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New SG - Monarch, Standard Settings, Continents, Large Map

Another argument for keeping Carib is that it gives us a port on the west side of our continent.

I can't open the game here at work but....
Isn't Pharalos a port on that side of the continent?
Or are you thinking that Carib would be a better production town that would allow us to produce Ships on that side of the continent?
A few comments and a plan…


We can still afford to expand a bit and as has been pointed out we have damaged Pericles but not yet irrevocably.

Bearing in mind My Sig I will press on and take a few more cities with two Stacks 1 east 1 west. This will damage our economy a bit but make finishing off Pericles after a temporary peace much easier.


Now Banking is nice and we do want see if the GM from Economics is still available (for a classic Rifleman Upgrade Cash Bomb).

Personally I will either trade Gandhi for it or

wait and extort it from Pericles (probably the former)

which means we can start on the Rifling line as we do want to get there at some point to make taking our Hammy a cake walk…

Views on this as some people may disagree with giving Gandhi a leg up through the trade?


I think we should bite the bullet and go free Religion

as we will be sticking there. Unfortunately our captured cities are so food poor by and large that whipping in infra isn’t an option so we should stay with caste as it lets us assign much needed Artists where we have a culture war

Culture Wars

Now we do have some and assigning Artist is a good move but Rhodes doesn’t have one so what is it doing building a Theatre and stagnating with an artist??? :smoke:


We are definitely short of them so we need to use them wisely..

So why the Road??

Also with Replaceable parts down the track windmills in such a food poor site aren’t a bad option.


Why plains farms where we could build Grass ones which simultaneously irrigate some corn. These rivers might well suit a watermill.

Keeping cities

With Astronomy and the Great Lighthouse to be captured soon we should keep any coastal city as it will pay for itself in short order... I don't see anything of Pericles that I would Raze.

Comments and :smoke: detection welcome.

With Banking coming soon, I"m inclined to keep all Greek cities we capture. They can all support themselves and by the time we're battling Hammy, they'll be contributing beakers to our research and hammers to our war effort.
What two cities are you planning on taking?

I can see taking Carib, but there are no other greek cities to the east that are jumping out as prime targets to me...

Also I don't have a major issue trading paper to Gandhi and maybe even Liz. (Not sure if she has anything we want) They seem like the two we are setting up as are prime allies, so a little help out would not be out of the question.
The road south of iron town is weak yah but I tend to road any mine I plunk down regardless as we will be coming back sooner rather than later. Blitzing the mine first sure but I still haven;t gotten used to stacking worker commands. Also when odd random knights pop out of the forest, alternative transportation routes never hurt anyone. A Min Max :smoke: sure but well not pungent enough to call out imo hahah. Worker being in the area is as good as worker actually building crap and more roads in an area devoid of roads is a good trend when pillagers are running about.

BTW! Liq also squandered a worker building a road south from knossos. GASP! Don;t think he's quite done yet.:lol: so feel free to circle his lazy butt as well.:lol:

As for Rhodes, it just came out of revolt and needed to pop its bfc. Those tiles, to the north especially just had 100% Greek culture not a few turns ago. I mean yeah can turn off the artist now that it's got it's bfc, A liq's focus was a wee bit north of there :lol: plus liq gets a Ralph round to straighten things out so no worries :D

And yeah the irrigation chain is easier through the town, kill liq for that one :lol:

So the workers need to be organized and more created. We also need to get our lands within cultural boundaries to even work them. Best part is that mills and rails aren;t too terribly far away. God Liq hates large maps.


Our economy is spec based such that yeah we have a room for a few more towns. East and west works, west at least.

Trade wise, Gandhi just researched banking and wouldn't trade it with us until we were solidly researching it. Meh with trading paper with him for it but then there's more to trade than just that deal so consider trading it holistically rather than particularly. My gut feeling is eff gadhi tho. :lol:

As for free religion, only sane path I can see. You have all 7 religions on that other continent and no real common basis. Think that's why the Civs over there haven't been lovey dovy.

The religions we will get now that we have trade going means we get stuck with whatever floats on over and cannot be planned. Free religion is the sane choice can convert to it when taj builds to save the anarchy.

And well Liq always intended to beeline rifling when he picked guilds. Hammy needs some love and the sooner the better. Wasn't just about money ;)

With the other continent so fragmented and this one not even putting up a fight, this game is just mop up. Large maps are so droll.

So most things went to plan.

We started out eating the Anarchy pain of the Free religion switch but10% extra research is never to be sneezed at!!

There was no sensible deal available from Gandhi for Banking so we decide to self research it. Now although Willem isn’t on our best buddy trading list we did this wine trade with him as it was the only happiness trade available and we needed it in certain cities.

And with the GG that had just popped we finally get our first Super Medic, who is destined for the Eastern front.

A small bit of MM tipping. When you have such heavy multipliers in somewhere like Rome an Engineer is superior to a Scientists and makes a material difference to the time the Taj will come in.

1380AD Once we get Banking we see that the Great Merchant is available and I cant resist it so go for Economics. Additionally now we have Astronomy the extra intercontinental trade route it unlocks will make Pericles Coastal Cities pay for themselves and not strain our economy.

In the meantime we have been healing and juggling troops and are now ready for a non-phoney war. So our Armies move out. We are aiming to solve Ephesus Culture pressure the old fashioned way by taking the cities causing it!!

Hali soon falls

Followed by two more cities

Now we have really weakened Pericles so if we need to take Peace he will be small enough to knock off later without any issues.

Another small tip. During the set Elizabeth finished the Hagia Sophia. Always check as this may trigger an AI having a pile of Cash and look what proved to be available, piles of gold for a backward tech..

In the midst of all this Religion finally arrives soon followed by Christianity in Ephesus

And at 1415 We get Economics and the free GM (cash bomb at temple of Artemis City is probably best) a caravel is on its way..

Although our economy is more strained now the Taj is due in 2 (delay the Free Market switch until we get our Free GA), this will help us finish off Printing Press quickly and I think we will find things are nice….

But do we continue the war. I want to take Pericles last W city to remove Culture pressure on Ephesus but would then take peace as he has Gunpowder.

Hopefully someone will trade it to us whilst we are on the rifling Beeline as Pericles wont give it for Peace yet.


ps. Pleas note I am on holiday 12th to 26th July inclusive but you can wrap this game up without me.

Phase 1. Pause then get Great lighthouse in Athens (it will turbocharge oure economy) leaving Pericles on his islands
Phase 2. Rifles wipe out Hammy in Short order and finish off Pericles
Phase 3. Sea Invasion versus (insert irritating AI here)
Phase 4 . Domination / Conquest...


  • Owner AD-1415.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Masterfull warring, Ralph! I concur with your suggested plans, but should we take Carib prior to taking the breather?

I haven't seen one of these in a while:

I forgot to mention:

Frankcor (up)
Liquidated (on deck)

So that would make it if I'm not mistaken:
Ralph (just played)
Dazedroyalty (up)
Srubkai (on deck)
Not looking at the game at the moment but if Carib is the coastal horse city NW of Ephesus then definitely take it, removes the cultural pressure on Ephesus and gives us a nice small war front to work with. In the time it taskes to capture that one we may also be able to nab another with our troops healing on the E Front.

Just got back last night. I will be able to play this weekend but not post until monday. If that's a problem, I can swap Scrubkai.
Great thread to follow. Would someone mind putting up a world map showing your progress so far?
Thanks and keep up the great work.:goodjob:
For the enjoyment of MosquitoE and all the Lurkers out there...

Here's the world map with some basic details on the situation.

Our Current Area

Future Conquests...
Hey I'm really sorry team, but I did not get a chance to play over the weekend. So that makes me a double stinker for making you wait and not delivering. Srubkai, if you can get it, you should take it.
Ok I'll take the turn tonight and post tomorrow morning.

My plan.
Take Carib and possibly the Greek city to the north (Thebes I think) then see if Pericles will give us Gunpowder for peace. If not I may press on to take Sparta and Athens before he can produce too many Muskets. No matter what if we get all the cities on the Content, at that point we will get peace.

Does anyone see a pressing need for asking for peace sooner?
(That's one thing I've always been bad at, I tend to stay at war for too long.)
I'm with you, scrubkai. I usually sue for peace when I start seeing gunships on the other continents while I'm rolling out my first riflemen. :)

But unless war weariness becomes unmanageable with a 20% culture slider, I say let's take the last remaining (4) Greek cities on the continent, vassilize Pericles, then declare on Hammy. War weariness will be reset to 0 at that point, right?
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