Random Rants VII: Why do they ALWAYS do that?!

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[fake british accent]C: you were lucky to even HAVE a hamster. my mum died giving birth to me and me dad, he couldnt afford a house so we live on the street. a hamster would be amazing[/fake british accent]

[fake british accent]D: you were lucky to even HAVE a STREET. we had to live in a dumpster in an alley, but the rest of the alley was filled with other hobos.[/fake british accent]
Our family couldn't afford accents! :mad:
Yeah just slept a couple of hours, dont know how I'm going to fall asleep again later tonight. It's like I'm destined to stay in this wretched circle.
Yeah just slept a couple of hours, dont know how I'm going to fall asleep again later tonight. It's like I'm destined to stay in this wretched circle.

I've been in a horrendus sleeping cycle for around 2 years now, and I'd have to say it's the prime reason my life is falling to pieces.
Our family couldn't afford accents! :mad:

Oh, we'd've loved t'have the gift of speech. We 'ad to communicate for 16 years using only sign language and fliging our own excrement, while working as radioactive shielding at t'local nuclear power plant, get paid two shillings a fortnight, and when we got home in t'evening, my dad would kick us in t'balls till we pissed blood.
We didn't even have the power plant :(
Hope I don't get pneumonia. I'm allergic to penicillin.

I've had pneumonia six times. I'm also allergic to penicillin. :)

My landlord is refusing to give me the apartment we agreed on (and I paid for), because the previous tenet won't move out, and he says he's having trouble evicting her.

So, if a legal solution isn't found in the next 5 days, I am homeless.

On the bright side, you can start the thread we discussed.

I was ten minutes late for my first class of college.

Traffic is a killer in Providence.

What school? And where are you living?
You CFC people are a sick lot. I'm sick maybe once or twice a year and that's if you count colds. Though I did have a debilitating bacterial infection when I was an infant and somehow miraculously survived it.
So, my bus driver has literally passed by my stop EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Now, I tell her to stop. What does she say? "You have to go to one of the other roads."

What's wrong with it? My mother has called the bus company and added it to the route as an addition to mine. What does she do? She prints off the "final version" instead of the newest route.

If the bus driver doesn't stop again, I'm going to be really pissed.
Well... I think that bus drivers go to places where they want. They won't go right by your door if they don't think it is a good idea. I have to walk to a bus stop everyday. We don't have a 'school bus' type of thing over here.
I have been damn lazy for the last few days. I mean, really lazy; I would have tons of stuff to do but I just can't.
So, my bus driver has literally passed by my stop EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

In my day, I had to walk two miles to my bus stop, at 6am, in whatever weather Mother Nature felt like sending. And then I had to walk two miles uphill from my bus stop, at 5pm, in whatever weather Mother Nature felt like sending. :old:

And I liked it. :mad:
And oh yeah, I forgot to mention this. Tomorrow I'll have school from 8 am to 4:30 pm instead of 1 pm as it should've been.
It's hot, and you know what people with pools are doing? Why, chillin' in their pools for one.

But no, we have to live in the city(quite crappy one at that).
School restarts tommorow. Joy of joys. At least it's my final year, and then I start college! That's when life begins for real! :woohoo:
School restarts tommorow. Joy of joys. At least it's my final year, and then I start college! That's when life begins for real! :woohoo:

OMG SAME! (except I don't start until thursday. Same sentiment and all is what I mean).
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