Out of control gun control

Uh, that's just like, your opinion. I realize that government is your god, but it isn't mine. Please don't make such arrogant statements because it is offensive.
God given right to protect yourself.

Why is it that you rail against people claiming that God does not exist and then blithely state multiple times that carrying firearms is a God-given right? Surely that's both "just like, your opinion" and making "such arrogant statements".
Why is it that you rail against people claiming that God does not exist and then blithely state multiple times that carrying firearms is a God-given right? Surely that's both "just like, your opinion" and making "such arrogant statements".

Thanks for noting that, that struck me too. Perhaps that's part of the reason I've let kochman go on with his 1-vs-8 thread here, or perhaps it is because I'm not a big fan of criticizing a foreign societal attitude toward guns based on a single incident.
You've asked some fair questions... and I understand why, I will attempt to answer them, with full knowledge that I have but one vote.
Do you think released felons should have the right to possess?
Depends on the type of felony, if they were released because of a verdict being overturned, etc.

Do you think that criminals should be able to retain their weapons while incarcerated, merely checked into to the incarceration facility for storage and safekeeping?
Depends on the answers to the above question. It is their personal property.

Do you believe that crimes should not carry an enhanced penalty because a gun was used?
I agree with that. A crime is a crime is a crime.

Do you believe that those on a terrorist watch list should be allowed to possess?
I haven't even considered this. Citizen... on a list compiled by the government but no actions ever taken... Yes, they should. Concealed carry is more questionable.

Do you believe that those who can not afford a gun be provided one by the government for self-defense purposes?

Do you believe the government should be able to keep a gun that is suspected to have been used in a crime or should it be returned to its owner?
They should have to run ballistics tests, etc, ASAP... Assuming they can't (gun wasn't fire, for example), there should be some kind of proof the gun was used.

Do you believe a small businessman should be prevented using a gun to enhance his profits?
Elaborate on the question... do you mean brandishing?

Do you believe an employee should be forbidden from carrying a gun to an annual evaluation conducted by his boss?
Only if he is already prohibited from being armed (concealed license for example)

Do yu belive there should be a minimum age limit to purchase or possess a gun?
Hell, in America, there is for everything else! However, to possess, I possessed guns all my life, but my father owned them.

When a once in a century or less event happens, I would prefer the cops have tanks and m16s. For the rest of the time, I'd rather they do their jobs without constantly possessing the ability to kill people on the spot. In other words, I think Norwegian police are fine as they are when it comes to firearms possession.
Because cops just lash out and kill people all the time?
This is far more common than once in a century, in a place like Los Angeles or NYC, this is an everyday situation.

Why is it that you rail against people claiming that God does not exist and then blithely state multiple times that carrying firearms is a God-given right? Surely that's both "just like, your opinion" and making "such arrogant statements".
Because in both cases, they are the aggressor.
1) Re: Religion...
Telling someone their faith is a flat out lie is unnecessary and arrogant. My beliefs are what they are, there is no reason for them to be scoffed at just because someone else thinks they know the absolute truth. I am not out there telling atheists or whatever they may be that they are just wrong and using that as the premise of why I want to strip them of their rights.
2) Re: God-given right TO PROTECT ONE'S SELF (I didn't say carry firearms)
Infringing upon my personal rights based on their beliefs (or lack thereof) is them trying to limit me. I am not the one trying to limit personal rights here.

Thanks for noting that, that struck me too. Perhaps that's part of the reason I've let kochman go on with his 1-vs-8 thread here, or perhaps it is because I'm not a big fan of criticizing a foreign societal attitude toward guns based on a single incident.
In other words... nothing to worthwhile to add... thanks.
Insisting that something is a God-given right is pretty silly in a non-religious thread, though.
Insisting that something is a God-given right is pretty silly in a non-religious thread, though.
Thanks for your opinion... but I really don't care.
It doesn't have to be a religious thread for me to talk about something being God-given (equality, life, liberty & pursuit of happiness, for example). That is something my nation was founded on, and that is something I believe, it's a part of my culture, and to me it is quite relevant.
Then you must expect to be opposed, as many people don't care about your opinion either and would rather not have it applied to every situation in which you are participating. I for one certainly do not care for having your opinion expressed as a fact and I believe in God!
Because cops just lash out and kill people all the time?
This is far more common than once in a century, in a place like Los Angeles or NYC, this is an everyday situation.
But not in Norway, which is what you're critizizing. AFAIK, cops in LA don't have their guns locked up in the car. Since such events are so rare in Norway it's obviously not 'out of control gun control' to put some restraint on the firearm useage of their cops.
The only post worth responding to, as the left are all from a very specific point of view regarding gun control...

Excuse me? I legally own several guns. Defiant and noncon are similarly passionate about weaponry. If there's a very specific point of view that we share, it's education about firearm safety and handling. Sure, there's a place for "gun control," but don't think that we're all "anti-gun" or whatever.
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