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I'm still having issues with Teotihuacan: I can't build melee units without resources, and the Maya reliably have already built the Pyramid of the Sun ahistorically long before I spawn (which I know isn't UHV related but it's an annoyance).

Taggin @Steb for posterity.
I'm still having issues with Teotihuacan: I can't build melee units without resources, and the Maya reliably have already built the Pyramid of the Sun ahistorically long before I spawn (which I know isn't UHV related but it's an annoyance).

Taggin @Steb for posterity.
Sorry that isn't fixed yet, I tried to figure out what went wrong and couldn't figure it out. I'm currently in the middle of developing a major new update, so I'll work on this once I'm done.
No worries! Don't mean to pester you with all my constant issues haha

Speaking of which... Assyria's third UHV 3 still isn't working...
Don't worry! Constant issues make me happy, tells me people are playing my mod.

I feared this was the case. I should have tested but I was certain that it would work. This save is from a new game right? The bug was leaving the number of buildings at 0, and the fix only made it so that newly build buildings would count as being built.
Don't worry! Constant issues make me happy, tells me people are playing my mod.

I feared this was the case. I should have tested but I was certain that it would work. This save is from a new game right? The bug was leaving the number of buildings at 0, and the fix only made it so that newly build buildings would count as being built.
Yes! It's indeed a new game.
I'm still having issues with Teotihuacan: I can't build melee units without resources, and the Maya reliably have already built the Pyramid of the Sun ahistorically long before I spawn (which I know isn't UHV related but it's an annoyance).

Taggin @Steb for posterity.
May I suggest you try the basic Teotihuacan mod?

@1SDAN, when do the Maya spawn, to be able to build the Pyramid of the Sun before Teotihuacan spawns? In my experience the Pyramid barely ever gets built, probably because nobody is able to conquer the stone in Monte Alban. Though I seem to recall you put stone in Yucatan, that might explain it.
May I suggest you try the basic Teotihuacan mod?

@1SDAN, when do the Maya spawn, to be able to build the Pyramid of the Sun before Teotihuacan spawns? In my experience the Pyramid barely ever gets built, probably because nobody is able to conquer the stone in Monte Alban. Though I seem to recall you put stone in Yucatan, that might explain it.
This is such a convenient collection though :P I will, I'm just lazy. It's so easy to just have 1SDAN combine everyone's mods for me!
May I suggest you try the basic Teotihuacan mod?

@1SDAN, when do the Maya spawn, to be able to build the Pyramid of the Sun before Teotihuacan spawns? In my experience the Pyramid barely ever gets built, probably because nobody is able to conquer the stone in Monte Alban. Though I seem to recall you put stone in Yucatan, that might explain it.

I did put Stone in the Yucatan Peninsula. I'll see if I can modify the Pyramid to alleviate this issue.

Also, if I were to give the Incans and Congo a second UP, what do you think it should be?
I did put Stone in the Yucatan Peninsula. I'll see if I can modify the Pyramid to alleviate this issue.

Also, if I were to give the Incans and Congo a second UP, what do you think it should be?

Incans, Mountain Roads [Qhapaq N(tilde)an] or Quipu: trade boost, or reduced maintenance or stability boost on cities connected by roads or cities founded on hills/next to mountains)??
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The AI is unable to build wonders that are required for an UHV if the human player has that UHV did not spawn yet. (CvPlayers.cpp, @ CvPlayer::canConstruct()) But I don't think it will solve the Pyramid of the Sun problem in this case, because the Maya probably start to build it as soon as you spawn and will likely beat you because they already have some infrastructure and you don't.
Okay. So. I did everything that was suggested. I started the entire project from scratch.

I went even further: Having my own source files stored in a separate place, I now compiled 1SDAN's CvGameCoreDLL on my own and the error remained.

And it gets stranger still:

Even just straight up copying 1SDAN's CvGameCoreDLL.dll into my Assets folder after deleting my own does nothing. But... the two relevant .xml files are identical as well.

So if the entire DLL is identical... and the two XML files are identical... where does this error come from? Is there an additional XML file other than CIV4CivicInfos or CIV4GameInfoSchema that I overlooked? Is Python to blame? Is it dark magic? Is this an imperialist plot to drive me insane? :crazyeye:
Progress Report:

The new mechanic is already complete and just needs AI testing.

Inca's "second UP" will be "Farms adjacent to Mountains do not require Irrigation and yields +1 Food"

Still trying to think of a good "second UP" for the Congo.

I've figured out why Assyria's UVH wasn't working. The code to win the third UVH was winning the first by accident.

I've figured out why Teotihuacan's UP wasn't working, it was the enums.

NOTE: I am not giving them a second UP, just something similar.
Don't worry! Constant issues make me happy, tells me people are playing my mod.

I feared this was the case. I should have tested but I was certain that it would work. This save is from a new game right? The bug was leaving the number of buildings at 0, and the fix only made it so that newly build buildings would count as being built.
I just noticed I'm in your special thanks and I wanted to give you a special thanks for your special thanks so we can all feel special, thanks.

Also, I don't know if this is normally the case but I've been rolling 1700AD civs, even Israel and haven't experienced the crash bug. Haven't been back to 300AD in a while though. So is it specific to 300AD have you noticed?
I just noticed I'm in your special thanks and I wanted to give you a special thanks for your special thanks so we can all feel special, thanks.

Also, I don't know if this is normally the case but I've been rolling 1700AD civs, even Israel and haven't experienced the crash bug. Haven't been back to 300AD in a while though. So is it specific to 300AD have you noticed?
Aw thanks!

I'd guess it's a lot less likely to happen in 1700 AD because there's a lot less civs spawning in that time frame. The crash seems to occur if a very specific set of circumstances are met when a civ spawns during autoplay. That said, if it's not just very unlikely but truly never happens, then that might be a very useful clue in solving this mystery.
I just noticed I'm in your special thanks and I wanted to give you a special thanks for your special thanks so we can all feel special, thanks.

Also, I don't know if this is normally the case but I've been rolling 1700AD civs, even Israel and haven't experienced the crash bug. Haven't been back to 300AD in a while though. So is it specific to 300AD have you noticed?
Since you've been rolling 1700AD civs, I'd like to tell you that I've found a couple errors while rolling 1700AD Israel games and have been working on fixes. Specifically, lNeighbors currently doesn't have entries for the new civs.

I've also noticed that Sweden, Spain and China like to run Republic, and I've realized that my AI code for determining the value of land and water yields were made lazily. I just copied over the AI of Unimproved Yields without checking what the AI actually did.

The above fixes will be included in the next update.
Aw thanks!

I'd guess it's a lot less likely to happen in 1700 AD because there's a lot less civs spawning in that time frame. The crash seems to occur if a very specific set of circumstances are met when a civ spawns during autoplay. That said, if it's not just very unlikely but truly never happens, then that might be a very useful clue in solving this mystery.
Yeah, also rolled Nigeria in 300AD no problem so that's a good sign.That's a pretty long haul lots of potential for errors. I'll keep at it, maybe try some of the civs that failed before.
Rolled Swahili no problem. So fingers crossed the crash bug has stopped affecting my game. UHV1 was bugged. It went from zero gold from trade until 1450AD or so (which seems unlikely) to like 1273619837 gold from trade the next turn (which is seems equally unlikely).
Rolled Swahili no problem. So fingers crossed the crash bug has stopped affecting my game. UHV1 was bugged. It went from zero gold from trade until 1450AD or so (which seems unlikely) to like 1273619837 gold from trade the next turn (which is seems equally unlikely).
That's an underflow.

Will fix.
It is just an interface error when I reverted the counter back to integers instead of floats. I forgot to revert the text files back.

It's not the text files. The gold from Dhows wasn't turned back into an integer.
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