[NOT IN DEVELOPMENT] DOC Community Mod Compilation

Just as an update, the big new change I was talking about was scrapped.

I was planning on adding Region UPs, but in the end very few of them caused interesting gameplay interactions.

Instead I've decided to base this next update on overhauling Civics and Buildings. Here's a couple of things you can expect to be added in the next few days:

  • Every Civic has one building that it gets doubled production for. (Except Elective which is unchanged in getting +1000% production towards a National Wonder)
    • Buildings always are unlocked in the previous or current tier as the Civic (Except Slavery which bonuses Walls because the Ancient era has very few buildings and a ton of Civics)
    • This not only gives Civics a bit of flavor, but also allows players to customize what buildings they want to prioritize.
    • Doing this allows me to remove the cluster of doubled building production from Citizenship, and instead move Republic's Gold Rush to it
    • Which in turn lets me swap out Republic's +1 Commerce per Specialist with Leoreth's unused +1 Happiness per Specialist without making the civic so OP that China runs it.
  • Monarchy is completely overhauled, is no longer a 1 effect Civic, and thematically makes sense for the nations that historically ran it.
    • +1 Happiness per Luxury in Core Cities. Making the AI for evaluating how useful this is was annoying, but I'm happy with the results. Many of the largest Monarchies conquer areas with Luxuries they don't have, and building Monarchy's happiness effect around this allows a better thematic representation while making increasing your happiness more difficult than "build a unit"
    • +1 Production in Water. England, Spain, Rome, Holland, and many other empires have a lot of water near their cities. This ensures that those cities aren't useless in terms of production. This also creates a land-water gradient within the first four civics. Despotism does not care about land-water ratios, Monarchy moderately rewards water without majorly impacting land, Republic goes all in on water, and Elective goes all in on land.
    • +1 Production on Pastures. Europe.
  • Less useless Industrial Park:
    • +1 Unhealthiness from Factories
    • New Industrial Park effect: Costs 150. Requires Factory. +1 Health. +2 Engineers. +5% Production. +10% Production with Power.
    • This effect represents the historical role of Industrial Parks in keeping Factories, and thus the waste and dangers of them, within a contained region of the city.

All of the above and more are subject to change and may not resemble the final product. I've presented them both to update players on this update (which has taken a lot longer than other updates), and to gauge opinion on these modifications.
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I have been trying to make the AI go Monarchy, for HOURS.

I gave up and tried to make the AI go Republic.

Bug: Hittie UHV3 (Iron) checks correctly, started GAge, but then displays UHV3 failed. And repeats at the beginning of every round.
Maybe you could consider replacing the Hittite 3rd UHV with the monopoly UHV I have for Zimbabwe. The current UHV better represents that the Hittites had early knowledge of iron working, but only has 1 competitor (Greece), which isn't very challenging. The monopoly UHV is less historical, but then you can easily include Assyria and Babylon as competitors for more challenge.

Oh my, I'll look into this. Thanks.

Just add an isPossible(iHittite, 2), like shown below.
        #third goal: Be the first Mediterranean Empire in control of Iron.
        if isPossible(iHittite, 2):
            if countResources(iHittite, iIron) > 0:
                win(iHittite, 2)
            for iEnemy in range(iNumMajorPlayers):
                if iEnemy == iIndia or iEnemy == iChina or iEnemy == iHarappa or iEnemy == iAssyria or iEnemy == iBabylonia: continue
                if countResources(iEnemy, iIron) > 0:
                    lose(iHittite, 2)
Maybe you could consider replacing the Hittite 3rd UHV with the monopoly UHV I have for Zimbabwe. The current UHV better represents that the Hittites had early knowledge of iron working, but only has 1 competitor (Greece), which isn't very challenging. The monopoly UHV is less historical, but then you can easily include Assyria and Babylon as competitors for more challenge.

Just add an isPossible(iHittite, 2), like shown below.
        #third goal: Be the first Mediterranean Empire in control of Iron.
        if isPossible(iHittite, 2):
            if countResources(iHittite, iIron) > 0:
                win(iHittite, 2)
            for iEnemy in range(iNumMajorPlayers):
                if iEnemy == iIndia or iEnemy == iChina or iEnemy == iHarappa or iEnemy == iAssyria or iEnemy == iBabylonia: continue
                if countResources(iEnemy, iIron) > 0:
                    lose(iHittite, 2)
I already did. I have a bunch of errors fixed on my local version and a bunch of Civic tweaks, but I refuse to public until the AI uses them correctly. At the moment, the AI uses Despotism way too much, and I'm trying to tweak the civic such that they'd use republic and monarchy more.
And a bit of gameplay feedback from my Hittie game:

- The core, historic and contested territory is huge (including greece, the balkans up till hungary). This seems ahistoric and makes building a huge enpire far too easy.
- The Greeks are too weak. They spawn, declare war and have 3 archers (1 Athens and two in Halicarnassos). That is not an interesting conflict. Send 2-4 UU and they are finished. Which wins you UHV3 easily.
- There are no barbs attacking from anywhere (W, N).
- UP and UB make you an insane economic powerhouse. Perhaps too much?

UHV1 is interesting an different, but doable. I only disliked failing the first try, because I captured Sidon and it auto-switched to Carthage. Should not count as loss for the UHV.
UHV2 takes too long and is too easy. (Alexander and Roman Conquerers (only greece) are no enemy with that much time.)
UHV3 too easy, see above.
(And I would switch UHV 3 and 2 as 3 is done earlier.

But thanks for adding the ancient civs. I generally very much like the idea for more civs in that time.
And a bit of gameplay feedback from my Hittie game:

- The core, historic and contested territory is huge (including greece, the balkans up till hungary). This seems ahistoric and makes building a huge enpire far too easy.
- The Greeks are too weak. They spawn, declare war and have 3 archers (1 Athens and two in Halicarnassos). That is not an interesting conflict. Send 2-4 UU and they are finished. Which wins you UHV3 easily.
- There are no barbs attacking from anywhere (W, N).
- UP and UB make you an insane economic powerhouse. Perhaps too much?

UHV1 is interesting an different, but doable. I only disliked failing the first try, because I captured Sidon and it auto-switched to Carthage. Should not count as loss for the UHV.
UHV2 takes too long and is too easy. (Alexander and Roman Conquerers (only greece) are no enemy with that much time.)
UHV3 too easy, see above.
(And I would switch UHV 3 and 2 as 3 is done earlier.

But thanks for adding the ancient civs. I generally very much like the idea for more civs in that time.
I'll try and address these issues in the near future. Thank you for this feedback.

EDIT: WAIT! The Hittite core goes to Hungary and Greece? That's not intended! I'll look into this at once!
Not on the most recent pull so not sure if this has changed but playing as the Mamluks (successfully rolled!) and only the Furusiyya UHV is showing up in the victory conditions page. Is this for lack of implementing the other two or an error?
Not on the most recent pull so not sure if this has changed but playing as the Mamluks (successfully rolled!) and only the Furusiyya UHV is showing up in the victory conditions page. Is this for lack of implementing the other two or an error?

Error on my side. Fix on my versions is up. But you have to wait until it is merged to this mod.
I am really sorry everyone, but for the last week or so I've had no will to continue modding. I was incredibly frustrated that I wasn't able to get the AI to use civics correctly, and that lead to burnout after 3 days of non-stop tinkering with the AI. I doubt this mod will be updated in the coming week, but that doesn't mean I've retired. I'm just taking a break to maintain my sanity.

If someone would like to merge and bug fix in my stead, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I am incredibly sorry.

EDIT: Apparently it's just been since Sunday... it felt like a week.
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I am really sorry everyone, but for the last week or so I've had no will to continue modding. I was incredibly frustrated that I wasn't able to get the AI to use civics correctly, and that lead to burnout after 3 days of non-stop tinkering with the AI. I doubt this mod will be updated in the coming week, but that doesn't mean I've retired. I'm just taking a break to maintain my sanity.

No worries, save your sanity! Your mod works really well as it currently is anyway.
This motivation crash happens sometimes. Take some time to clear your head, or pivot to working on something small that gives more immediate satisfaction.
A quick status update:

Since Thursday I've been working on the mod again. I'm very close to getting the new Monarchy and Republic designs to both be balanced and used historically by the AI.

One issue I've had is in the Improvement Yields. Republic has turned into a bit of a mess in order to keep Indonesia and Japan away, and likewise convince Phoenicia to run it. Because of this I've fiddled with the Game Text such that Improvement Yield changes are much more condensed.

Screenshot (1).png
Nice to see your are back, working on the mod. :-)

3rd Assyrian UHV "infrastructure" is bugged. I had all buildings, but lost UHV after the deadline turn.

And egypt discovered mathematics 5 turns after greece start. Will try again, but if they are as fast again, there is no chance to be the first to discover mathematics.
Nice to see your are back, working on the mod. :)

3rd Assyrian UHV "infrastructure" is bugged. I had all buildings, but lost UHV after the deadline turn.

And egypt discovered mathematics 5 turns after greece start. Will try again, but if they are as fast again, there is no chance to be the first to discover mathematics.
The Assyrian UHV is fixed on my local version, but I'm waiting to upload all the new changes at once. I am incredibly sorry for the inconvenience.
No problem. I really like the idea of an expanded and more crowded antiquity, so helping with bugs and balance is natural. :-)

Greece tech UHV can not be done. 2nd try Egypt discovered Mathematics 3 turns after my spawn.
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