Realpolitik: Immortales Imperii

If it has no members, it is a void party. If it had to be absorbed, I would imagine it would go with the one who has been in a coalition with it since the beginning of the game.
Me and Yoshi are in the party, we still have members.
A Party will exist until it is officially disbanded by the Party Leader. If no Immortal party leader is present, then a NPC one will be assigned to it.

And I will permit an Assassins' Guild to form if someone wants to make one. :D

edit: Sorry about the lack of news updates, but here are the summaries:

New NPC Parties:

Praetorian Guard:
Communist Party that advocates War against any who aid the Ottomans.
Leader: Julius Casear

Brotherhood of Scholars:
A peaceful party in favor of extensive trade, expansion of the market system, and building of universities and libraries.
Leader: Quintillian

The Eagle Party:
Advocates traditionalist values of Isolationism, but advocates war with the Celts.
Leader: Vercingian
Ok, I call for a renaming of the IMWP to the Assassin's Guild.

The Assassin's Guild.

How to get our services: Send a pm to us and Sparthage, asking us to assassinate someone, you give us a vote in the elections (secretly) and we assassinate said target. You can also apply for safety, which means we will not assassinate for a term, and it costs a vote.
If yoshiegg agrees, then the party will be renamed. Red_Spy, are you taking control of the current IMWP (Possible AG).
Sure, as Yoshi doesn't want to.
Cabinets must be posted within 24 hours of this post. Any candidates running for single positions must post their intentions as well. Unless a new coalition forms, the Legion Populus will win the Presidency by default.

Neapolis Polls will close at 8:00 PM EST.
I confirm that the Assassin's Guild is in the coaltion.
Neapolis (7 Votes):
Employment Breakdown:
29% Fishermen
28% Farmers
15% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
14% Merchants
14% Hunters
-Road Building/Tile Improvement
-Defenses Against the Spanish and Carthaginians
-Development of the City's Infrastructure
-Development of the Navy
-Poor Water Supply
-Marketplace Construction
-Library Construction
Tentative Legion Populus Cabinet:
President: Bowsling
Vice-President: Dumanios
Foreign Minister: CELTICEMPIRE
Domestic: Princeof Persia
Chief of Staff: Princeof Persia
Chief of Army: Bowsling
Ok, I call for a renaming of the IMWP to the Assassin's Guild.

The Assassin's Guild.

How to get our services: Send a pm to us and Sparthage, asking us to assassinate someone, you give us a vote in the elections (secretly) and we assassinate said target. You can also apply for safety, which means we will not assassinate for a term, and it costs a vote.
Oh yeah, and I agree with the new naming :D
Polls are now closed in Neapolis!
Results for Neapolis said:
Legion Populus: 4
AG/NOSP Coalition: 2
Roman People’s Party: 1
Overall Voting:
Legion Populus: 6
AG/NOSP Coalition: 3
Roman People’s Party: 1
Conservative Party: 1
Polls will close in Cumae at 10:00 AM EST tomorrow morning (14 Hours from now).

Spoiler Immortal Votes Recieved/Left :
Lighthearter: 1 Recieved for NOSP, 1 Left
Bowsling: 1 Recieved for Imperium Party, 1 Left
Princeof Persia: 1 Recieved for IPQR, 1 Left
CharlemagneXLII: 1 Recieved for Conservative Party, 1 Left
Dumianos: 2 Left
Yoshiegg737: 2 Left
Red_Spy: 2 Left
Arya126: 2 Left(?)
west_india_man: 2 Left
americanking: 2 Left
marvinmartian: 2 Left
Zearo: 2 Left
There are still 22 Immortal votes out there! Start using your first and second votes, people!
I vote for Novus.
Edit: I vote for the AG
Cumae (7 Votes):
Employment Breakdown:
43% Farmers
28% Fishermen
15% Vineyard Workers
14% City Dwellers/Aristocrats
-Incursions by Carthaginians, Hittites, Babylonians, Byzantines, Greeks and Egyptians
-Development of the Army
-Exportation of Wines to Foreign Peoples
-Traditional Values of Ancient Rome
-Development of the Navy
-Poor Water Supply
-Cultural Growth
-University Construction
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