in the Prussian sphere of influence, and in return, Prussia recognizes French sovereignty over Belgium and Luxembourg. Britain is upset about France annexing Belgium, but they allow it to happen to counter the rise of Germany. A key componet of this NES will be the lack of revanchism in Germany or France. The NES starts in 1871.

2) The German Empire manages to break the blockade of their land by the Royal Navy, but only just. As a result, American imports to Germany keep flowing, and since the British Empire does not seek to aggravate the United States and face their powerful navy, they do nothing to stop it. As a result, Germany manages to defeat the French, and take from France colonies and reparations (the specifics not decided), leaving the British to fight alone. Not seeking to continue alone, as it would destroy the British economy, Britain disavows all influence in Europe east of France, maintaining her Empire (as Germany still cannot challenge Britain outside of the North Sea, and is indeed at risk of still becoming blockaded). In the aftermath of the war, France undergoes a communist revolution, Benito Mussolini rises to power in Italy, the Austro-Hungarian empire collapses, and the Kaiser's influence wanes. We begin the NES in 1936.

Which of these two scenarios sounds more interesting?
Please stop referring to the art of modding as GMing.

Anyway, I've been considering creating a new NES. I had decided though that I wouldn't attempt to mod one until after I had acquired my old username again. Now that this debacle is finally over, and my flirtation with a full time career in music (resulting in nonstop practicing) has basically run it's course, I have two ideas for a NES.

1) France and Britain intervene in the American Civil War on behalf of the Confederacy. The war is a devastating loss for the United States. When Prussia invades Austria in 1866, a bolder French Empire intervenes on behalf of Austria, resulting in a four year long war that becomes the first real total war in Europe. In the aftermath of the war, Austria is the main loser, forced to disavow all influence in the German minors for only token reparations. France recognizes all German minors except Luxembourg in the Prussian sphere of influence, and in return, Prussia recognizes French sovereignty over Belgium and Luxembourg. Britain is upset about France annexing Belgium, but they allow it to happen to counter the rise of Germany. A key componet of this NES will be the lack of revanchism in Germany or France. The NES starts in 1871.

2) The German Empire manages to break the blockade of their land by the Royal Navy, but only just. As a result, American imports to Germany keep flowing, and since the British Empire does not seek to aggravate the United States and face their powerful navy, they do nothing to stop it. As a result, Germany manages to defeat the French, and take from France colonies and reparations (the specifics not decided), leaving the British to fight alone. Not seeking to continue alone, as it would destroy the British economy, Britain disavows all influence in Europe east of France, maintaining her Empire (as Germany still cannot challenge Britain outside of the North Sea, and is indeed at risk of still becoming blockaded). In the aftermath of the war, France undergoes a communist revolution, Benito Mussolini rises to power in Italy, the Austro-Hungarian empire collapses, and the Kaiser's influence wanes. We begin the NES in 1936.

Which of these two scenarios sounds more interesting?
2 sounds like it would have more interesting nations... and more nations altogether...
Please stop referring to the art of modding as GMing.

Anyway, I've been considering creating a new NES. I had decided though that I wouldn't attempt to mod one until after I had acquired my old username again. Now that this debacle is finally over, and my flirtation with a full time career in music (resulting in nonstop practicing) has basically run it's course, I have two ideas for a NES.

1) France and Britain intervene in the American Civil War on behalf of the Confederacy. The war is a devastating loss for the United States. When Prussia invades Austria in 1866, a bolder French Empire intervenes on behalf of Austria, resulting in a four year long war that becomes the first real total war in Europe. In the aftermath of the war, Austria is the main loser, forced to disavow all influence in the German minors for only token reparations. France recognizes all German minors except Luxembourg in the Prussian sphere of influence, and in return, Prussia recognizes French sovereignty over Belgium and Luxembourg. Britain is upset about France annexing Belgium, but they allow it to happen to counter the rise of Germany. A key componet of this NES will be the lack of revanchism in Germany or France. The NES starts in 1871.

2) The German Empire manages to break the blockade of their land by the Royal Navy, but only just. As a result, American imports to Germany keep flowing, and since the British Empire does not seek to aggravate the United States and face their powerful navy, they do nothing to stop it. As a result, Germany manages to defeat the French, and take from France colonies and reparations (the specifics not decided), leaving the British to fight alone. Not seeking to continue alone, as it would destroy the British economy, Britain disavows all influence in Europe east of France, maintaining her Empire (as Germany still cannot challenge Britain outside of the North Sea, and is indeed at risk of still becoming blockaded). In the aftermath of the war, France undergoes a communist revolution, Benito Mussolini rises to power in Italy, the Austro-Hungarian empire collapses, and the Kaiser's influence wanes. We begin the NES in 1936.

Which of these two scenarios sounds more interesting?

Do the first one...or I'll be very disappointed with you.
Please stop referring to the art of modding as GMing.

Anyway, I've been considering creating a new NES. I had decided though that I wouldn't attempt to mod one until after I had acquired my old username again. Now that this debacle is finally over, and my flirtation with a full time career in music (resulting in nonstop practicing) has basically run it's course, I have two ideas for a NES.

1) France and Britain intervene in the American Civil War on behalf of the Confederacy. The war is a devastating loss for the United States. When Prussia invades Austria in 1866, a bolder French Empire intervenes on behalf of Austria, resulting in a four year long war that becomes the first real total war in Europe. In the aftermath of the war, Austria is the main loser, forced to disavow all influence in the German minors for only token reparations. France recognizes all German minors except Luxembourg in the Prussian sphere of influence, and in return, Prussia recognizes French sovereignty over Belgium and Luxembourg. Britain is upset about France annexing Belgium, but they allow it to happen to counter the rise of Germany. A key componet of this NES will be the lack of revanchism in Germany or France. The NES starts in 1871.

2) The German Empire manages to break the blockade of their land by the Royal Navy, but only just. As a result, American imports to Germany keep flowing, and since the British Empire does not seek to aggravate the United States and face their powerful navy, they do nothing to stop it. As a result, Germany manages to defeat the French, and take from France colonies and reparations (the specifics not decided), leaving the British to fight alone. Not seeking to continue alone, as it would destroy the British economy, Britain disavows all influence in Europe east of France, maintaining her Empire (as Germany still cannot challenge Britain outside of the North Sea, and is indeed at risk of still becoming blockaded). In the aftermath of the war, France undergoes a communist revolution, Benito Mussolini rises to power in Italy, the Austro-Hungarian empire collapses, and the Kaiser's influence wanes. We begin the NES in 1936.

Which of these two scenarios sounds more interesting?
Both sound great, in my opinion.
Well, I've decided to move forward with the 1871 idea. I'll see where it goes. You can use this map to reference what some of the world will look like. Europe is completely done, and the America's are mostly done. The only major change that might happen will be possibly giving the CSA Southern California.
The first one sounds somewhat plausible, the second one, does not.
The first one is actually worse than the second. An Anglo-French intervention in the American Civil War was very unlikely, and even if it were to occur, I believe that it would have been unsuccessful. The relationship between such a thing and French foreign policy in Europe is virtually impossible to fathom, but it's not totally unreasonable that Napoleon would be "emboldened" by it; what is unreasonable is the fruit of that boldness, namely an actual war in favor of Austria (not in the cards). And if such a war were to occur, it would probably not be a long, drawn-out conflict like that.

The second scenario starts from a reasonable premise, that the High Seas Fleet could have hurt the Grand Fleet badly enough to force it to abandon the blockade. This was eminently possible, and it happened in my Eurasian War alternate history timeline. It is not reasonable to assume that Germany would suddenly be the beneficiary of copious amounts of American goods. But the ultimate result, a German victory in the First World War, is highly plausible and could have happened in several different ways. The other stuff - Mussolini coming to power in Italy, Communist France because reasons, and the death of Austria-Hungary - is not really plausible (and, furthermore, sounds like a Kaiserreich retread, and KR sucks), but the basic idea is somewhat sound.
So, I'm curious: Has there ever been a NES set in Westeros, and would anyone like to GM one?

Funnily enough, I recently purchased the Song Of Ice And Fire Role Playing Game. And I think, with a bit of hacking, the House Creation rules could serve as an interesting NES. Hell, there is even a small bit on how to play the Game Of Thrones, with everyone taking their own minor house. And, with even more work (like more Wealth Investments), it could be transplanted to other settings or even genres.

As a matter of fact, I've already had a few ideas for A Tale Of Void And Plasma. Great Houses battle out for the wealth of the 10 Systems/Planets (not sure yet of the scale), while on the edge of civilisation, the Watch stand stalwart against the Things chittering in the great beyond - though they have been silent for hundreds of years. So long, in fact, the Emperor has declared the Watch must explore other stars, so their wealth can be plundered. Which would not be so bad, if the Houses did not insist on sending their own people blundering into places they do not understand, just so they have an edge in the game of spheres.
GamezRule, you already know how I feel about both scenarios. Continuing to register my support for an alt-WW1, though not as you have proposed to me.
Not entirely sure if anybody ssaw this, since Gamez kind of stole any meager thunder I had, but here's the NES I'm working on, so could I get some feedback?
@Dachs: Without the blockade, the idea is that American trade with Germany is not hindered in the North Sea, and the British do not hinder American shipping through the English Channel going into the North Sea because they do not seek to aggravate the United States, which could eventually force the USA to join on the other side. From the German side, the lack of the blockade means that Germany is relevantly stronger. I'm still saying that Germany takes Paris in 1916 or sooner. France eventually undergoing a communist revolution happens because France has a nationalist revanchist government, and the second defeat at the hands of Germany empowers the French left. Perhaps the setbacks in the North Sea lead to Clemenceau gaining power sooner. Austria-Hungary collapsing and Italy going fascist are not really necessary, but likely to have happened in my opinion. In this timeline, Italy either remains neutral or still joins the Entente.

Regarding the Austro-Prussia war, I'll take that into consideration. Napoleon was such a wild card that really it's nearly impossible to predict what he would do.
@Dachs: Without the blockade, the idea is that American trade with Germany is not hindered in the North Sea, and the British do not hinder American shipping through the English Channel going into the North Sea because they do not seek to aggravate the United States, which could eventually force the USA to join on the other side. From the German side, the lack of the blockade means that Germany is relevantly stronger. I'm still saying that Germany takes Paris in 1916 or sooner. France eventually undergoing a communist revolution happens because France has a nationalist revanchist government, and the second defeat at the hands of Germany empowers the French left. Perhaps the setbacks in the North Sea lead to Clemenceau gaining power sooner. Austria-Hungary collapsing and Italy going fascist are not really necessary, but likely to have happened in my opinion. In this timeline, Italy either remains neutral or still joins the Entente.

Regarding the Austro-Prussia war, I'll take that into consideration. Napoleon was such a wild card that really it's nearly impossible to predict what he would do.
Why would continuation of trade between Germany and the US cause a sudden joining of the US to Germany's side? US traded with both sides I presume...
It wouldn't, but without submarine warfare by the German Empire, the United States would be increasingly set in it's isolationism, unless the British were to attempt to hinder American shipping to Germany in other ways. If the British Empire were to antagonize US shipping (which it won't) then the sentiment in the United States would go more against the British Empire then the German Empire.
It wouldn't, but without submarine warfare by the German Empire, the United States would be increasingly set in it's isolationism, unless the British were to attempt to hinder American shipping to Germany in other ways. If the British Empire were to antagonize US shipping (which it won't) then the sentiment in the United States would go more against the British Empire then the German Empire.
But they didn't. Why did USA trade with everyone anyway somehow causes Germany to become super powerful and beat everyone? I can understand the British eventually giving up on the war and signing some sort of white peace... but why does that make Germany all powerful with extra colonies? Didn't the British occupy all their colonies early in the war anyway?
The first one is actually worse than the second. An Anglo-French intervention in the American Civil War was very unlikely, and even if it were to occur, I believe that it would have been unsuccessful. The relationship between such a thing and French foreign policy in Europe is virtually impossible to fathom, but it's not totally unreasonable that Napoleon would be "emboldened" by it; what is unreasonable is the fruit of that boldness, namely an actual war in favor of Austria (not in the cards). And if such a war were to occur, it would probably not be a long, drawn-out conflict like that.

An intervention would most likely not be successful, what would be important is the Union logistical situation goes belly up whilst the Confederacy is massively improved. Without the ability to buy saltpeter from the global market, or any other of the vast number of foreign goods the Union needed, their ability to continue campaigning is limited.
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