Red Air Force, post-war

im having a bit of trouble converting the RAR file to a standard file that civ3 can read. any suggestions?



:lol: :hammer2:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Dude... .RAR files are a very common archive, like .zip files.

Do you have trouble turning your computer ON? Let alone surfing the net unchaperoned?
just asking, is there a way, somehow, to stop those "buy WinRar" popups on start, without actually buying it?
Everytime I click on one of these planes, I'm taken to a screen that says I'm "downloading too fast" - even though I haven't downloaded a unit for days.

Anyone know what's up with that? Anyone else having the same problem? Is there any other way to download these units, or any other forum where they are posted?
Red Air Force is complete
I like the way you made it look. Was the model in good order when I sent it to you? What do I need to work on the next time I give you a model?

I don't know what happens when you export something... but all the parts got jumbled up. Also I had to get rid of the wing fences because I didn't know where they went.. added in cockpit windows.. and totally threw out the wings. I had to use some from a B-1 I had. I'm not complaining too loudly because it's the best Blackjack model I've been able to get my hands on.
I'm not sure what happens either. I've been playing around with Bryce. Whenever I export the track from my K1 it gets turned sideways and backwards. I'm not sure how I would fix that short of exporting it one part at a time, but I don't think that would be possible with more complex models. I hope to get more advanced with my models so that the next time I can give you something more complete.

The Blackjack itself looks very good. I never would've imagined that those used to be B1 wings on there. If I ever get a new video card then I will test this bird out on the battlefield. Right now all I can do is look at it in flicster.
Thanks very much for your help on this one.
Nice Additions. I'm enjoying that Euro cammo Fulcrum (East German or Checz?), the new Fitter and the new Flankers. And I give you props for trying that Blackjack... you got to work with what you have and at least you gave it a shot.
Not to be rude or anything, but the only other blackjack that I've seen on this site is an older model that didn't look so well. I'm glad that I could contribute to the completion of the red air force. At least something is going right for me.
Well, I wasn't trying to be mean to you all. Or put you down for that matter. I'm sorry if you took offense to it. I seen the other blackjack you were talking about and it was hideous, so I certainly do appreciate your efforts with model. A decent Tu-160 is better than a crappy one.

But I'd be lying through my teeth if I said that there was no room for improvement. I'm no modeller so I can't tell you how do it. But they'res always room for growth, even if you're someone good.

And like I was telling Wyrmshadow, you got to work with what you've got at times. So just keep working at it. Hopefully there are ways or techniques to circumvent whatever flaws or difficulties that are in that program.

I for one saw what you were cooking up with that K1 tank, and I like it. Ever thought about taking on South Korea's new K2 tank, as well?
I didn't mean for you to take me the wrong way. I didn't think you were rude, I just didn't want the guy who made the other Tu-160 to get offended. As far as the current model goes, I looked at in irfanview, and it looks like the best plane that I ever saw. I only made the model though, my contribution to this particular unit pack was very small.

I have been working on the K1 on and off, I'm still spending time trying to learn Bryce better. The K1 will be the first unit that I make and I want it to be just as good as some of the units that I see from wyrmshadow and some of the other unit creators that I see out there. I did see the K2. Depending on how the K1 goes, I will be trying my hand at that one. The only real difference between K1 and K2 is a new turret. The two tanks have the same hull, at least they looked the same in the video that I saw.

I've not got a lot of time to myself right now. Recruiting is hard as hell and it doesn't look like it's going to get any easier. Maybe if some of the ingrates that live in America stop trying to scare everyone away from the military, my job will get easier and I can have more free time, but now I'm starting to vent and I'm not going to jack wyrm's thread anymore.
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