Red Air Force, post-war

It is possible to make some fictional aircrafts without markings? these would be very usefull for generic units. your ferret would be indicative of a generic stealthfighter or 5th generation jet.

every epic mod needs your amazing aircrafts :D
The new fictional Red Naval aircraft are resplendent. They will work very well with some ideas I have been tossing around about Project 24Rs, Project 82Rs, Project 66Rs, Project 72s and other goodies.
The basic Flankers are all now up, so I'm done with Russian fighters for now. Any future Flankers will be just color conversions etc.
One of your very good collections.
My hat off to you Wyrmshadow and I wish I could buy you a drink or something.

If I dare wisper (and it's not a request or something similar) a little wish that your next collection we all will have the good grace of seeing is the RAF from the 50's until today.

Please don't spank me if this was to bold. I just had a personal wish
bombers are up
Looked at the bombers, they look really great. But is there a reason the Tu=160 isn't included?
Looked at the bombers, they look really great. But is there a reason the Tu=166 isn't included?

Because I don't have a model, you got a problem with that?
No just wondering, don't mean to be rude or anything sorry:sad:
Let me explain in perfect english just WHY I get 'angsty'.

I sit infront of a computer for dozens of hours at a time making these things. I am awake at all hours of the night trying to finish them. I create quality units in great quantity. Now, when some woman takes a look at all the work I have just finished and demands why I didn't do more... I get a little peeved.

Yes you are a woman because only a chic would complain in such a way. Also... only a chic would demand something and on top of that... be exquisitly wrong about it. Wrong you say? Yes... There is no such thing as a Tupolev Tu-166. I am assuming the chic meant the Tu-160 Blackjack, of which I do not own an adequate model. Therefore it will not be made at this time because I don't make crap. That's why I took away all those aircraft with poor palletes and redid them.

Don't like those terms? Make it yourself.. oh that's right, you can't. If you could then you would have already done so. As for being rude, you're lucky I take time out to respond instead of just putting you into my Ignore list.

Have a nice day y'all.
Please calm down, Grizzly. No need to be childish here.

As for the bombers: Quality work as usual. :)
Two things:

1) I didn't read your drawn-out BS reply.
2) Minimum input, maximum output. It's just too easy to piss you off! ahahaa

How about reading one drawn-out reply (I trust you don't have A.D.D.) which I have used successfully (meaning the recipient understood) before:

Many here turn out (or have turned out) superb artwork, but Wyrmshadow is in the (AFAIK) unique position of being a human artistic Civ machine, turning out (and redoing!) more units than I can count, with an all but unrivaled perfectionist's eye.

I do not mean to apologize for mine or anybody else's rudeness, but I do understand. I write novels for a living, and know more than a few literary agents. For whatever set of reasons, every reputable literary agent in the country is inundated these days with queries, unsolicited manuscripts, etc. One whom I regard as having high ethical standards nevertheless performs triage: as she cannot become infinitely backlogged, once a week she simply throws away anything she hasn't had a chance to look at; it's that or be eternally behind. Yes, she knows she might be (literally) trashing the next Stephen King, and that countless hopeful writers will wait in vain for her response. She's stopped feeling badly about it because it's what she must do to carry on.

I mention this as an analogy to Wyrmshadow. Due to the very high quality and quantity of his work (in short, a huge amount of his free time), he rarely takes requests, and, if working on a project, will ask for feedback if he wants it. After awhile, the unsolicited becomes overwhelming (hence my analogy) and he deals with it in his own, inimitable way.

Unfortunately, there's no way to know this in advance, and many newcomers to Wyrmshadow's ways (and I have witnessed this many times during the five years or so of sharing these boards with him) have felt unfairly treated by his seeming impatience. Yet I suggest that the real and only "trick" is to not make the same unintentional mistake twice. If one can manage that, one might discover that, not only is he an extraordinary gift to this on-line community, but that he can be both very forgiving and thence both very helpful and very generous.

With My Best Regards,


P.S. to LapGrizzly - I don't suppose you like poking your eponym (look it up) with a stick for fun ... ?

P.S. to Wyrmshadow - one of us should probably keep this in our sigs ... :joke: (I'll C&P as required ;) )

It's allright. He already volunteered to be a member of my Ignore List. It's an exclusive and ever-growing membership. HAHAHA
Great bombers, old boy. I like the Bisons, particularly - reminds me of the old trick that was pulled at a May Day parade in Moscow to make the observers think there were a whole lot more of them.

1950s bombers have a certain touch of class.
Great bombers, old boy. I like the Bisons, particularly - reminds me of the old trick that was pulled at a May Day parade in Moscow to make the observers think there were a whole lot more of them.

1950s bombers have a certain touch of class.

I know of that anecdote. US observers on the roof of the embassy saw an 88 paited on the side of either a Bison or Badger, and so assumed they had atleast 88 of them.. That was the mythical "Bomber Gap" that was disproven with U2 over flights. Russians have a habbit of renaming ships a lot and painting new numbers on their aircraft.

The M-50 Bounder was played up to be the Soviet Atomic Powered bomber... but it was a miserable failure both in aeronautical design and engine developement. Early russian jet bombers suffered from terrible jet engine designs that did not perform as promised. About the only thing they got right was the Bear.
I can't believe you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders like that nice AN-225 you made. Great Job, though!

I guess when it comes to these projects, its like an intense desire. But it's a desire you glady carry though. You take pride in this work and you can't wait to get your thoughts down on paper, pixel, whathave you.

That's the heart of an artist right there.
I know of that anecdote. US observers on the roof of the embassy saw an 88 paited on the side of either a Bison or Badger, and so assumed they had atleast 88 of them.. That was the mythical "Bomber Gap" that was disproven with U2 over flights. Russians have a habbit of renaming ships a lot and painting new numbers on their aircraft.

The M-50 Bounder was played up to be the Soviet Atomic Powered bomber... but it was a miserable failure both in aeronautical design and engine developement. Early russian jet bombers suffered from terrible jet engine designs that did not perform as promised. About the only thing they got right was the Bear.

Certainly. The Bomber Gap was even more pronounced at that stage; even when Cuba came about, there was a literally huge divide between USAF bombers and Long Range Aviation assets - 630 odd B-52s, 800-900 B-47s, 226 ICBMs, not to mention 144 naval strategic bombers; for the Soviets, 15 Tu-95M, 25 Tu-95 and about 50 Bisons. With 6 R-7s thrown in for good measure.

The early Russian jet bombers were rough and ready designs; playing catch up does result in cutting a fair few corners.

If we postulate a time between 1956-1961 where Nikita Sergeyevich does not bring his unique perspective to affairs, or even if Uncle Joe stuck around for a bit longer... then we see some interesting circumstances with a lot of these fine aircraft ye have done.
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