PH02: Eight Angry Men

hmm...whomever can play (Grey or Lobster) do so, just post/check here to make sure the other hasn't ~

I'm the 500th post :D
Perhaps, but apparently not as overserved as lobster ...

Turns played. Executive Summary: No more Japanese in the main pangea, we have yet another war, and Mao launched 1 casing. Actual report awill be up tomorrow ;) Time to sleep.

@Pholk: Beg your pardon, but yours is the 500th reply, not 500th post. Its 501st. Mine was the 500th post. :D

ewww...that exec summary makes me sick :vomit:

how are we going to stop Mao from launching before we but everyone up?? Wonder if he'll fight Nappy with us (though he would probably destroy him)?

a conundrum, no doubt about it.

and stuff it with your 500th reply comment! ;)
if it didn't, i'd be having FAR less conversations ~
@ Frank ~ glad my sad, sad life is your source of mirth. ;)

@ MunterPhox ~ you must've really been toasted if you're sleeping it off this long :D
Pholk wants to be whipped, I obliged.

Go find out yourself what is wrong :D

There are a few cities that are unhappy ... gold knows why. Aren't they happy we liberalized them? Aren't they happy that they are Greeks? Aren't they happy that me, the Great GreyFox, is ruling them????

No? Not Happy? Very well. I whipped them :D.

A massive whip, reduced the numbe rof angry citizen to only 1 or 2 throughout the empire.

In 1905, we start the attack of Kyoto ...

BTW, that city is ridiculous. 3 seafood, 1 pig, 1 banana, 2 strategic resources????

That will be mine. Mine. MINE!

A great artists is borned, he is sleeping. Recall that we have another scientist, Albert Einstien, somewhere doing his though process on time dilation and curve space-time gravity thingy, we need one more for another golden age.

After taking kyoto, Toku no longer has any pressence in the main Pangea. Nappy first signed peace with him, I immediately followed.

I tired to get a tech from him, but he is not willing to part with any. Hmm ... alright, I will still agree just to have peace return to Greece ... for a mere one turn. Then ... remember the Great Artist? He draws a picture which I think is so good that I showed it to Monty:

And we are at war again. I have killed one infrantry and one artillery of his, and pulled the defense to 0%. Suggest waiting for next turn before sending troops in. We need the collateral damage to be more effective.

Be weary of the Little Corporal's forces at our east. Fortunately we have an equal in quantity troop at Kyoto.

>>> The Save (1910AD) <<< Finally they fix the extension

GreyFox, that's a remarkably good turnset. I'm learning a lot from playing this game.

After we kill off Monty, I assume Caesar is next? Of course, Nappy may help us decide sooner than later.
Fox, i cna't find Waldo anywhere in that picture? Are you sure he's even in it??

As I noted to Frank in our other SG, i'm good with the big picture things, not so good on the details. I should really cycle through all our cities when i pick up the save but there's just SO many more exciting thigns to do, like smashy-smashy.

We will need to do SOMETHING about Mao's spaceship, though. I think we should go with a two-front war and take on France in the very-near future.
btw, nice turns Fox. I guess a small invasion force, too, is out of the questiong to finish off Toku. Still, i think we need to go whole-hog on unit production and end this charade ~

Frank > on deck
Pholk >
Fox > just played
Lobster > UP NOW

Munter > OoP (back soon i think?)

Also, i will be OoP from 09/01 - 09/05 or so, so skip me please.
Abt Mao's space ship .... why do you think I'm researching Communism?? State Property is one thing, but after analyszing the map and cities, the distance maintenance is not that high. So State property would help shave 50gpt maximum, which when divide by our cities, isn't that big an amount. So there must be other reasons for me to spend 7 turns of research pursuing something ... Its all part of the plan, you know.

Off-shore invasion? Are you crazy??? Toku is showing off his destroyers while we don't even have Astronomy. We will be lucky if any invasion force actually manage to land at one of the island. 2 units per gallye, and galley movement is 2 per turn, will take us 50 turns just to land sufficient forces. Not worth the effort.
oh yeah, i forgot we still have galleys :crazyeye: we're certainly no threat in the water :lol:

my guess for Communism will be Scotland yard and spies ~
okay, i swapped with Frank since i'll be OoP until the 5th. unfortunately, no uploads are working from my comp right now. so, to be brief. I took one more monty city and made peace on my last turn.

Monty had just made peace with JC and had a stack we wouldn't be able to beat just yet. He's only got 3 cities left and Tenoch has only 3 units. Oh how i wanted to take it, but that would've left our new acquisition too vulnerable IMO.

I mostly focused on Infantry, Canons, and the occasional Machine Gun and Cavalry. Scotland Yard should be done in a few turns, and Mao pushed out another casing.

no saves either right now, so check back tomorrow.


Pholk > OoP until the 5th
Frank > UP NOW
Lobster > on deck but maybe OoP
Fox > possibly on deck

Munter > OoP (back soon i think?)

looks like it's up to the dynamic duo of F&F Consulting, Inc.
lurker's comment:

I stumbled onto this game a couple days ago and just finished reading through the thread. Great game! Looked a little questionable way back when, but you all have definitely pulled through are are kicking some serious rump.

Anyhoo, just wanted to say that this has now become one of my favorite SGs of all-time!

Darwin420, I'm glad you're enjoying this SG. I sure am. As a recovering builder, I still shudder when Montezuma, Tokugawa and Napolean declare war on me all at the same time. But this team of players has helped me to grow a pair. If you think this one is scary, check out PHAW02 (the link is in Pholkhero's sig). It's an All-War Warlord's SG and we should be popping out Great Generals like there's no tomorrow.

Good turns, Pholk. I'll pick up the save whenever and however you send it. If it's available this evening, I'll try to play and post tonight. But I'm likely to play TT03 first -- don't want to burn out GreyFox passing this one back and forth between him and me.
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