I disagree that a gun is not essential, I have lived in bad neighborhoods where having a gun has afforded me daily protection...
Protection from what?
I disagree that a gun is not essential, I have lived in bad neighborhoods where having a gun has afforded me daily protection...
Example... my friend, in said neighborhood... he was beat to death by a gang of teenagers who wanted to rob him, 2 blocks from his house. They took his $20 in the end.Protection from what?
Had that been me in his place, they would've been shot.Your friend could've been shot instead.
Government is for the people, by the people, not the other way around.How can you "learn" that something that something is God-given without subscribing to a religion?
However, trying to control people is a governmental right, which is probably not what you intended to say.
Well, your rabid anti-gun position is noted...
I disagree that a gun is not essential, I have lived in bad neighborhoods where having a gun has afforded me daily protection...
The point is, waaaaaaaaay more people die from other things, but they are legal.
Get over your hatred and fear of firearms and learn that trying to control people's right to defend themselves and their loved ones is a God given right. Guns just happen to be the best tool for it these days.
Example... my friend, in said neighborhood... he was beat to death by a gang of teenagers who wanted to rob him, 2 blocks from his house. They took his $20 in the end.
First, you are not the arbiter of relevance. It is relevant.A. That point is irrelevant. Guns aren't dangerous simply because people die from them. They're dangerous because they are use to expedite murders, and their only purpose is killing others.
Criminals cannot legally obtain firearms in the USA. There are background checks by the FBI. No one is saying it should be a fun free for all.B. The availability of guns would make a bad neighbourhood even worse. If criminals can legally obtain firearms without going through illegal sources and risking getting caught, then your criminals just got a whole lot more dangerous. This isn't a movie where you can go on a big shoot-out with some bad guys because you have a gun.
Uh, that's just like, your opinion. I realize that government is your god, but it isn't mine. Please don't make such arrogant statements because it is offensive.C. God gives no rights because God is imaginary.
The people grant the state the power to grant rights.D. Rights are granted by the state, for what is best for the people. Having guns be readily available for people is not what's best, so if that is the case (and it is if you compare nations), then it shouldn't be a right.
Oh, let's completely exaggerate now... Taliban... It's actually something the USA is founded on, so, relax there, fearmonger.I don't even know what's happening ITT anymore, but the concept that you have a "god given right" to carry firearms is scary, and actually quite similar to something a member of the Taliban would say.
Oh, let's completely exaggerate now... Taliban... It's actually something the USA is founded on, so, relax there, fearmonger.
Oh, we're not particularly scared of firearms, I mean, we're still fairly liberal with regards to them, we just don't see much point in being armed, since we're not particularly worried about whatever it is you people are scared of.God given right to protect yourself.
Firearms are just a tool... I know you guys are scared of them, but that's all they are in the end. Tools.
Actually, since you want to get technical, the Constitution would not have been signed without the Bill of Rights, aka, the 1st 10 Amendments. The 2nd of those is the right to own.Actually, it's not, since it's an amendment to your constitution, not the basic document.
I like the personal attack there! Thanks.You're calling me a fearmonger, yet you seem to be the one terrified of walking through a dark alley without packing a semi-auto.
You seem particularly afraid of them... you'd rather brave a dark alley than own a gun. Or, is it, you just don't want others having guns?Oh, we're not particularly scared of firearms, I mean, we're still fairly liberal with regards to them, we just don't see much point in being armed, since we're not particularly worried about whatever it is you people are scared of.
I'm actually not in Canterbury, though yeah, it does happen to be one of the safest places in the world....our entire saturday night police contingent comprises 6 officers for a population of ~80,000I like the personal attack there! Thanks.
You go on living in your quaint little "Canterbury", and telling people who they should live their lives.
Actually, I'm trained in firearm handling and have been on police firearms seminars, so I'll assume you're just being facetious.You seem particularly afraid of them... you'd rather brave a dark alley than own a gun. Or, is it, you just don't want others having guns?
Home invasions, carjackings, etc.
It's about personal freedom. Something you guys in the UK rarely understand anymore, since you don't even have our first 1st, 2nd, or 4th rights.
Any gun related murder is an infringement of the right to life as codified in the UK constitution, and the UN charter of human rights.What bothers me isn't that people like you are scared of guns, it is that you are so scared of guns you insist that other people shouldn't have the right to them. I don't like when anyone tries to infringe upon my rights, and I surely don't try to infringe upon your rights.
It's not the right to own, it's the right to keep and bear. Theoretically, the government could supply you a gun under a license. Historically however, the government is more likely to mandate gun ownership than strip ownership as a form of keeping and bearing.The 2nd of those is the right to own.
In fact, given that the text of the Second Amendment specifies that it is with the intent of maintaining "a well-regulated militia" on the one hand, and that it attributes the right to "the people"- a notoriously ambiguous political concept- on the other, you could quite easily make the case that something closer to the Swiss system would more properly represent the spirit of the text, which would render the purely private ownership of firearms a non-constitutional issue.It's not the right to own, it's the right to keep and bear. Theoretically, the government could supply you a gun under a license.
I really don't think that liberal chappies like Nonconformist are responsible for the UK's rather shoddy record of securing individual liberties, simply because they happen to concur on the issue of gun control. That's a reductio ad Blairum, if y'will.It's about personal freedom. Something you guys in the UK rarely understand anymore, since you don't even have our first 1st, 2nd, or 4th rights.
How many video cameras have you been seen on today?
But now, you don't. I'm not referring to history here, I am talking about today.Oh, and you're just showing yourself up to be quite ignorant of this sceptred isle. We had those constitutional rights 500 years before the US did.
Murder is also illegal in America, no matter what the weapon.Any gun related murder is an infringement of the right to life as codified in the UK constitution, and the UN charter of human rights.
Well... while that's quite debateable... I hate to admit, I've had enough of debating guns now for a good two to three months.It's not the right to own, it's the right to keep and bear. Theoretically, the government could supply you a gun under a license. Historically however, the government is more likely to mandate gun ownership than strip ownership as a form of keeping and bearing.
But now, you don't. I'm not referring to history here, I am talking about today.
Murder is also illegal in America, no matter what the weapon.
You guys are unlawfully searched every time you go out on the street with all those cameras...Uh....yes we do, we've had constitutionally mandated 1st and 4th amendments since the 13th century, and our second amendment is buried in the offensive weapons legislation.
As I said above, I'm done with the gun control argument, especially with the rabidly anti-gun who would restrict my freedom to protect myself and my loved ones. I don't infringe on your rights, don't infringe upon mine. Thank you very much.In that case, I'll just assume you're for anyone within American territories being allowed to pack firearms, regardless of extrataneous factors.