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NiNES: A Broken Galaxy

OOC: Interesting story, though I must admit I am a bit scared... :eek:
Furians.... Defiant till the end.
Spirit woman, after watching a Furian take down 5 armed men without a gun.

"Man your battle stations, men!! Quickly now!!" Shouted a Captain as soldiers and tanks move into position. They bear a distintive red mark on them. "Tanks... aim.... fire!!!" Several roars shatter the relative peace as tanks lurched back from recoil. BOOM! Another, and another, a fireball erupted in the distance signaling a direct hit. Smoke filled the air as the infantry moved into position behind their earthworks. A tank commander turned on his headmask and said "Zoom" The mask zoomed in and the commander looked around the distance, seeing nothing he reported back, "All clear in the sector." Moments after that his tank was targeted and destroyed by the enemy. "Red team fall back!!" Shouted the Major. Tanks roared as they fell back in between the covering fire of the infantry, who are seeing the enemy infantry and tanks roll down the hill overrunning their defences they erected not long ago. The enemy tanks seem to bear a distintive blue mark on them. The red team fell back to their headquarters and established themselves into firmly entrenched positions. The red team began bombarding the blue team with artillery while the tanks maneuver into position. The infantry picked off every soldier that crossed into their line of sight. As the blue team retreated to consider new plans of attack, the red team commander, Major Horton, greatly strengthened his position by personally congratulating his soldiers and tank crews, giving them extra morale and know that their commanding officer is in this with them as well. Finally after 30 minutes of quiet the blue team attacked again, this time the red team was ready and their excellent tank crews expertly made short work of the enemy tanks forcing them to withdraw from the battle. The battle is now fought in the trenches. Tanks are now obsolete as the fight is now in close combat and they didnt want to risk friendly fire. The red team has the upper hand as they are fighting on the high ground but the blue team still has more men. It will be fought right down to the last man, as is the Furian way. As the battle wages on in the trenches between the infantry, the red team tank crews tried to manuever so they could provide some kind of support, but they were ambushed by the blue team who was trying to retreat but accidently went the wrong way. The red team tanks were annhiliated and the blue team went up and took the headquarters, but couldn't bring down the flag due to entrenched anti-tank crews in the building as well as Furian reserves. As the red team infantry wiped out the blue team after a lengthy 30 minute battle they turned around on the blue team exposed rear and planted C-4 and watched as the tanks blew up one by one. The blue team failed in their mission to capture the enemy headquarters.
That is where I got this info. Niklas approved it so I used them.
If you would, it is spelled a bit differently.... though they have pretty much the same charactics. The movie spells them Furyans, I spell them Furians. I know this cause my cousin is deaf and I watch his dvd with captions on and it spelled it Furyans so. If it is still not allowed, I apologize and I will remember not to do something similar next time.
If you would, it is spelled a bit differently.... though they have pretty much the same charactics. The movie spells them Furyans, I spell them Furians. I know this cause my cousin is deaf and I watch his dvd with captions on and it spelled it Furyans so. If it is still not allowed, I apologize and I will remember not to do something similar next time.

It's allowed, just most of us frown upon it. We know you have creativity so use it.
Lucky, be kind now. :p

germanicus12, don't worry, you're doing fine with your Furians. It is true that most people appreciate originality and creativity, and some outright frown upon "stealing". But you can always turn it against them in a futuristic setting. Who says your troop command wasn't named after some suitable entity in Chronicles of Riddick? ;)

I guess the bottom rule is, be creative. I certainly have no complaints in that regard on any of my players, quite the opposite. :)
I didn't even notice until germanicus used "spirit woman".

/me gives germanicus12 a coupon for an IggyPunch deflection

Don't worry, I think Luckymoose is just jealous that you're playing and he isn't. :p
OOC: on the subject of theivery

Jan crept through the tunnels, listening to the tightbeamed chatter of the other members of the team. Soon enough he came upon a steep incline and sighed; his weapon and its power pack were rather heavy, and most of the energy reserves of his exoskeleton were being directed elsewhere. As if to remind him, the light grey fabric of tightly woven nanotech sparked a small discharge off one of the support beams he was leaning against. It was uncomfortable as hell to get on, but it was the best Dr Egon and the machine shop could come up with, and if the readings were right its charge should repel the visitor when they next met.

*I think I have something* Sandy said, conveyed to Jan as whisper in his ear via the tiny implant that stimulated his auditory nerve. *Pattern spikes similar to what Jan encountered last time*

*Where?* he replied, a small trawl built into his helmet reading the signals send to his vocal cords and mouth without him having to speak aloud.

*Annex CFT, Corridor 5* she named a spot in the tunnel systems complex topography about 5 minutes from his position.

*Alright guys, converge on her location from the three access points* he told the rest of the team who where doubtlessly listening in, *and start spinning up*. With that he flicked the control on his wrist gauntlet and felt a subtle hum emanate from his backpack. Dr E said they were perfectly safe, but Jan didn’t want his team to boot up the unstable technology before they absolutely had to.

As he ran back down the incline and turned left, he started noticing marks and grooves left in the wall, as if something tremendously strong and feral had gouged its way along. He breathed heavily and tried to put the worry out of his mind. Twenty seconds away from the annex and suddenly the tactical channel began to fill with weapons discharges and targeting data – the team had been engaged! He knew better than to distract them and quickened his pace, slipping the components of his heavy effector wand into a broad and powerful discharge mode.

He turned another corner, and there it was; his numinous beast, as radiant and terrifying as the first time they had met. After the momentary shock of recognition he noticed two things, firstly that it seemed smaller than the time it had knocked him down, and secondly that it was engaged in battle with Sandy and Holsen. The thing was flailing with tendrils of its glowing ultraviolet fields whilst the invisible discharges of the team’s wands flashed a deep blood red on the creatures nucleus. Suddenly Sandy was down and the thing towered over Holsen – Jan broke out of his daze, liberated all the restrictors of the positron pools and fired everything he had at the beast’s side.

Like any good sucker punch, it caught the opponent unawares, and the thing was blasted sideways, its fields flaring a visible spectrum yellow as it rolled into a corner and up the wall. With a flicker it was off, heading down the last open corridor like a bat out of hell.

*Sandy?* Jan sent as he ran off after it.

*Seems okay, her exo’ is fused though* Holsen replied.

*Great, get her trap and follow me, hopefully the others should have sealed the other end of that corridor*

Jan sprinted as fast has he could, with Holsen fifty metres behind him. Suddenly his sensors told him that a field had been emplaced up ahead; the rest of the must have had time to engaged their traps…which meant the thing would be facing a dead end and coming back! He stopped his sprint so quickly that he toppled over – something that probably saved him as the creature bounded round the corner of the tunnel, its colours still that sick yellow, and leaped over him.

Holsen had managed to stop slightly more gracefully than Jan, and activated the two traps he was holding as the thing charged towards him. Jan’s helmet screened the flash of the field opening, and suddenly Holsen was hidden behind a simmering sheet of energy which the beast crashed into seconds later. Jan grinned manically to himself as, not bothering to get up, he took out his trap and slid it along the floor, its power lead uncoiling as it went.

“Gotcha” and the last trap flared, imprisoning the thing in a cage of forces reverse engineered from its own body.

Suddenly a much deeper and older voice came on the tactical channel, Captain Olsen, the technical leader of the entire NAM operation on Betelgeuse.

*Those energy discharges read like success Jan, good work. Now, we’ve detected another entity of a similar nature in one of the polar facilities, take this one back to base then get your arse north*

*So soon sir?*

*Who else are we going to call?*
House of the Confederacy, Kalianna City,
Kali Prime, Kalianna

Consul Mica was at his desk when a copy of the ship’s records were brought to him. He had been reading the status report on the salvage efforts in the surrounding countryside…there was a lot of terraforming equipment out there. He had been up late reviewing the system defenses as well, so needless to say he did not look his best when the service drone had come rolling in with the data.

“So much to do, so little time...” he sighed. “I’m beginning to wonder if my work will ever be done. Oh wait…I’m a Consul, my work is NEVER done. Oh joy!” Late nights ‘brought out the best’ in Aaron Mica, although he would never let the public know that. Bad for public relations, you see…

He took the memory file from the outstretched drone and placed it in a slot in his desk. A screen appeared on his desk, and the drone scurried off as the lights faded. Mica picked up his stylus, but after a pause put it back down. He would simply use vocal commands, since he was going to watch video footage.

“Computer, access security footage.” Military Intelligence had already cracked the access codes, so there were no annoyances here.

>Please select a date

Mica had no way of knowing when the event he was looking for had happened. He thought for a moment, and then got an idea.

“Access security footage starting one hour before most recent computer shutoff”

>One moment please

The screen expanded to fill the entire room, showing security cameras all over the HMS Queen Elizabeth.

“Reduce cameras to bridge only”

Most of the displays disappeared, leaving him with six, each showing a different view of the bridge. He settled into his gyro-chair and watched. For the first while, nothing much was happening. The HMS Queen Elizabeth was in orbit around Kali Prime, and was requesting permission to dock at the main orbital platform for recreation and resupply on its way to a ‘royal’ colony that was in rebellion against the ITC.

As Mica watched, another ship, a supply frigate, was docking as well, as could be seen through the navigational viewscreen. A common enough occurrence, but something seemed odd about this one. It’s lights were having trouble staying lit.

Just like Karl, Mica froze. He knew what was on that ship. He knew what was going to happen. He wanted to scream, to warn the people on the space port somehow. He wanted to rescue them from the awful fate he had seen far too many times. He gripped the arms of his chair, his fingers digging into the fabric.

And then it began

The entire orbital platform, it’s towers, domes, docks, food courts, entertainment complexes, barracks, they all began flickering. Mica could hear the screams in his head…

…but it was ghostly silent. No noise except that of those on the bridge of the Elizabeth, wondering aloud as to what was going on.

“Maybe it’s a problem with the power supply” one crew member voiced.

“No, it has to be a glitch with the system. The lights would have gone out by now.” was the reply offered by the bridge engineer.

The captain hailed the station, demanding an explanation. “This is the HMS Queen Elizabeth to Orbital Platform OP Stardock. Do you read? We demand an explanation.”

…there was no reply

“OP Stardock, do you need assistance?” There was low muttering across the bridge. Something wasn’t right. A words could be heard speaking of a virus. Others suggested that the freighter contained interplanetary terrorists who were planning to bomb the station. The captain thought for a moment, and then made a decision.

“Hayes, initiate docking sequence. Whitshire, gather a team of engineers. Your best and brightest. We need to find out what’s going on.”

“Aye sir” was the reply from both

“Manning, prepare a squad of marines as well. I’m not taking any chances, we don’t know what’s going on down there.”

“Yes sir”

The men mobilized to their various positions, and the ship neared the docking bay. There was an air of ominous dread in the air. Something definitely wasn’t right. Blood pounded in the Consul’s ears. It was as if he was there in the ship, waiting anxiously for the bay doors to open.

As the ship came to rest at the bay doors, and prepared to open them, the bridge received a hail from the platform.

“HMS Queen Elizabeth, this is Ryan Jiminez of OP Stardock. Do not dock, I repeat, DO NOT DOCK!”

The captain ordered visual, and the main viewscreen showed the Stardock comm. room. There was a sweaty breathless man, in a torn flight suit, at the controls, and two other bloodstained and grimy individuals leaning against the wall by the door, weapons in hand. They had barred the door and there was banging on the outside. Someone wanted in.

Ryan’s voice was quivering, and he spoke rapidly. “A frigate docked recently, and it released some kind of biomechanical disease. It started infecting everything, from computers and drones to actual people! The platform was thrown in utter chaos. People turned on each other, killing each other and themselves with whatever was handy. Guns, chairs, anything in reach. Mothers turned on fathers, children on mothers, coworkers on each other. I….I don’t know how long we’re going to last here. But you must get out! You must save yourselves while you still have a chance!”

While Ryan had been talking, something had been happening behind him. The security panel on the door began flickering. Neither of the other two men noticed, but Mica did. He cried out a silent warning. Shortly after, one of the men raised his gun and shot the other. He began breathing very heavily, and foaming at the mouth. His eyes dialated and wandered as well, and his posture became stooping.

“Please, do yourselves a favor and get ou—“ Jiminez stopped mid sentence at the sound of gunfire. He raised his pistol and fired of a frantic volley of shots at both men. One had already slumped to the ground, and the infected one was hit in the shoulder and leg. He fell, but began dragging himself forward on his hands.

“Oh please no, oh please oh please oh please no….someone help me!!! Aaaaah!!!!!!” Jiminez shot wildly until his clip was empty, but still the man dragged on. He grabbed Jiminez by the leg and began clawing at him and biting him, pulling him down and away from the controls. His nails dug into flesh and drew blood, and he ripped clothes as well. Jiminez fell from view. There were the morbid sounds of flesh giving way, bones cracking, strangulation, and then a wet thud.

A bloody hand reached up to the controls, and Jiminez was seen pulling himself back up. He was missing hair, had a large scar on his cheek, and his flight suit was even more torn and bloody. His eyes were full of fear.

“Help….me…” he whimpered. In a matter of moments, the fear was replaced with something much worse. His eyes dilated and began twitching. He began to foam at the mouth. He had the look of a madman. His breathing became heavier, and he started clawing at the computer screen, laughing madly.


“End contact” ordered the Captain. “Hayes, get us out of here!!”

“Aye sir” The engines were heard to strain….but the ship did not move. “Sir, the docking clamps won’t release. We’re trapped!”

“By Heaven I want us out of here Hayes! Do something!” The security officer turned around in his chair.

“Sir, we have a hull breach at docking bay 3.”

“Seal off the deck!”

“Aye sir….breach had spread to bays 2 and 5 as well, and has escaped containment breach.”

“Can’t you do something to contain it?!”

“I’m trying sir….um….sir?” His face was pale

“What is it?!”

The security officer could not reply, as a loud explosion rocked the ship, and the strain of metal on metal was heard.

“…infection has reached the engine room…”

Hayes spoke next. “Sir, we’re falling away from Stardock. The docking clamps have rent holes in four decks, and we have no way to contain the breach.”

“Seal off those decks!”

“We’re losing altitude fast sir!” The blue-green sphere in the navigational screen grew larger and larger as they plummeted

“Shall we activate the escape pods?”

“Yes….wait! No!” The captain spun around. “If there is a chance we can keep this from spreading to the planet, we have to try. Disable all escape pods. Seal off the bridge. Hayes, try to steer us as far away from inhabited areas as you can. Men, if you have any last requests, you best get on your knees and start prayin’ now. Our time has come.”

The ship spun wildly out of control as it plummeted faster and faster towards terra firma. The captain stood in salute, and Mica thought he could hear “God save the Queen” playing on the recording…that is, until the captain ordered all systems be completely shut off. He wanted to preserve as much of the ship as possible, and he saw that as the only way to protect it from the scourge.

The security panel on one of the bridge doors began blinking….

…and then the video transmission ended.
Really scary! I could really hear those inner screams, very nasty. :eek: :thumbsup:

48 h to deadline, 1 set of orders in. :scan:
"Hailing Gaia Station. This is Sergeant Viktor Keel of the PS Mule, approaching with an inspection team for the Cygni Derelict. Permission to dock?"
"Gaia Station to PS Mule, permission granted."

Viktor Keel and his commando team were the first team with lower than perfect security clearance. They were here to comb over the Cygni Derelict, hitherto only raided for data caches and inspected for construction designs, before it was opened to every research with a half-decent excuse for working on it. Gaia Station was a moderately large OLQ module upgraded with several weapons platforms, with standing orders to shoot on sight anything that approached or left the Cygni Derelict without being cleared.
The Mule drifted alongside Gaia Station, at which point nine members of the Mule's crew put on breather filters and prepared to transfer, while the tenth, having lost a draw of straws earlier, put on a full vacuum suit and went out to assist the docking process. They could hear him muttering. "Bugrit bugrit bugrit" on the way out.

* * *​

"Welcome to Gaia Station. I'm Captain George Morgan, in charge of security here, which basically means firing on anything that might have Scourge."
"Good day, sir! Sergeant Viktor Keel, of the Special Branch."
"Ah yes, you're the ones that will be searching the derelict thoroughly? Well, the good news is, none of the original teams lost, which means the ship is probably clean. Bad news is that it's a bloody huge ship. You'll probably be there a week. Ambiguous news is that there's an atmosphere in those parts of the ship which were sealed when it died, and it's supposedly breathable. Bring your team to the briefing room on the second deck and I'll tell you everything we know."
"Thank you, sir, but we've been briefed already. We'd like to be aboard the derelict inside of an hour."

* * *
38 minutes later​

"Shakedown time." Keel muttered over the squad band. "As of now, and while onboard, remember that we are Blue Team. It's rigamarole, I know, but orders are orders. Check in and list your gadgets. I've got a metascope for probing the ship with, a cracker plug for hitting the computers, and a homing pack to send our data out. Blue Leader over."
"Blue Two here, UV glasses on, data capture working, claw seems to be in working order." Blue Two was waving it about in a bored fashion.
"Blue Three here, Gaia comm working, scoper in good order, data capture in perfect order and free of porn."
"Blue Four, UV glasses on, weapons laid in, polished them before we left, homing pack ready."
"Blue Five checking in as ordered, claw working fine, toolkit full, UV glasses doing their job."
"Blue Six here, same toolkit as Five and Eight, we're all good. Gaia comm is on, cracker plug gives the same hash as earlier.
"Blue Seven reporting in, carrying cracker plug for accessing computer data, ultraviolet spectrum viewing device which I must protest your naming of, triple-strength secure Gaia communicator."
"Blue Eight here, toolkit and weapons both filled, data capture on."
"Blue Nine, claw feels like a prosthese, metascope functional, homing pack secure."
"Blue Ten, metascope and homing pack both report full function, weapons pack full."

* * *​
"Step away, weapons on me. Blue Six over."
Blue Six, aka Higgins, stepped away from the other members of the unit and opened his suit after double-checking the air readout.
"Air is breathable, SIR! I don't feel nauseated. Life signs normal."
"Blue Seven, Blue Eight, Blue Nine, Blue Ten, crack open yours if you feel like it. We'll take five here and call this our airlock." Blue Leader, aka Keel, sat down and began activating his metascope. "Blue Three, send a preliminary report back to Gaia."
"Yes sir."
Blue Eight and Ten opened their suits too, and the group hung around for a while.
"Right. We'll head on to the main room where the exploration team extracted their data. Then we'll scope for a layout and split up to secure areas."

* * *​

"Room secure SIR!"
"Excellent. Blue Four, cover the door. Blue Two, open it with the claw. Blue Ten, scope it."
The 'claw' that three of the squad members wore was actually a multifunctional manipulator designed to apply large and precise amounts of pressure without risking infection, whether biological or informational. It could pick up an empty egg or cut through about fifteen millimetres of metal.
Most of the inner derelict used eight.
"Empty as usual, sarge. This ship is going to take us weeks to secure. We can't even be sure that nothing is sneaking around while we're not watching."
"We'll get three extra teams in precisely one week, if we've found anything useful by then. If not, demotions all around. And don't call me sarge, call me Blue Leader. You got that, Blue Ten?"
"Right you are - Blue Leader."
"Fine. Go first down the corridor, then, since you're armed."

* * *​

"Blue Three here, we've got a corridor with doors spaced all along it. The metascope suggests that they're quarters."
"Excellent! Blue Ten, Blue Three, stay at the opening and keep in contact with Gaia. The rest of us, search those quarters."
"Blue Two to Blue Leader, locked door."
"Seconded, sir."
"All the doors are locked."
"Probably an emergency measure. I'll check the pressure. Hmm. Air on both sides, should be safe. Blue Five, get that door open."
"Yes SIR Blue Leader!"

* * *​

Nothing came lolling out of the room as the door began to open, slowly, slowly.
"All right, where the **** is all the crew? I'm starting to get just a little paranoid."
"Records state that eighteen dead bodies in various states of mangling and cybernetic malfunction were removed from the main room prior to data raid."
"There must have been more than eighteen people on this ship. Blood, there are at least eighteen rooms in this corridor!"
"Shut up and take your paranoia elsewhere."
"Blue Leader! There's a private computer in the room!"
"JACKPOT! It'll probably have useful files. If it wasn't slaved to the main one, of course. I'll take the cracker plug and try to hit this thing. Get my back."
As Viktor Keel stepped up the computer and plugged in a stick not-exactly-full of cracker programs (it had lots of space for data, too), Blue Two called an emergency.
"Movement sighted at the end of the corridor, SIR! Request weapons coverage!"
"Granted! Leave me alone! I've got patterns on this thing! Blue Six, take command, talk to Gaia if you need anything."
Erik wishes for Iggy to answer the PM so that Erik can send orders.
OOC: I'm still waiting on the other PM. :p
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