Random Raves VI: Put on a Happy Face

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Hooray I think I'm getting the hang of this flirting thing and I met a girl the other day! :D
I just finished my last final. Huzzah!
my bratty older sister is moving out of my parent's place june 1st. Dad is talking to her and her fiancee tomorrow about. They're (sis and her fiancee) are both horrible parents. I'll be glad to no longer have to listen to toddlers' screams when I visit.

I really hope swine flu causes a zombie outbreak. Stuff is way too boring and then all them democrats will learn why us nutjobs have been stockpiling guns all this time. Oh look, my pansy neighbor is being eaten, maybe you should have gotten a gun and not tried to take mine away Mr. liberal!


Ulyaoth need booze.
From the sounds of that post, you probably already have had some. ;)
I've totally burned my best friend in front of some random girls in the club just because he doubted my insanity and total lack of shame.
Had a nice welcome back fire last night...
You're not going to keep taking it to try and get a 2400 are you? I knew a number of kids in my school who did that. What a waste of time. It was boring enough the first time, I couldn't possibly imagine doing it again. What's funny is I got a better score in it just the one time than most of the kids who kept retaking it over and over again and of whom were all in stupid AP classes and all got into good schools and things. Life aint fair... :(
For the love of Christ, STOP TAKING THE SAT MULTIPLE TIMES. You're just feeding the evil College Board corporation! It's the only corporation I am willing to call evil.
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