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New Revolution: An Imperium Offtopicum Game

Unless I completely read the rules wrong I get 25 EP I would like to spend this on 4 armies and 1 factory and if I can use armies the same turn they are built then this is what im doing
Spoiler :

If I cant use armies the same turn im doing this.
Spoiler :

(and could you please use the color I have in this the Dark Grey I just think it's easier to see.)
You read the rules right. You have 25 EP.

Secondly, you must have 1 Factory per military unit (armies, wings, fleets). You start with 5 military units so, for every new unit built, you must build an additional factory UNLESS you're building a Conscript Army (3 EP, half strength of army).

Thirdly, units can't be the turn they're built.
Democratic socialists! The C.U.S.S cannot stand as tyrany plauges the world! Together we must forge a allaince! Capitalisms, dictatorships... they must be challanged!

Come to Freetown and sign the Freetown Pact! France and Spain have been invited to join! Foes of the people: we got our eye on you!
United Kingdom
31 EP

25 EP on 5 Factories
5 EP on 1 Army
Bank 1 EP

The British Army pushes into Wales while supported by planes from the RAF!
Okay then I would like three factories and two Armies.
And same plans as before with the three armies.
You read the rules right. You have 25 EP.

Secondly, you must have 1 Factory per military unit (armies, wings, fleets). You start with 5 military units so, for every new unit built, you must build an additional factory UNLESS you're building a Conscript Army (3 EP, half strength of army).

Thirdly, units can't be the turn they're built.

Sone, you got my orders in the RPing i did earlier, right?
Announcement from President Anderson

Arizona would like to announce it's neutrality in the Papal schism. We are a secular state which believes that Catholics should be free to make personal decisions as to which Pope they support.
We're a secular state too. We gobble up church land like Skittles. We've got a few random clergymen hanging around in state prison. But that doesn't stop us from hosting His Holiness in our land. Schismatic, schshismatic.
"I demands a report on preparations for the Reunification."

"Your Holiness, we have moved the 1st Army and 2nd Army into position already to strike. The 1st and 2nd Fleet have been on station since the last report, and Our wings are training their hearts out in preparation. They want to know when we start. They are ready."

"We have began construction of the Factories in Kyoto, Tokyo, and Osaka. We have finished rebuilding downtown Hiroshima from what we now determine to have been a nuclear detonation. It appears the scientists were right. Nuclear weapons are possible. We have also to find a salvageable factory in Hiroshima and have begun rebuilding."

"We have made progress on nuclear weaponry. In order to achieve a detonation, we must first of all use either uranium or plutonium. We determine we could make a quarter kiloton weapon right now, but it would bankrupt the government for decades. We need more funding to achieve anything."

"You will receive the remaining budget to determine what must be done."

"Yes, your holiness."

"Meeting Adjourned."
this post, Sone.

2 armies to each red province
25 EP into 5 factories

ignore the maroon province
“I assume you weren’t able to convince him.”

General Peter Williams dropped into the chair across from him and sighed despondently. “No, I was not. I tried explaining to him that giving Harper and Lange too much leeway was inviting disaster, but he is insistent that they still have only the Empire’s best interests in mind. For such a brilliant man, he can be so damned naïve at times.”

“Our Dear Emperor puts a lot of faith into the spirit of camaraderie. A bit too much, if you ask me.” General Thomas Steward replied. “You also have to face the fact that what Harper and Lange did WAS to the Empire’s benefit. Both Cleveland and Columbus were major bases for raiders. The League has been begging Joseph to take them out, but he’s refused to budge on it until Missouri’s has been secured. What Harper and Lange have done is take care of a major problem, letting him focus on what he wants to get accomplished.”

“That still doesn’t change the fact that the both of them are damned power mongers. Heck, you served with Harper before the Revolution, you know what he’s like. Give him an inch, he’ll take a mile. Ohio won’t be the end of it. He’ll go straight on through Pittsburg until he reaches the Atlantic. Then where will we be, hm?”

“Now you’re just being paranoid. You know for a fact the minute he gets near the border, Joseph will insist on appointing a new Governor-General for the front. And if he forgets, then the rest of the Council will be more then glad to remind him. And that, my friend, is exactly how we will get the leg up on Harper.”

Williams shot his comrade an inquisitive look. “What exactly have you been planning, and should I be worried?’

“You have no need to worry. This won’t involve any knives in the dark or other nefarious deeds. All I am proposing is that we work to install General Isaac Monroe as the new governor-general, when the post becomes available.”

“Wait, you want to put forth Pulaski’s replacement? What for? He’s only been on the Council for two months. He has absolutely no experience in these matters.”

“Ah, you see, that’s the idea. Unlike some we may know, Monroe is solely devoted to the Empire. He almost passed up the promotion because it involved too much politics. He’s most at home in the thick of things, fighting with the men. He’ll be a neutral player; just what we need.”

“Alright, fine, I’ll admit it; Monroe does sound like the best option. But there is still one big flaw in your plan; the Emperor always weighs the advice of those generals who operate in the area over anyone else. Since Harper has been in the east the longest, whoever he picks will most likely get the nomination.”

“Wrong again. There is one person who Joseph will listen to above all others.”

Williams snorted incredulously. “If you are thinking what I believe you are, then you truly are a fool. Yes, Emperor Joseph does value Cornell’s judgment before anyone else’s. But there is no way you’ll be able to convince Cornell to support us. He’s always been too cautious.”

“He may be cautious, but he’s no fool. From what I’ve heard, this offensive in Ohio has him worried. He’s always been suspicious of those two, especially Lange. He will be much more willing to listen to our proposition. And you know that once he’s convinced, Guillory, Beckert, and Jensen will follow.”

“Alright, I’ll go along with this. I’m still doubtful we’ll get anywhere with Cornell.”

Steward smiled. “Don’t worry. I’m sure everything will work out fine.”
Dear France,
Spoiler :
Hear, hear the heathens speak!

The egregious misinformation about the Catholic church sown by heretics and heathens is disturbing. Even more disturbing is the acceptance of this misled bantering by the apostate in Rome.

Pius XII is an ardent pagan in collusion with the new republic in Rome. He is as Christian as Virgil and Cicero, as Vespasian and Pontius Pilate. His papacy is a fraud dictated by the secular leadership in Rome. For that reason, many cardinals of stauncher faith fled to Avignon, a historical papal seat, and elected their own pope, Celestine VI.
Heretics Heathens you must watch your step you filthy Franks you are sparking war between one of the greatest countries ever, Prussia! How dare you insult the true religion!
Dear France,
We are willing to forgive your insult for the time being as of the fact that you are in the Republican Pact but I would recommend thinking before you speak of us as heretics and heathens again.
From threat

Dear France,
Heretics Heathens you must watch your step you filthy Franks you are sparking war between one of the greatest countries ever, Prussia! How dare you insult the true religion!

to forgiveness

Dear France,
We are willing to forgive your insult for the time being as of the fact that you are in the Republican Pact but I would recommend thinking before you speak of us as heretics and heathens again.

in ~8 minutes.
announcement from archbishop of United Church of Merciful Lord Jesus:
My words were mis-interpreted. While we see so-called pope Pius as a heretic, we equally strong see Celestine as a heretic too. The only church with legit apostolic succession is United Church of Merciful Lord Jesus.
Yet, we see this schism in the Roman church as a chance for some of bishops to repent. So, we urge all good-will cardinals and bishops to join our church and recognize Jesus not only as a saviour of our souls, but also as a reformer of out society. We should all follow him and his apostles.
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