You guys are unlawfully searched every time you go out on the street with all those cameras...
And, 1st amendment... you guys don't allow hate speech, that is therefore not free speech, sorry.
Uh...the majority of cameras are operated by private corporations, so I'll assume you're not capitalist.
Also, "unlawful search", hahha, hyperbole much?
You're the guys with a patently mental TSA.
We allow all speech that does not directly incite violence...which I believe you also have...death threats against the POTUS are illegal, so you better get out of the US and go to Cuba, friend.
As I said above, I'm done with the gun control argument, especially with the rabidly anti-gun who would restrict my freedom to protect myself and my loved ones. I don't infringe on your rights, don't infringe upon mine. Thank you very much.
Hahaha, really?
If you'd read anything, or asked anyone, you'd know I'm actually one of the most pro-firearms Brits around, and I actually have quite a close relationship with them.
Though I can see why you'd want to skip out on this abortion of a thread you've created.