Realpolitik: Immortales Imperii

I am joining the IMWP.
If you vote for the Party of Stone, it will come at a steep cost to the nation. Their leader proposes to build more ineffective marketplaces (we have no cities who's income is significant enough for the extra gold generation to do more than simply pay for the maintenance). He also proposes to train more spearmen, with no clear plan as to how they will be payed for, and what they will do other than just relax.

Great civilizations are never forged out of peace! Long live the emperor!

We have enough big cities to pay for (If I calculated correctly) at least 15 military units at no cost, and spearmen don't use too much income anyway if we go over.

While marketplaces aren't good in the short-term, they are a great long-term investment and it will be worthwhile to build them.

While this warmonger may claim this, has HE posted plans on how to appease everyone from each city? He has been vague, suggesting deception! :eek:
Appeasing every citizen is impossible - I don't think either if our party's platforms cater to the Marxists out there.

The Party of Stone leader says that the marketplaces are a long-term investment. I fail to see the logic in this, as I hope you do too. We can build other things such as libraries or workers that will provide immediate rewards, not a "long-term investment" like a marketplace, which can be built once it benefits us.

Do you want to explain why we should be building spearmen when we can spend that money and production on more useful units like triremes and legionaries?

Also, you attempt to use the fact that I am not stating exactly what every city should be building as political ammunition. What if all of our neighbours dogpile us? Than will we still be building our precious temples and universities? I hope not! If you join a succession game or the ISDG, the link to which can be found in my signature, you will find that scarcely anybody plans out the next three, let alone seven, builds.

For the record, the policy you would be voting for by voting Imperial is not mindless destruction of things, but progress and development while continually expanding and subjugating threats to our glorious nation.

During election week, vote for an experienced President. Vote Imperial.
I would like to join the SPQR Party and the Legion Populus.
Subbed as I do in every new thread in the forum. :smug:
None. I subscribe to every thread in this subforum, and this will be no exception.
I am announcing the formation of the Conservative Party of Rome (CPR).

The Conservative Party of Rome is dedicated to returning to the proud agrarian roots of the Roman Republic. We are against making any sort of deal with foreigners, and we believe that "scientific progress" is spreading dangerous ideas that are eroding our beloved traditions. Specifically, we are alarmed by the notion of monotheism spreading among the lazy, ungrateful slaves who, no are no doubt fomenting revolution as we speak. We intend to purge the Republic of this new religion to ensure the continued survival of our pantheon of deities and pagan festivals, especially the ones involving wine.

On the subject of wine, we intend not to export ANY of our wine, and focus on acquiring more for ourselves to keep the prices low and the wine flowing.

We are strongly against government involvement in the lives of private citizens, and to that end we support tax breaks to the wealthy, which will of course benefit the entire population through the trickle down effect. We are also in favour of lowering grants to those troublesome scientists and instead intend on focusing on the military and festivals for citizens (our sliders would be 30.30.40).

We also strongly urge all Romans who are proud to call themselves such to support our troops, who protect our lives and our sacred traditions from the barbarians who surround us. A preemptive strike against the Carthaginians might be required, as we hear they are developing Elephants of Mass Trampling (EMTs).

We are also highly concerned about the perceived Hellenization of Rome that is going on, thanks to the continued availability of Greek philosophical texts and literature. If elected, we will hold book burning parties across the Republic, and we pledge not to build any libraries or schools that could indoctrinate our children with dangerous ideas. Instead we support the construction of temples and cathedrals to indoctrinate them with the RIGHT ideas that have been passed down by untold generations of proud Romans. (i.e. sell all libraries and build temples/cathedrals).

We are great champions of the free market, and intend on building marketplaces everywhere and anywhere.

EDIT: Just noticed we're building the Great Library. This must be stopped, in the name of all that is good and Roman. We will not allow the completion of such a vile cesspool of foreign ideas and anti-establishment texts. We'll put the effort into something more important, like Sun Tzu's Art of War.

@ Sparthage: You might want to reconsider the specific game settings here, the tech rate is in all seriousness way too fast (though I'll be doing my best to keep us backwards). If it's necessary to restart, it's better to do so now rather than later. You might want to put map and contact trading back to normal, especially for such a big map.

No, our party is not above meta-lobbying.
Fama Romae
The News of Rome
Protests Outside of Embassy in Carthage

Large numbers of protesters have gathered outside of the Roman Embassy in Carthage after news from Italy showed the growing power of those against the Carthaginian state. Angry protesters fear that war would be unavoidable should the Legion Populus gain the Presidency in the upcoming Roman elections. There have been reports of embassy guards and local policemen firing arrows into the crowds to disperse them. This has only served to upset the people even more as the protests continue to grow in size.

Similar protests have occurred in Entremont, Athens, Constantinople, Madrid, and Paris. These protests have been smaller but still occur due to the rising Imperialist sentiment in Rome.

Poll: People Say Nay to Wine Exports

In Favor of Wine Exports – 40.5%
Opposed to Wine Exports - 58.2%
No Opinion - 1.3%

In an interesting turn of events, a poll among vineyard workers has shown that the exportation of Roman wine is not approved of. Further questioning among those polled seemed to show that the common reason for this feeling is that it is unacceptable for foreigners to enjoy the fruits (or its juice) of Roman labor.

The Legion Populus: Will There Be Any Opposition?

Since the formation of the Legion Populus Coalition, there has been little opposition in the form of a rival coalition. The Party of Stone and Conservative Party are the only parties so far that are not members of this political juggernaut. Though public opinion leans towards these two outside parties, it is unlikely that either will have major political influence unless they gain more Immortal members or launch major campaign efforts.
Adding the Minor Coalition Rule: Any party with a single member may join in a Coalition with another party to gain the ability to put forward a Presidential Candidate.
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