Nitram15's LeaderHead gallery!

I just have to ask: why do all your LHs use Brennus' background?
Could still use some work on the body, but you got the face very well done! :D

I don't think so that, there is an issue with his body, look these screenshots:

Just take a 256x256 DDS texture and rename it to whatever the Background texture is called.
Hey nitram, just two small sugestions to your Horthy: the shirt looks pretty much enlightened. You can adjust on the light and the material in sceneviewer or nifskope, if you want. Also, the sahs (the white band) might look better if it is in hungarian tricolor. Bigger surfaces in a single colour look odd IMO. But other then this: very well done.
Hey nitram, just two small sugestions to your Horthy: the shirt looks pretty much enlightened. You can adjust on the light and the material in sceneviewer or nifskope, if you want. Also, the sahs (the white band) might look better if it is in hungarian tricolor. Bigger surfaces in a single colour look odd IMO. But other then this: very well done.

The tricolor idea, isn't good. I'm seen many REAL pic of Horthy, and he has got WHITE sash!!
But with the light? It's a good idea. I just want to make him like he is really!
picture of the real Horthy:AAHorthyMiklos portre.png
I see your point. Still, I think sometimes it is good to take some artistic libery and ignore how things were historically. For example, if we ever get the holy crown of hungary, I'd use it for Saint Stephen although it most probably didn't even existed when he lived. Simply because it is tightly connected to him. But of course it is your leaderhead. You could also try to simply give it a bit of structure, but basically leaving it white. That might improve it, too.
I'm really want to help you, with Arpad, but I can't. A very strange problem is in importing in Blender!
I know that, you use 3ds Max, but can you help me?:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

The hungarian title means:
,,What kind of problem is this?
The Blender, can't import anything, like a skeleton!
What is the problem?
My Blender Version: 2.49a
Please help me cool3a2!" (or anybody!)​
What exactly happens? A crash? Any error messages?
So it's distorted? That could be because I have adjusted translation, scale and maybe even rotation of some meshs in nifskope. Neither 3ds max nor Blender like that. You could set all translations and roations to 0, the scale to 1 and then try again to import it. In Blender there should be something that allows you to adjust these things with absolute values, too. Do this in order to set everything up properly.

If it's not distorted, you might upload a screenshot so I can take a look at the problem.

EDIT: I see the picture, now. Sorry...
EDIT: Uff... First thing I'd try to do is nifswapping anything with the default leaderhead from civ4. That helped solving some strange errors when working on Nagy, but actually I can't remember that I got errors like that. Also, that matrix issue might point to what I sai before: translations, rotations and scale.
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