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New Revolution: An Imperium Offtopicum Game


Spoiler :

Supreme Leader Robert Menzies is proud to announce the formation of the Fourth Communist International, abbreviated as Comintern IV. The founding members are the Democratic People's Republic of Australia and the South American People Republic. All Communist and Socialist States are welcome to join and invitations have been sent to the Spanish Republic and the Collective Union of Socialist Societies to join us to help defeat the Bourgeois and further the revolution!

Note that aggression against member states of the Fourth Communist International will be responded to by full force of other members of Comintern IV. You have been warned Imperialist Capitalist Despots!

The social group is located here.

Three notes:

"ComIntern" was only the name of the Third International. So any future International going by that name would be the Second ComIntern.

Secondly, the Fourth International was already founded in 1938, before the PoD. Although going by the above, it is theoretically possible if there was a Fifth and Sixth International in the intervening sixteen years of Great Mystery. Then you would be the Seventh International.

Thirdly (and most importantly), commie scum.
Three notes:

"ComIntern" was only the name of the Third International. So any future Internationals going by that name would be the Second ComIntern.

Secondly, the Fourth International was already founded in 1938, before the PoD.
By Trotsky. Hence the:
Trotskyists, Trotskyists everywhere.
Orders lock in: [TIMER=4/11/2013 5:00 PM EST; Night Phase Over][/TIMER]
Siege of Leningrad

Soldiers of the Russian Liberation Army defending Leningrad.

The sound of artillery fire rumbled as the Soviet advance stalled.

"That was the fourth assault this week!" yelled Captain Markov. "They'll suffocate us under the weight of conscripts if this continues!"

It was a dark time. Though the Soviet government was still in shambles, one of the various factions had begun to lay siege against Leningrad, the only major base that the Russian Liberation Army controlled. Already the siege had dragged on for several months, and it appeared that the Soviets were beginning to become impatient. Parts of the city had fallen already, and the Red Army continued to throw men at the defenses.

Soviet troops celebrating the capture of a small outpost outside the city proper

Command of the city's defenses was originally the responsibility of Major-General Yuryev, a high-ranking and well liked officer in the Russian Liberation Army. However, he had been killed in action during a small skirmish that came before one of the Soviet assaults several days ago.

Now, command had fallen to a defector from the Soviet government. His name was Vladimir Spiridonovich, and he was a former member of the NKVD. He claimed to have defected during the Second Phase of the Revolution when he had a vision of God himself commanding him to leave the Soviets and make common cause with the RLA.

Those under his command were leery of him; a former NKVD man was not to be trusted easily. Vladimir was ambitious; he knew he needed the trust of his men in order to accomplish his goals. Reports had been coming in that a detachment of the RLA was coming in to lift the siege, and Vladimir needed to do something in the time that remained.

When his son died of illness during the siege, he capitalized on that, even through his grief. He made sure to show his men that he too would fight to defend the city, even if its defense had cost him his own flesh and blood.

Vladimir lead the defense personally, fighting in the lines alongside his men. Though he made every precaution to ensure that he was safe, he still made sure to portray himself as a leader fighting alongside his followers.

Once he knew that relief was coming, he personally lead a counter-attack upon the Soviet emplacements; though casualties were terrible, they pushed back just hard enough to link up with the other detachment, allowing Vladimir to claim that he alone had broke the siege around the city. With loyal soldiers and the prestige of holding onto Leningrad, he was able to raise his own flag above Leningrad. To sever the city's Soviet connections, he decided that the city must be renamed; when put to a (likely rigged) vote, it was decided that the city would be named after the hero of the siege; Vladimirgrad.

This is the Collective Broadcasting Service, here with the four o’clock afternoon news.

Results are in for the second round of voting and Nsia Jaja has won the election, becoming a permanent premier for the next 5 years. Upon being declared premier in the Hall of the People between the Senate and Collective Council, Nsia Jaja declared his first policy would be a declaration of support to the Our People's Government of Spain in its dealing in the Rif, requesting that the French government should respect the Spanish right to be united. This followed by a promise to seek a meeting with Rodolfo Llopis to talk about the possibility of an alliance.

Final talks have been settled between the primal political parties. The Social Liberation Leauge has agreed to forge a coalition between themselves, the Collective Community Congress, the League for Democratic Socialism and the Party Against Colonisation. This has meant their total is 55 seats in the Collective Council and 37 seats in the Senate. Talk are underway still to get the United Party of Marxism into the party but disagreements on economic policy and on the speed of industrial reforms have meant that the UPM will vote with the coalition on a policy by policy basis, although agreement was set on foreign policy in most areas. The added 12 council seats and 13 senate seats has given the coalition 67 council seats and 50 senate seats on many issue. However the UPM has stated it will side with main opposition coalition made up of the Abrahamic Democratic Alliance, Christian Unionist Party, Islamic Socialist Party and Malian National Congress on many issues. The Malian National Congress is to be in link with the Party of Nations, which has packed with both the Federalist Liberal Party and the African Anarchist Alliance, although the FLP and AAA are not close in the alliance.

In relative news…
The Khanate thinks all of this writing is silly. We all know it's happening, why do country leaders write about it? Do they have no private newspaper industry or bureaucracy?
Even though the Reformed Kingdom of Prussia is Protestant our leader has remained Catholic and voices his opinion that the true Pope will always be in Rome and supports Pope Pius XII

While Christianity is a heretical and blaasphamous religion in Japan, Pius XII is the pope.

By electing their own pope, the people of France have declared they are no longer Roman Catholic, as according to records, Because the last time this occurred, only the College of Cardinals, which is appointed by the pope, may decide who the Pope is. as the College has not elected in the antipope as the pope, this antipope in France has no legitimacy unless a schism between France and Roman Catholicism occurs, and it's worthless if the people of France do not support the schism.

We take this stance merely because we find this blatant ignoring of the rules and traditions developed by the Roman Catholic Church by France insulting.

I'm sure the Pope-in-Rome is buoyed by the support of Protestants and those on the other side of the world who consider him a heretic.

We are Orthodox, so we support neither of the two Popes.

We take the side of our brothers in Greece; this is not our affair.
This is the latest map with new players added. New claims have not been added. Japan and Prussia had one too many claims. As did the Pirates.

Spoiler :
Spain - The 4 Republics

The Spanish Republic as it is commonly known is not as simple as first meets the eye. It is mostly comprised of De Jure and De Facto Republics. The Central Government that is usually dealt with it known as Our People's Republican Government however underlying this catch all is The Spanish People's Republic, The Andalusia-Valencia Autonomous Community and the Es Castell treaty.

Our People's Republican Government

Our People's Republican Government it the Government in exile of the Second Spanish Republic. It it the cover all of the Spanish Republics and maintains its De Jure claim to the entirety of the territory held by the Second Spanish Republic. The current Prime Minister and head of State is Rodolfo Llopis. Llopis is leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party and has maintained power in the Republic in Exile since 1947. The position of President was terminated in 1949 until a time when all of Spain was once again under Republican control.

The Es Castell Treaty

The Es Castell treaty established the Spanish Republic as having borders equal to those of territory held by the Spanish Republican forces. This makes it the governing body under the Republican Government for all De Facto controlled territories in the Republic. Unlike any of the other republics it has De Facto control over all the territories in its borders, this is because its borders are defined as the area of De Facto Republican control.

The Andalusia-Valencia Autonomous Community

The Autonomous community was a new republic set up in 1955 to increase unity in the face of economic troubles and the increased french military presence. It has economic de facto control over all of the Republican controlled territory within its borders however its western territories are only under de jure control of the republic and it exercises little influence over them. The Autonomous Community has its own Prime Minister and President separate to that of the Republic in exile. However despite this the Republican Government has the right to exercise complete control over lands in the community.

The Spanish People's Republic

Whereas the Es Castell treaty is a zone of de jure military control the Spanish People's Republic is the area under the Republican Government operation out of es Castell, although its de facto power contains all land of the Es Castell treaty its de jure territory is limited to less. It operates under the Republican Government but contains the Autonomous Communities. It is the one Republic that is the most nation-like of the 4. The Es Castell treaty is a military zone, the Republican Government is a government in exile and the Autonomous Community is a substate. The Spanish People's Republic represent the actual nation behind the Es Castell treaty and the base of operations for the Republican forces operating under the Government in exile.
Spoiler Comparison of De Jure and De Facto influence of the SPR in Spain Proper :
Following the request of the Spanish government, invasion plans for Rif are scrapped. Arlesian claims are thus modified according to the map below. We hope that this act of goodwill will foster greater relations with the Spanish People's Republic.
Trotskyists, Trotskyists everywhere.

But not a Trot to drink.

Also Mech this is my althistory so I can do anything I want. :p
Assuming it doesn't contradict any history pre-September 15th, 1939.


Can we just say that records were lost of the Fourth International due to the fact that it was formed one year before the PoD?

Can we just say that records were lost of the Fourth International due to the fact that it was formed one year before the PoD?

Oh, the records exist. History is rigid up until 1939.
Okay then...this is a REFORMATION of the Fourth Communist International! Yes, that works.
but the 4th International was Trotskyist. If you were Stalinist-y commie you could scrap it altogether and say it was not valid or something.
but the 4th International was Trotskyist. If you were Stalinist-y commie you could scrap it altogether and say it was not valid or something.

That's even better. We're doing that. Australia isn't even recognising the Fourth International, so that's why we've named this one the Fourth.
Even though the Reformed Kingdom of Prussia is Protestant our leader has remained Catholic and voices his opinion that the true Pope will always be in Rome and supports Pope Pius XII

While Christianity is a heretical and blaasphamous religion in Japan, Pius XII is the pope.

By electing their own pope, the people of France have declared they are no longer Roman Catholic, as according to records, Because the last time this occurred, only the College of Cardinals, which is appointed by the pope, may decide who the Pope is. as the College has not elected in the antipope as the pope, this antipope in France has no legitimacy unless a schism between France and Roman Catholicism occurs, and it's worthless if the people of France do not support the schism.

We take this stance merely because we find this blatant ignoring of the rules and traditions developed by the Roman Catholic Church by France insulting.
Hear, hear the heathens speak!

The egregious misinformation about the Catholic church sown by heretics and heathens is disturbing. Even more disturbing is the acceptance of this misled bantering by the apostate in Rome.

Pius XII is an ardent pagan in collusion with the new republic in Rome. He is as Christian as Virgil and Cicero, as Vespasian and Pontius Pilate. His papacy is a fraud dictated by the secular leadership in Rome. For that reason, many cardinals of stauncher faith fled to Avignon, a historical papal seat, and elected their own pope, Celestine VI.
Republican League​

The Republic of Rome is proud to announce the creation of the Republican League. All nations that wish to further the cause of Democracy, Freedom, and Representation. are allowed to join.
Orders are due in 24 hours. Whoever gets in their orders in the next 12 hours, plus the people who already got in orders, get a bonus.
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