Random Rants Q': I protest against subtitles

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The heatwave here is beyond terrible. It's been over 30 degrees most of the day for weeks now.
I don't feel like doing anything.
You have my sympathy. There are days like that when it's too much effort just to lie on the bed and do nothing.

It's cooled down here, though. Part of it's been because of the smoke from the wildfires and forest fires in BC. Sooner or later it all wafts this way and we get grey skies and it's hard to breathe, but at least it's a bit cooler. We still need rain, though.

I would not want to be in BC right now. Some of the places where my family used to go on holidays are on fire now. That region of the province is very dry in the summer in a normal year, and this year has been horribly not normal. There's basically nothing left of Lytton (the town that broke all those heat records). The place burned to the ground when a fire started (the last theory I heard was that it was due to a spark from a passing train, that set something on fire and it just grew faster than anyone could deal with; the people had just minutes to get out of town).

Rant: Xenforo ate this post of mine yesterday. At least it saved a copy.

Or the leg-locker curse, ‘locomotor mortis’.
I'm going to hunt up the video that explains all the spells. I know there is one; I just haven't watched it yet.

The latest fanfic I'm reading: Harry Potter runs away from the Dursleys and somehow ends up getting raised by the Goblins.

Catastrophic failure of the plumbing in my office building has closed all of the restrooms until further notice. If I need to pee, there's a Starbucks nearby that has restrooms, but they're supposed to be for customers. I could buy a coffee and use the restroom. But then I'll drink the coffee, so I'll need to use the restroom again. So I could go back to Starbucks, buy another coffee, use the restroom, drink the coffee, go back to Starbucks... :undecide:
You don't actually need to drink it. Just tell the clerk that you're paying for the next person who orders a coffee (some people do that as a "random act of kindness"; you'd just be doing more of those than usual).
You don't actually need to drink it. Just tell the clerk that you're paying for the next person who orders a coffee (some people do that as a "random act of kindness"; you'd just be doing more of those than usual).
That makes it a very expensive way to "spend a penny".
True. But if there isn't so much as a convenient bush or tree to use instead, what other solution is there?
Well, of course I know no more about the work in question than that it occurs in an office, but the obvious solution would be to work from home. I reckon most companies here you would send you home if all the toilets broke, or the company would pay next door to let you use theirs. Another solution would be to buy something you actually want, but I do not think you should have to when at work.
I'm sure there's something in healthy and safety regs about requiring adequate toilet facilities on site (in the UK, at least). Can't they get in a portaloo?
True. But if there isn't so much as a convenient bush or tree to use instead, what other solution is there?
Eeeeehhhh… why is CFC, of late, suddenly a bunch of prompts to get me to quote Tom Sharpe?
Sigh. Back to work tomorrow night. I was kind of getting used to being awake all day.
That's not fun. Especially when the cat doesn't understand why he's not allowed to jump up exactly there (holy crap, that hurt; I don't think he ever heard me scream before, and must've jumped at least a foot).
Damn, how long was your recovery?

My current cat is not a tummy cat which initially made me sad but now I'm glad he's happy to cuddle at my side (he did launch off me once and it was pretty awful).

Laparoscopic surgery?

Spoiler :
Catastrophic failure of the plumbing in my office building has closed all of the restrooms until further notice. If I need to pee, there's a Starbucks nearby that has restrooms, but they're supposed to be for customers. I could buy a coffee and use the restroom. But then I'll drink the coffee, so I'll need to use the restroom again. So I could go back to Starbucks, buy another coffee, use the restroom, drink the coffee, go back to Starbucks... :undecide:
If you have a private office you can get a pee bucket. :science:
8 and ⅔ days later: Moderna arm! Rash is pinkish-red, sensitive to touch but not itchy on its own, about 6cm (2.5 in?) in diameter.

armadeus status
Updated for the last time on 2021-07-30 17:52 JST

Well, that was a fun ride, wasn't it? I went from being not itchy, to itchy, to pink, to not pink, back to pink again. At no point did it cause alarm, but it did cause mild annoyance and pain.

I hope you all enjoyed the arm updates.
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Damn, how long was your recovery?
The original plan was for me to go in for surgery in the morning and go home in the afternoon. This was not that long after I'd had a 5-week hospitalization (during which they finally figured out that I needed to have my gallbladder removed), and I ended up spending a couple of days there. Of course I'd missed the morning menu selections and they gave me everything to eat and drink that I either hated or wasn't supposed to have. Why hospitals push coffee on people as the default is something I have never understood.

Looking back, I wish I'd gone home instead. I had the roommate from hell, with a constant stream of visitors who couldn't give a damn that I was trying to sleep and was in a lot of pain...

I don't actually remember how long the recovery took. I had home care for a few days, and spent most of that time in bed. I had three cats at that time - Maggie, Lightning, and Gussy (Tomtat had recently died). Gussy and Lightning usually slept on top of me in bed - Lightning on my chest and Gussy on my stomach. Lightning was a very small tuxedo cat, and elderly at the time, and Gussy was middle-aged. This was before I realized he had arthritis, as he was still able to jump up on the bed, and he was so happy to have me home again (I was mom to him, as he'd been separated from his own mother at such a young age). He jumped up, exactly where the bandage was, and holy crap... that hurt. A lot. I screamed, and I think he must have run all the way to the back door, thinking I was mad at him. It was hard to make him understand that he could still sleep with me, but not on me.

My current cat is not a tummy cat which initially made me sad but now I'm glad he's happy to cuddle at my side (he did launch off me once and it was pretty awful).
Maddy is kind of an all-over cat, wherever she feels like being.

Spoiler :
Yikes. That looks painful.

The scars do fade over time. Mine are still visible, but not enough to notice that much. It was actually funny, how the nurses kept stressing that there would be scars, and I finally told them that since I wasn't planning on posing for any magazines, the scars didn't matter. It's not like I don't have others, from various causes (I've had one on my arm from an accidental cat scratch for nearly 34 years, and when we caught Gussy to bring him into the house - he was a feral kitten who would have either frozen or starved if we hadn't done that - he bit me through a leather glove). It took quite awhile for that scar to fade away. So scars where nobody will see them aren't a big deal.
ufff Lemon, I understand how it feels
8 and ⅔ days later: Moderna arm! Rash is pinkish-red, sensitive to touch but not itchy on its own, about 6cm (2.5 in?) in diameter.

armadeus status
Updated 2021-07-22 16:49 JST

Annoyance ____ ☆☆☆★★
Concern ______ ☆☆☆☆★
Surprise ______ ☆☆★★★

Sounds like you might have an allergy to something in it?
Sounds like you might have an allergy to something in it?
From the reading I did on it, the best option seems to be just leave it alone. I get worse on other parts of my arm that clear up with some OTC cream, so unless it really becomes irritable I’m just going to ignore it.
I hate taxonomicsts :mad:.
Not only is there an insect genus called "Bacteria", I just also found an algae genus called "Vertebrata" :gripe:.

EDIT: Normal house mous, genus "mus", subgenus also "mus" :gripe:.
EDIT2: What the hell, having mouse makes no sense for me :gripe:.
Not only is there an insect genus called "Bacteria", I just also found an algae genus called "Vertebrata" :gripe:.

Come on, man! Where's your spine? ;)
Well, I just spent the last forty-five minutes repairing the "S" key on my laptop. I'm pretty sure I broke the hinge somehow, but as you can see I'm able to type and the key doesn't seem to be giving me any other problems. It looks a little loose and feels a little loose compared to the others, although that could just be my own bias because I know it was giving me a problem before.

I tried looking for other keys to replace the guts with: my first choice was the Windows key, because who in the ... fudge ... uses it? Unfortunately, however, it seems as though the hinges for those keys are not the same despite the fact they are the same size. If it really annoys me, I might look under the plus/equals key as that gets less used than all the other standard alphabet keys plus the numbers.
I hate taxonomicsts :mad:.
Not only is there an insect genus called "Bacteria", I just also found an algae genus called "Vertebrata" :gripe:.

EDIT: Normal house mous, genus "mus", subgenus also "mus" :gripe:.
EDIT2: What the hell, having mouse makes no sense for me :gripe:.

That's because "mus" is supposed to be an ypsilon, and have an "e" sound. "Mous" with omicron-ypsilon is what happens when it becomes latin. As you might recall, it is usual in biology to have the type and subtype be the same term etymologically, but one in greek one in latin euboean greek :p
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