• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

President Hugo Chavez dead at 58

I was just making an Eddie Izzard reference, because: +1 pc. ;)

But, if we have to have an anthem, my vote goes for "Come On Eileen". I mean, no pun intended, but come on...

Link to video.
Yes, we don't like elite, that wouldn't be working class. (What any of this has to do with Eddie Izzard is beyond me.)

The soviet begs to differ.

You mean the soviets that have gone extinct? Or the soviet in the USSR, which had two classes, none of which were working class (i.e. party members and non-party members?)?
Yes, we don't like elite, that wouldn't be working class. (What any of this has to do with Eddie Izzard is beyond me.)

You mean the soviets that have gone extinct? Or the soviet in the USSR, which had two classes, none of which were working class (i.e. party members and non-party members?)?

non party members were definitely working class
Heretics! This is the true song for the workers!!

Link to video.

A truly wonderful song, but I'm not sure it is as universal in it's description of the working man's lot as my pick.

"Toil for my woman, sweat for my kids, working till I'm wrinkled and I'm grey. But that lucky old sun ain't got nothing to do but roll around in heaven all day"

You mean the soviets that have gone extinct?
The soviet, in the broad sense (thus encompassing Chilean cordón, the Iranian shura, and so on), has "gone extinct" and reappeared many times before. I see no reason to write it off as an historical relic.

Or the soviet in the USSR, which had two classes, none of which were working class (i.e. party members and non-party members?)?
1984 is not a true-to-life description of Soviet society.
1984 was about fascism and Stalinism. Orwell was looking at totalitarianism.
Official video of Chávez entering heaven:

Link to video.
He meets Simón Bolívar, Eva Perón, Salvador Allende, Che Guevara, some indigenous leaders, Sandino, his grandmother, etc.
So they all live in that stupid little hut in the middle of nowhere? That's supposed to be heaven?
Pictures of the Church of St. Hugo available here.
Again, that "parallel universe" is actually the position of virtually all of the major organizations and civilized countries on the planet. OTOH your own "parallel universe" is believed solely by a few fringe members the authoritarian far-right. :crazyeye:

Even Wikipedia states it was a "military-civilian coup", which should be obvious to anybody given that only 10% of the military was actually involved and it was put down primarily by the military itself. Claiming it was a "military coup" is disingenuous at best. :crazyeye:

Again, that is a position which is only held by those who were involved in the coup and a few far-right authoritarian extremists. Claiming it wasn't a miltiary coup is far worse than just being disingenuous. It shows a complete lack of understanding what the term even means.
What utter nonsense. Pointing out the rampant hypocrisy in this thread while defending myself from the inevitable discussions of me instead of the topic isn't "hypocrisy".:crazyeye:

Almost all of Mobboss' comments in this thread have been discussing me instead of the topic. Yet you claim I am being even "more hypcritical" than him. :lol:

Furthermore, you continue to frequently discuss me instead of the topic lately. Not only don't you even know what the word means, you epitomize it in this very thread by really not contributing at all to the actual topic as I have repeatedly done.

So far, you have made six posts in this thread. Two of them were discussing Ghostwriter in a "needlessly abrasive and insulting" manner. All but one of the rest were discussing me instead of the topic in an even worse way. The only post you have made that wasn't discussing someone else was completely irrelevant to the discussion.

I suggest you try to take your own advice for a welcome change.

Actually this is quite false, and the fact that you would perpetrate such a lie is very revealing of you. :mischief:

Honestly, the vast majority of my comments in this thread werent directed your way way at all. Most of them were debating with Reindeerthistle, not you.

Thus...you simply and blatently...lied.

Quite revealing. :lol:

For the last freaking time guys, you have to verify that you have the correct launch keys prior to the war game simulation.

The most current, valid flash from the football reads:

I woke up this morning and fired up the sim and what do I see? Two conflicting and completely contradictory sets of launch keys. I am not amused.
(Adm Gen Formaldehyde, 2230 Zulu)
(As Prt MobBoss, 2245 Zulu)​

While your reaction times were impressive, accuracy is just as important as speed. Let's try this again from the top gentlemen and this time let's pay closer attention to the goddamn secret key codebooks. WWIII is only a game if your name is effing Mathew Broderick.

This is going in the log.

Oh and I almost forgot:
Rofl, he googles the difference and the main thing he notices is their difference in speed.

WTF That isn't even a valid freaking key.

Stop being lazy and type :rotfl: next time.


Trln Dmn Hobbs
-Freedom ain't Free-
1st TrBM Battalion
Rolla MO 65401 USA#1!
That... that was beautiful.
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