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RFCEurope 1.5


Jul 27, 2009
Szeged, Hungary
After lots of additional (mostly unplanned, at least for 1.5) changes and improvements, I decided that it really is high-time to release the next version.
So without further ado, here is the link to the next full version of our beloved RFCE:

It's now also linked to the dl button on the main RFCEurope page on sourceforge:

It's a huge update, I think I can safely say that this is the biggest so far.
The changelog is almost 500 lines... even after some text reductions and reorganizations. :crazyeye:
Surely there are lots of smaller changes and minor balancing stuff included, but even more rather complex and/or important improvements and additions.

Actually it should have been two separate releases, if not even three.
The biggest things are the changes related to the company, crusade and plague systems, the various religion-related updates, the AI improvements, but there are many important changes under civ setup, technical/UI improvements, and general changes as well. Actually almost all aspects of the game was touched to some extent.

EDIT: Hehh, turns out I have to separate the changelog because of the 30.000 char limit.
You can find the full ChangeLog for 1.5 under the spoilers here and in the next post:
Spoiler changelog 1st half :

Company overhaul:
- A Dynamic Company system is introduced to the mod! Idea from SoI (edead)
- Companies are not founded by civs anymore (or with GPs actually), but are independent entities on their own
- They semi-automatically spread to cities based on their own preferences:
- Available regions and provinces for the companies are set up on a (more or less) historic base
- Most companies have hated and preferred religions, and have modifiers for most religions (both on a state and on a city level)
- Hated state religion or the lack of preferred religion in the city can even be an excluding reason for some companies
- Wars might also add negative or positive effects to company spread on some situations, mostly based on state religion of the participants
- Knowledge of some techs give better odds for some companies (e.g. Chivalry, Plate Armor for military orders; Banking, Shipbuilding for trade companies)
- Military buildings will boost your chances for a military order, trade buildings for a trading/banking company
- Many civics have various modifiers to company spread, for example Merchant Republic, Feudal Law, Mercantilism, Religious Tolerance, Militarism
- Desired trade goods available to a city is fairly significant in spread chance, especially for trade-based companies
- Number of trade routes is also an important factor for deciding where to spread the trading/banking companies
- Faith points are also taken into account for religious military orders, while city size is more important for trade based companies​
- They have a "birth" date and some have a "death" date, and are mostly active between those (these are usually set on historic dates)
- All of them have a limit for the number of cities they can be active at at a given time
- There is competition between the cities for the companies - every few turns the company may leave some cities if there are better ones for their needs
- If there is a huge drop in the preference value for a company (for example on state religion change or city ownership change) it may leave the city right away
- There might also be competition between companies for a given city (e.g. Templars-Teutons-Hospitallers), if one is present the rest have decreased chance
- If a given company has already spread to some cities of a civ, it will have somewhat decreased chance for further spread in that civ's cities
- Masters/Executives can no longer spread companies, they are effectively removed from the mod
- Currently there are no Headquarters, all cities with the given company spread into them are considered equal - this might change later on
- Companies have resource preferences, and add various yield bonuses if you have access to them (based on their quantity) - as in the vanilla game
- Companies might have special units and/or buildings associated with them, all of which are only buildable while the company is present in the city
- Company costs are independent from your civ: do not cost any money when they spread to your cities, and do not cost any maintenance for being present
- Company HQs redesigned as generic buildings, as an indicator for company spread - they show up in the city while the company is present
- These temporary company buildings can get various bonuses, which are independent from the main (vanilla-style) company bonuses
- Possible bonuses for the company buildings include GP points, military bonuses, small economic bonuses

Company setup:
- All 7 previous RFCE companies were integrated into the new system
- 2 new companies: the Order of the Dragon, the Order of Calatrava
- Hanseatic League can only spread to coastal and riverside cities
- Hospitallers, Templars, Teutons and Calatrava spread Catholicism to the city when they spread there
- The Levant (and especially Jerusalem) has a greatly improved chance for Hospitallers, Templars and Teutons
- Trading/banking companies have a preference (smallish) to their historical founding provinces
- Hospitaller preferred region change after the Crusades, with Malta and Rhodes gaining importance
- Teutons preferred region change after the Crusades, with Transylvania and the lands of Prussia gaining importance
- Teutons are set to have a very high chance to spread to cities of the Teutonic Order (Prussia)
- Maximum number of cities is also modified for Hospitallers and Teutons after the Crusades are over
- Mercantilism only disables company spread for the Hanseatic League, the banking companies do have a lower chance though
- Updated Merchant Republic civic, new trade route bonus instead of the corporation maintenance reduction
- Added various interface messages for companies spreading/leaving, both for your own cities and for foreign cities visible to you
- Removed unnecessary popups connected to company availability
- Corporations in your cities no longer add any stability penalty
- Added Kontor UB for the Hanseatic League: +1 trade route, +25% income from foreign trade routes
- Added Knight of the Dragon UU: 12 strength heavy infantry, +10% against cavalry units, may cause small collateral damage
- Added Calatrava Knight UU: 9 strength heavy infantry, +10% city strength, +25% attack against Swordsman and Maceman unit classes
- Significantly reduced cost for the original Knightly Orders' UUs and the Infirmary UB, nerfed some bonuses
- Hospitaller, Templar and Teutonic Knights also give you access to the Relic resource type, which adds extra happiness to your civ
- Companies have increased penalties if they are already present in a couple cities of the given civ (so we try to spread them out)
- Contribution from different building types for company spread is distinct for each company, even the total maximum of the bonus varies
- Buildings/infrastructure and resources available to a city are weighted with quantity, neither will become the dominating factor so easily
- Company spread value from number of desired resources is more significant for the first resource of a given type
- Hanseatic League starts earlier, in 1157 (earliest remaining documentary mention), with much increased city number limit in 1356 (the first general Diet of the Hansa)
- Fixed issue where company resources added half as much bonuses ingame as they were set up and as they were shown in the Civilopedia before starting an actual game
- Templars and Teutons slowly disappear after Protestantism is founded (if they are still active)
- Order of Calatrava is only active if Cordoba or Morocco is alive
- Order of the Dragon is only active if the Ottomans are alive
- All unique Military Order units have a national limit of 5

Plague overhaul:
- Improvements near a plagued city have a chance whether to reduce their level, or to reset the progress towards the next level: Towns 100%, Villages 75%, Hamlets 50%, Cottages 25%
- Plague chance to kill population in the city (calculated every turn) is heavily adjusted with the current population size
- Even though city health is also important, there is a much bigger chance for losing citizens with a bigger population
- So while losing some population is still common in all cities, very unlikely to shrink in each turn unless it was a huge city originally
- Thus cities will no longer decrease to size 1-2 in most cases, not even for small civs with less health resources
- On the other hand, when plague spreads to a new city, one population will be killed by default
- The first plague (Plague of Justinian) is less deadly for Byzantium, both for your cities and your units - not historic at all, but better for gameplay
- The first plague won't spread to Italy and France, so neither the Franks nor the Pope will suffer from it
- Moved the potential start date of the first plague a couple turns earlier
- While plagues can still kill units after a couple turns, they won't kill healthy units instantly when spreading to a new city
- Other than the initial hit, plague will also deal slightly less damage to your units generally - much less unit deaths from plague than before
- Damage difference for units in the city and for units adjacent to a city isn't as significant as before, so attacking armies won't have a huge advantage anymore
- Fixed bug which caused almost all plagues to be as deadly as the Black Death (which is supposed to be more deadly than the others)
- Base plague duration now heavily takes number of cities into account (instead of a constant 6 for everyone), so it won't be significantly more deadly for smaller civs
- Overall health in your empire is still a significant modifier for plague duration, but values are adjusted to be more coherent with the new base duration range
- Revised interface messages for plague spread (both to civs and cities), added new message when the plague kills units or a huge percentage of the general population
- Fixed bug where the plague spread to the same city multiple times in some rare cases
- Indies and barbs are no longer more vulnerable for plague spread than normal civs
- Naval units will no longer be killed by plagues (damage is decreased for them) unless they were heavily damaged already
- Civilian units also get less damage from plagues, but it's still deadly for them (especially for workers)
- The amount of damage from the plague will be somewhat more random for all units, especially when there are more units on the same tile
- The plague spread mechanics is based on trade routes and city distance, but much more random than before
- Plague can spread to more of your cities in a given turn (max is based on the size of the empire), bigger chance for it if there are many cities close to already infected ones
- Additional checks for the plague to leave some of your cities even before it stops completely
- Plague leaving your cities is much more common in general (after it stopped the spread in your civ)
- It's way more likely that the plague leaves smaller, less unhealthy cities than bigger ones
- Little shorter plague duration (on civ-level), also it spreads to a little less cities in a given turn
- Revised plague related health calculations, now there is a real chance to avoid or mitigate plagues if the civ is healthy enough
- No civ can reach immunity for the Black Death, will spread even if all your cities are very healthy
- Plague will be restarted only for the human player on conquering an infected city

Crusade updates:
- Crusading units now have a chance to arrive to their destination, around 70% of the units will arrive for the first Crusade
- Number of arriving Crusader units scale reversed with the start date of Crusades, to counterbalance the increasing number of units available for selection
- This reduction is very significant for an AI-controlled Jerusalem, much less if the human player has to defend the city
- When the Crusade is deviated to a new target, it gets only a little more than half the units as it would have if it was a normal Crusade
- Increased gold cost for deviating Crusades for both the human and the AI player
- Decreased extra votes for the Papal States (they were the deciding factor before, thus almost always the Papal favourite civ was chosen to lead)
- Adjusted some minor inconsistencies with unit types in the Crusading unit categories
- Revised how special units and UUs are handled on Crusades if the leader of the Crusade has access to the given unit
- Fixed calculation bug when Paladin units were participating in Crusades, which caused issues with number of Knights as well
- Fixed bug where both Catapults and Trebuchets were added to the Crusading stack in many cases (doubling the intended amount of siege units)
- Added Cordoba as the primary target for stolen Crusades for AI Portugal, Aragon (Castile already had it this way) if they are Muslim and not a vassal
- Added Ottomans as the primary target for stolen Crusades for AI Hungary, Austria and Poland (if there is a late Crusade) if they are Muslim and not a vassal
- Byzantium will only be the primary target for stolen Crusades for AI Venice and Genoa if they hold Constantinople and they are not a vassal
- Fixed mistake which would kill all units around the Crusade's target city (instead of only making room on one tile) if no valid plot was found
- Revised Crusade unit categories and chances, updated both with the new units
- Improved selection method for units leaving for Crusades
- Fixed bug where some of your last defender units in a city could potentially leave for a Crusade
- Fixed bug where Knights of St. John weren't eligible for Crusades
- No more Defensive Crusades after Protestantism is founded
- Later Crusades won't send back units from earlier Crusades (i.e. if they initially remained Crusaders, it should remain that way)
- Added option for another Crusade in the late 13th century
- Tuned down Defensive Crusade frequency, reduced number of generic units for normal Crusades
- Each nation which sends units for a Crusade (apart from the leader and the Pope) receives Faith Points and Great General Points when it is over
- Unique Military Order units might leave for Crusade even if you decide not to participate
- Added 3rd, monetary contribution option for the Crusade participation decision, but only if you can afford it
- Added a more moderate Crusade refusal option, no more unnecessary insulting of the Pope
- Civs participating in Crusades have significantly bigger chance for military order company spread
- Further randomized the unit selection method for Crusades, also now much less Archer-type units and somewhat less Company UUs leave for Crusades (proportionally)

Terrain updates:
- New base terrain: Semidesert - 1 production, +1 commerce near rivers, city founding only possible near fresh water
- New base terrain: Salt Lake - 1 food, 3 commerce, +1 food with Harbor, +10% defence
- New base terrain: Fresh Water Lake - 2 food, 2 commerce, +1 food with Harbor, +10% defence
- New terrain feature: Islands (2 variety, green and rocky) - +1 production, +1 commerce, +10% defence
- New terrain feature: Reefs - costs 4 movement points, 25% damage if naval units end their turn on it
- Renamed Ice base terrain to Permafrost / Permanent Snow, Ice terrain feature to Sea Ice
- You can no longer found cities on coastal Desert tiles, only near fresh water (same as for Semidesert)
- Forts are buildable on Semidesert, Tundra, Desert and Snow tiles too
- Semidesert, Wetland and Tundra have +25 build time modifier, Desert and Permafrost have +50%
- New button for Moorland, Dense Forest, Permanent Snow, Marsh, Tundra
- Cottages can be built on Moorland, Semidesert and Tundra tiles too, but fresh water doesn't enable them automatically
- Cottages no longer need at least 1 base food on the tile, so they can be built on most Hills

Map updates:
- Replaced all previous lakes with the new Salt Lakes and Fresh Water Lakes
- Various resource and terrain rearrangements in Ireland
- Updated Egypt with the new Semidesert terrain, increased chance for AI settling Damietta
- Lake Tuz and the Dead Sea now take 2 tiles, added Sea of Galilee
- A few additional tiles in Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega, added Islands feature to both lakes
- Removed the misplaced 1 tile lake from the south of Onega, revised placement of northern Russian lakes
- Revised all Finnish Lakes, Saimaa and Paijanne have better placement, also moved around a couple smaller lakes
- Revised rivers in Finland, in Norway, longer Jordan river in the Levant
- Changed Limfjord in Denmark to be an actual Coast Sea tile instead of a lake
- Added inland Coast Sea tile near Trondheim/Nidaros to represent the huge fjords in the area
- Added Islands features south of Bergen, west of Nidaros, on the Finnish coastline
- Terrain and resource rearrangements in Norway, in north Sweden and in Finland
- Minor adjustments to province borders in Ireland, Norway, and Finland

1200AD scenario updates:
- Fixed Muscovy start in 1200AD scenario, now all civs should work without any issues
- Fixed Muscovian starting religion (starts with Orthodoxy as State Religion) in the 1200AD scenario
- Austria and Sweden start with Catholicism as State Religion in the 1200AD scenario
- Fixed Swedish initial contact with Denmark on the very beginning of the 1200AD scenario
- Fixed turn counter on scenario start for the 1200AD scenario, now it should show correctly for all civs
- Norway and Denmark start with Catholicism as a State Religion and with a couple additional Catholic cities in the 1200AD scenario
- Uppsala is preplaced in the 1200AD scenario (will be reduced to town a couple turns later), Shrine of Uppsala is preplaced there so it can't be built later
- Fixed oversight in the 1200AD scenario where Norwegian cities started with both Trading Post and Harbor - now they have Lighthouse instead
- Fixed oversight in the 1200AD scenario where Portuguese cities started with both Feitoria and Lighthouse - now they have Harbor instead
- Company spread is updated to an initial state before the first turn of the 1200 AD scenario starts
- Dynamic civ names are refreshed for all civs right before the player starts the first turn of the scenario
- AI civs won't do a revolution in the first couple turns of the scenario (keep the initial civics until relations are more established)
- Civs now have a separate loading time info for the 1200AD scenario (it will show up instead of the normal one)
- NOTE: Most of the map updates for the 1.5 version are not yet implemented in the 1200AD scenario

Mercenary updates:
- Fixed the annoying bug with mercenary notifications (both appearing merc and leaving merc messages) when there wasn't any changes in your mercenary pool
- Fixed bug with ever increasing cost for mercenary price and upkeep whenever you clicked on them (for civs with modified values, probably caused by the new StoredData handling)
- Fixed bug where you could hire naval mercenaries in non-coastal cities - they will still appear on the mercenary screen though
- Mercenaries requiring more culture in the province or a different state religion will also show up on the merc screen, but you can't hire them
- Added information texts for the mercenary screen about the reason(s) why you cannot hire specific mercs: money, culture, coastal city
- Fixed bug where mercenaries could appear in cities without enough culture (if there were multiple cities in the province)
- Specific interface message for the human player when there is a new mercenary in the list, but can't be hired because needs different State Religion
- New interface message for the human player if a merc available for him/her was hired by another player
- If there are mercs available in a newly founded or newly acquired city's province, interface message about it to the human player
- Stradiot mercenary also available in the southern Italian provinces

Stability updates:
- Increased civic stability boost from Religious Law + Theocracy
- Added small initial stability bonus for Arabia, Venice, Hungary and Novgorod if controlled by the AI
- Settling in core province means +1 stability, in historic/potential 0, in contested -1, in foreign -2
- Various tweaks in stability calculations for preplaced/preset stuff in the scenarios
- Potential provinces now properly update on the start of all new games (important for the 1200AD scenario), so stability from them is also updated correctly
- Revised collapse rules from bad stability for the human player, now it has a lower chance to happen generally (still very dangerous, but reaches 100% chance much slower)
- Reduced overall impact of unhappiness from religious civics on city instability
- Reduced foreign culture instability if you run the Subjugation Civic (-1 with less than 20%, 0 otherwise)
- Krak des Chevaliers will add bonus stability for all Castle-type buildings if they weren't present before the conquest
- Fixed mistake in religious stability calculations when Judaism is your State Religion

Religion updates:
- Free religious revolution on Religious Civic change:
- Switching from Paganism to State Religion/Theocracy/Organized Religion gives you a free religion choice (so no extra anarchy) right on civic change
- Mainly for civs who start without a religion (Bulgaria, Norse civs, Rus civs, Hungary, Lithuania), no need for the annoying double-revolution anymore
- AI will also use the function, the choice for a free religion is based on number of cities with the religion, on available holy cities, and on historical preference​
- Religion spread rules:
- Added special religion spread rules for a couple areas which more often than not ended up with ahistorical religions
- The spread is based on provinces (and indirectly on civs in the area), only checks for cities without a religion
- Orthodoxy: increased chance to spread in Rus territories between 850-1300AD, in Bulgaria and the Balkans between 700-1000AD
- Islam: greatly increased chance to spread in the Maghreb and in the southern part of the Iberian-peninsula between 700-1200AD
- Catholicism: increased chance to spread in southern Scandinavia between 1000-1300AD, in Hungary between 960-1200AD
- Increased generic Judaism spread chance slightly, especially in Central-Europe
- Reduced Islam spread, it will have a harder time reaching the faraway parts of the map (Scandinavia, Novgorod)
- Fixed bug which could mess up Judaism spread if some parts of the map were sparsely populated with cities​
- Revised Papal bonuses:
- When choosing where to construct free buildings or whom to give gold the Pope considers a weighted value of both faith points and diplomatic relations
- You need to have Catholicism as a state religion and open borders with the Papal States to be eligible for any bonuses
- For gold gifts diplomatic relations matter much more, for religious buildings faith points are the deciding factor
- The (Catholic) owner of Jerusalem has a greatly increased chance to be selected for free Papal buildings
- Increased frequency of Papal gifts between the Schism and the Protestant Reformation, decreased afterwards
- No monasteries will be built for the chosen player after the discovery of Scientific Method (so the Pope may only build temples)
- Changed civ selecting method on Papal bonuses, earlier civs (with lower IDs) won't have a bigger chance anymore
- Gold gifts from the Pope are more randomized (well, semi-randomized)
- The Pope might also give free techs to the most pious civs
- You can only get one tech at a time, and only from techs which are known to the Pope
- For selecting the civ, relations with the Pope matter, but faith points are much more important
- The possibility for a free Papal tech is somewhat slim, but the selected civ has bigger chance if it's more techs behind​
- The Papal States cannot trade any technologies (you can neither trade techs from the Pope, nor trade techs to him)
- The Pope gets all technologies automatically which is known by at least 3 Catholic civs
- Chance for population gain in Jerusalem if a Catholic civ owns it, with Catholicism spread if it isn't present

Indy and barb changes:
- Reduced number of defender units in indy Caen, AI France should be able to conquer it more often
- Tuned down the number of Seljuks spawning against human controlled Byzantium
- Seljuk Turcoman Horse Archer units no longer get defensive bonuses from tile features
- Revised NW Keshik spawn areas, to move the Mongol threat more on Poland and Hungary (instead of the recently spawned Prussia and Lithuania)
- Increased barbarian Mongol unit numbers against Hungary and Poland, especially for the human player
- Changed barb city spawns in Ireland, not all 4 will spawn in all games, 2 is enough (already provides an early barb-island feel)
- Ireland, 700 AD: Hill of Tara/Dublin (100%, "Teamhair"), barbarian, population size 1, has a respawn in 988 AD
- Ireland, 700 AD: Downpatrick (20%, "Rath Celtair"), Rathcroghan/Sligo (30%, "Cruiachain"), Cashel/Cork (50%, "Caisel"), barbarian, population size 1
- Redesigned early barbs in Iberia as Visigoths (also to represent the Kingdom of Asturias), strengthened them to slow down early Cordoban expansion
- Wends added as new barbarians for Germany, with extra threat from them around the Great Slav Rising of 983AD
- Revised barbarian Magyar spawn areas and numbers in the late 9th century in Central Europe (before the Hungarian spawn)
- Tuned down stregth of "barbarian" Teutonic Knight spawns in Livonia in the early 13th century (right before the Prussian spawn)
- Reduced number of Berber barbarians in North Africa (especially for Cordoba), less early barbs for AI Kiev
- Barbarian cities spawn with more appropriate starting units
- New indy city: Perekop (as Or Qapi), 1250 AD, barbarian city, separating Crimean peninsula from the mainland
- New indy city: Halych, 1124 AD, starts with Orthodoxy, representing the western Rus principalities
- Alternative spawn position for indy Lubeck, one tile south of the current one (60% for the new position, 40% for the old)
- New indy city: Zagreb (as Sisak), 800 AD, early buffer zone between Hungary and Venice (also makes Venetian coastal cities' cultural expansion limited in Croatia)
- AI Hungary is much more likely to reign war on independent Croatia from the early 11th century
- Moved spawn area for the Bani Hassan barbarians a little south of the Sous region
Last edited:
So the rest of the ChangeLog:
Spoiler changelog 2nd half :

Civ and UHV setup:
- Starting civic changes: Arabia (Trade Economy), Kiev (Serfdom, Manoralism), Spain (Serfdom, Manoralism), Morocco (Trade Economy, Militarism)
- Starting civic changes: Genoa (Feudal Monarchy, Serfdom, Manoralism, Vassalage), England (Vassalage), Portugal (Serfdom, Manoralism, Vassalage)
- Starting civic changes: Aragon (Serfdom, Manoralism, Vassalage), Sweden (Feudal Law, Vassalage), Prussia (Militarism), Austria (Vassalage)
- Starting civic changes: Ottomans (Apprenticeship, Guilds, Militarism), Moscow (Feudal Monarchy, Feudal Law, Vassalage), Dutch (Colonialism)
- Novgorod starts without the Feudalism tech, thus in the Despotism civic (similarly to Kiev)
- Venice starts without the Vassalage and Code of Laws techs, Germany without Machinery, Burgundy with Aristocracy
- Venice starts with Spearman instead of Crossbowman, Germany and Burgundy with Guisarme instead of Crossbowman
- Burgundy and Germany stars with a couple additional defensive starting units
- Additional starting units for the French, to be able to get more aggressive with early conquests
- Revised Prussian starting units - instead of Teutonic Masters, they start with more military units
- Venice, Genoa and Aragon start with a Harbor in their cities
- The Genoese 2nd UHV is changed to simply build 8 banks (for now)
- Tuned down Cordoban production modifiers a bit, increased Castilian and Aragonese
- Increased production/tech modifiers for AI Kiev and Muscovy (stays more or less the same for the human player)
- Reduced German respawn zone around Brandenburg, now it doesn't have an overlap with Prussia's
- Minor updates in the Swedish and Prussian respawn zones, to avoid overlap with Lithuania
- Revised respawn zone for Novgorod and Russia, better shape for both without any overlaps
- Kuban province changed to contested for the Ottomans, Lithuania and Suvalkija contested for Prussia
- The province of Calabria was added to the 3rd Aragonese UHV, the Balearic Islands are needed for the 1st Moroccan UHV instead of Tripolitania
- Thessaly, Morea, Crete and Cyprus provinces are also needed for the 2nd Venetian UHV (besides the city of Constantinople)
- Picardy will remain historic for France even after the English spawn, Northumbria will remain contested for Norway
- Changed the Novgorodian 2nd UHV goal to 11 fur resources (was 12), Scottish Auld Alliance UHV goal lowered to 1500
- Revised starting units for Arabia - more melee units, less horse archers
- Additional defensive units and in some cases additional settler(s) for AI Arabia, Bulgaria, Cordoba, Germany, Novgorod, Kiev, Hungary, Poland, Morocco, Ottomans
- Adjusted Venetian and Hungarian settler maps around Zagreb, Dalmatia and in the Balkans
- Adjusted settler and war maps around Halics and Perekop for all neighboring civs, Kievan settler map strengthened a little in the south
- Adjusted Norwegian and Swedish settler maps, Eidswoll won't be founded in all games 2NE from the Norwegian capitol
- Novgorod will settle it's cities with a little less overlap in the BFCs
- Sweden now has some Knights and Arbalests in it's starting army
- Added melee units for the starting army of Muscovy, the AI also starts with an additional settler and a couple more units
- England starts with an additional settler, missionary and war galley, the AI starts with a couple further defensive units
- Revised English and Aragonese naval units' spawn position, should be a little more safe now

Tech/building/unit balance:
- Switched early naval buildings' tech tree position: Harbor with Astrolabe, Lighthouse with Cartography
- Trading Post replaces Harbor (instead of Lighthouse), free Navigation 1 promotion for all naval units, +1 commerce
- Feitoria replaces Lighthouse (instead of Harbor), +1 commerce on all water tiles, prebuilt in all newly founded cities after the discovery of Astronomy
- Consulate of the Sea replaces Lighthouse (as before, but now in it's new position), also now it enables 1 merchant specialist
- Venetian Arsenal available earlier, moved to Clockmaking from Optics
- Shipbuilding needs Replaceable Parts (to avoid early free tech slingshot for Astronomy)
- Marco Polo's Embassy needs Literature and Clockmaking, no silk and trade route bonus, provides extra commerce from merchant specialists
- Catholic State Religion is prerequisite for Notre Dame (also Orthodoxy is prereq for Theodosian Walls, not that it matters)
- Increased Guisarme and Pikeman bonus against both Light and Heavy Cavalry by 25%
- Revised all bonuses for Guisarme, Pikeman and Longbowman UUs/mercenaries/barbs, increased Arquebusier strength to 8
- Arbalestier and it's UUs also have 25% city defence, like all other archer-type units
- Longbowman requires Military Tradition and Replacable Parts, Longbowman UUs require Guilds and Chivalry
- Winged Hussars available with Polygonal Fort, Cuirassier strength reduced to 18
- Line Infantry bonus against heavy cavalry reduced to +25%
- Tercio available with Chemistry, strength reduced to 11, Janissary strength increased to 11
- Moved Plate Armor, Alchemy and Cartography later in the tech timeline, moved Chivalry earlier
- Nerfed bonus for Belem Tower (+1 commerce for water tiles instead of +2), Leonardo's Workshop (+30% production instead of +50%)
- Revised base culture bonus for many of the world wonders
- Templar Knights now have +10% city defence, Teutonic Knights have -10% city attack, but free Shock promotion
- Condottiero strength reduced to 13, Boyar now doesn't get any defensive bonuses but immune to first strikes

Art updates:
- Historic icon/button/gamefont for the Order of Calatrava and the Order of the Dragon
- New gamefont icon for Teutonic Knights, Templar Knights, Bank of St. George (the latter 2 from SoI)
- Resized/improved all other Company gamefont icons, not all of them were displayed perfectly (also to be more in line with the new ones)
- New unit art and icon for Knight of St. John (Hospitaller UU), new icon for Teutonic Knight UU
- Unit art and icon for Kontor, Knight of the Dragon and Calatrava Knight from Realism Invictus
- Added new unit art for Janissary (3 different versions) and Inquisitor
- New icon for all 4 Missionaries, new unit art for Orthodox and Islamic Missionary
- New icon for Végvár (Hungarian UB), new icon for Manorialism civic and tech
- Fixed minor glitch with the leaderhead art of Bela III (Hungary)
- Changes in the Hanseatic League building art, it is now displayed more in line with the other companies in the Civilopedia
- Added separate building art for the 2 new Chivalric Orders (Dragon and Calatrava)
- New gamefont icon for copper, timber, tea, tobacco, silk, sugar, corn, marble, stone, dye, gems, wheat
- Improved gamefont icon for olives, cotton, apples, honey, potatoes, coffee, fur, amber, salt, sulphur
- New map/civilopedia icon for copper, amber, silk, sugar, corn, potato, cotton, coffee, salt, honey, marble, stone, dye, gems, wheat, olives
- Added art for the Pyramids as a map object, might be placed as a special terrain feature
- Reduced ingame size of Galleass, Gun Galley, Cog and Holk, minor tweaks in lots of other ingame unit sizes
- Increased Civilopedia size of Cannon, Field Artillery, Bombard, Great Bombard, War Wagon, revised size for all foot units
- Increased Civilopedia size for almost all naval and mounted units, now they are more or less standardized
- Revised Civilopedia size for all naval improvements, windmill, fort

Text updates:
- Updated text for some interface messages connected to the Reformation
- Aragonese UB: Consulate of the Sea (instead of Seaport), Prussian UB: Volksschule (instead of Public School), Bulgarian UB: Stan (instead of Bulgarian Stan)
- Spanish translations, also various fixes and updates in the Civilopedia by Arcangelus
- New Civilopedia text for some buildings and units by Arcangelus
- Improvements (both text and formatting) in the Concepts page in the Civilopedia
- Minor updates in the CNMs in Ireland, Norway, Finland and Karelia
- Updated CNMs for all civs around the lakes in Anatolia and the Levant
- Text updates in the wording of some UPs, UB bonuses, UHV names
- Added a couple new AI diplo texts, minor text updates connected to previous AI diplo messages
- Various UHV text improvements by DC123456789, 2phunkey4u and El Bogus
- New interface text message when a new Janissary unit is ready for your service
- Readded initial civ name functionality to the DCN system (usually something like Xyz Peoples)
- Dynamic Civ Names won't refresh if you don't have any cities (e.g. you stay with the initial name until you found/acquire your first city)
- Added initial Dynamic Civ Name for all the 28 civs, most of them are based on the entry they had in the old system
- Dynamic Civ Names for Norway, Denmark, Sweden, lots of interconnected names between them
- Updated DCN Empire trigger conditions and early DCNames for France / the Franks
- Fixed minor mistakes in the Aragonese DCN, changed a couple entries in the Castilian vassal DCN from "Spain" to "Castile"
- Dynamic Civ Names for Novgorod, Kiev, Muscovy by DC123456789 and SanJose
- Dynamic Civ Names for England, Scotland, the Dutch with the help of DC123456789
- Colony for Genoan, Zhupa for Bulgarian, Voivodeship for Polish and Lithuanian vassals' DCNames (added to all the recently updated civs)
- Added Dynamic Civ Names and Lakes of RFCEurope reference text files to the mod
- Civilopedia entries for the new companies, UUs, UBs
- Added help text and bonus information for the various company buildings
- Updates in a couple names and Civilopedia texts connected to terrain features
- Updated Civilopedia entry for Bohdan Khelmnytsky and Marfa Posadnitsa, minor formatting updates for some other leaders
- Minor city name map updates for Novgorod, Kiev, Hungary, Muscovy and the Ottomans

General changes:
- Updated the Novgorod Fur UHV and the Moscow Atlantic Access UHV to count resources only inside cultural borders
- Revised the setup for DCNames when the civ is the master of 1 or 2 other civilizations, should work for all civs without any issues (e.g. Iberian Union)
- Core cities cannot be chosen for city secession because of health issues
- All cities have less chance for secession because of religion unhappiness, while all cities have bigger chance for secession if they are unhappy (happy faces < unhappy faces)
- Culture in cities is now also taken into account when choosing the city for secession (not the amount, but your cultural percentage, so the nationality of the population there)
- So cities with low own culture has more chance to be chosen if there is a secession - my intention with this is to add more chance for your recently acquired cities
- Reduced unit chance to stay with the original civ on city secession
- Bonuses on small islands without a city are also connected to the trade network if both their improvement and a road are built on the plot
- Enabled coast tiles in a diagonal position from actual seas to become normal coast tiles instead of lakes, representing fjords
- Naval units cannot enter lake tiles (neither freshwater nor salt) or forts, but they can enter fjords
- Settling on a hamlet improvement results in a free granary in your cities
- Settling on a village or town improvement results in a free granary and an additional starting population
- Mines get +1 production with Steam Engines and +1 commerce with Replaceable Parts, Quarries get +1 production with Replaceable Parts
- Base production bonus from Prime Timber reduced to +1
- Sulphur yields less production with mines, some of the precious resources yield 1 less commerce with mines
- Woodlands can be cleared with Blast Furnace, Lumber Mill available with Plate Armor
- Lowered RFCE-specific diplomatic bonuses for sharing a religion, for almost all religions
- Civs can't get back one of their previous leaders on resurrection (would be changed to the later one anyway in a couple turns)
- Civs have 40% chance to remain with the leader before the collapse, 60% chance to get the next leader (chronologically)
- Vassals are now allowed to trade cities with their master, e.g. you can give cities to your vassal if they are willing to accept it
- Reduced diplomatic relation penalties with other civs from close borders
- Decreased normal (vanilla BtS) diplo bonuses from sharing a religion, faith points should be the dominating factor
- Round church no longer negates all diplo bonuses from sharing a religion, but it has increased diplo penalties against civs with the same faith
- If Arabia acquires a city before it founds his first one, that will become the Islamic holy city (otherwise Islam would end up without one)
- AI and human starting stacks are now separate - usually strengthening the AI's early expansion when the civ is spawned in an otherwise unpopulated area
- Culture flipped cities don't have a raze option if they are a holy city or if your cultural percentage is very high (same as with conquered cities)
- Naval units can no longer blockade tiles on the opposite side of an isthmus
- Special UHV events (golden age, triumphal arch, AI wars) also happen if the last 2 UHVs were accomplished on the same turn
- Basic naval buildings and naval wonders are available in all coastal cities (only near sea, not lake), even if the water area is very small
- Naval units and related naval buildings are only available for coastal cities near an at least size 20 water body (because of the AI)
- Work boats can only be built if there is an improvable resource in the neighboring water area (vanilla way)
- Added a free defender unit if there were no units in the city after a flip/revolt

AI improvements:
- AI civs won't do a revolution in the first couple turns after birth (wait for the potential city flips, initial conquests/settling, war declarations, and whatnot)
- AI won't consider their trade partner worst enemy for tech/map/resource trades and open borders, if diplo relations between them is pleased or friendly
- Decreased general AI willingness for vassalization, furthermore greatly reduced chance for vassalization on resurrection
- Increased AI willingness to choose indy targets inside it's war map, decreased chance for choosing indies outside the war map
- Made the AI take number of cities into consideration for the Merchant Republic civic - hopefully most civs won't choose it as often anymore
- AI civs with special bonuses for civics as their UP (Venice, Novgorod, Prussia) have much increased chance for that civic
- AI will now only build prosecutors in it's cities if it intends to use it
- AI civs won't train persecutors in small cities (won't cripple new cities early production with it)
- Revised AI persecution values and religions for all civs, improved AI logic when and what to purge
- An AI city may become target for persecution if it has a religion the civ wants to purge, and it doesn't have a wonder associated with that religion
- AI civs will try to build more defender units for escorting settlers
- Fixed serious vanilla BtS bug which messed up AI value calculations for training missionaries in their cities, resulting in way fewer missionaries in RFCE than intended
- As a result of the above, and some further improvements and adjustments, the AI will build and use both missionaries and persecutors more often
- Increased religion flavor for most AI leaders, resulting in more efforts to spread/build in their state religion
- AI civs will only spread religion to other civs if it's their current state religion or they do not have a state religion
- Decreased willingness for vassalization for almost all AI leaders, even small civs won't vassalize so easily now
- Most AI civs are now more unlikely to raze cities, barbs also have slightly less chance for city razing
- Smaller AI civs will now have increased probability to build units (to be a better match for bigger civs' armies)
- AI civs no longer consider era restrictions on vassal and defensive pact trades
- The AI will only choose a city as a primary target if it's in the war map or it's within an era-based distance from the civ's current territory
- AI civs won't accept cities in less than core or historic territory, if their stability is < 0
- Revised era based distance values for AI city trade calculations
- Revised AI trade resource values, increased it for some strategic resources
- AI civs won't accept cities if they are too far away from their territory, unless they are in core or historic territory
- AI civs decision/chance for war declaration on the 2nd completed UHV is based on: distance and diplo relations between the civs, size of their nation

Technical and UI changes:
- No interface messages are displayed during autoplay/autorun (Crusades, RiseAndFall, Religion, Wonders, Leaders, etc.)
- Turns remaining message only show up in the last 30 turns of the game (instead of 100)
- No permanent (flashing) victory message on the middle of the screen after you are victorious (from DoC)
- No looped victory music during your play if you decide to continue after you have won
- Updated the Company Advisor / Company Screen, now all 9 companies should be displayed without any issues
- Removed date founded, headquarters, founded by GP information from the company screen (all of which is irrelevant or non-existent with the new system)
- City screen updated: improved religion and company icon positioning on the city screen
- Removed all leaderhead FPK-s from the mod, no use in PAK-ing leaderhead art files
- Plot information shows city name when a settler is selected (for plots where your civ have a civ-specific city name)
- Adjusted some colours on the plot tooltip, to make information more noticeable
- Plague icon is shown on the city banner, not only the plague cloud above the city (idea from DoC)
- Removed unnecessary Derivative Civ settings for all civilizations, various other minor python and XML optimizations
- Added DataLoader functionality to the mod, loads the desired python data into appropriate objects within the CvGameCoreDLL (both on startup and game load)
- Optimized XML and python setup for buildings and units, revised order - will make XML initialization on starting the mod slightly faster
- Revised timing and availability for most previously added interface messages
- Updated resource alignment and positioning in the Company Screen
- Adjusted main screen UHV counter for a couple civs, it won't be displayed after the UHV date
- Yields are now displayed correctly for 0 base yield plots which have yield modifiers on them (bonus resources, Moroccan UP)
- Added plot coordinates to the tile information tooltip - settable in GlobalDefines_Alt.xml file, disabled by default
- Added option for city naming popup on city foundation (with the civ's CNM name where it is available) - settable in GlobalDefines_Alt.xml file, disabled by default
- Added specific name to the plot information tooltip for all lakes (and fjords) on the map
- Cleaner replay log for civic and religion changes, also on peace declarations
- Reenabled civic change messages - for all civs you have contact with, for all change-types (revolution, diplo, spy, etc.)
- Civic/religion/many other interface messages will now use the DCN name instead of the short description of the civ
- Revised frequency of pillaging messages, added message on pillaged roads too
- Incorporated useful RFCUtils from Dawn of Civilization (Credits to Leoreth)
- Revision of big chunks of python code, for both better efficiency and readability
- Popup message for the player when a UHV goal is completed or failed
- Popup message for the player a couple turns before the Seljuk/Mongol/Timurid invasions
- Improved interface messages connected to Papal bonuses, added message for the Topkapi Palace effect
- Message for the human player if he/she successfully suppressed some cities on a resurrection
- Revised loading times (on the civ selection screen) in the 500AD scenario for all civs
- Revised both Base Terrain and Terrain Feature Civilopedia categories, added pedia description box for both

- Fixed strange visibility area for the Ottomans
- Fixed bug in the DCNames code which made it impossible for the master condition to trigger
- Fixed bug which enabled some specific AI wars to be declared even when there was an active peace
- Fixed messed up order of colony names on the Colony Screen tab under the Info Screen
- Fixed bug with terrain layer orders, thus corrected some blending mistakes when joining some terrain types together
- Fixed bug with city resistance timer on multiple persecutions in the same turn
- Fixed oversight where the Arabian UP could be used with Judaism, thus enabled spreading the minor religion
- Fixed bug with free walls: Morocco now gets a free Kasbah instead of walls when founding cities on a fort improvement
- Fixed bug which sometimes caused issues when the plague spread to a known civ's unknown city
- Fixed a couple oversights in various province lists (representing regions)
- Fixed bug where Protestantism wasn't auto-founded by the Dutch even if no civs researched Printing Press by their spawn
- Fixed mistake in the Genoese UHV counter for Banks and the check conditions for it
- Fixed bug with unit removal in the NW tile of Iceland (related to various mechanics which include switching/moving units - ie: spawn, respawn, secession)
- Fixed bug that caused AI civs to produce unnecessary prosecutors way too often
- Fixed issue where naval units skip turn on unit unload even with movement points left (from DoC)
- Fixed a couple minor issues and inconsistencies with some old leftover code from vanilla RFC
- Added a couple more bugfixes (and minor fixes for Firaxis oversights) from Karadoc/K-mod
- Fixed dates for a couple events/deadlines, including the Norwegian 2nd UHV and the Bulgarian 3rd UHV
- Fixed wrong class for a couple resources, which resulted in wrong AI values associated with them (for example in trade deals)
- Fixed issue with character encoding in a couple DCN related files, now all special characters should be displayed correctly
- Fixed vanilla BtS display bug where messages about civic changes didn't show up if it was an initially set civic
- Fixed vanilla RFC bug where civics were set back to the basic ones for most AI civs which started before the civ with autoplay (so the human controlled civ)
- Fixed issue where some civs started without any techs and without their initial stack if their capital was flipped from another player
- Fixed issue where some indy/barb units could remain in the core area on the new civ's birth
- Fixed bug with autopeace messages with dead civs on civ resurrection
- Fixed a couple instances of the autoplay going to -1 turn bug (hopefully all of it)
- Fixed minor oversight on economy stability calculations where some wonders were not recognized correctly
- Fixed mistake where some barbarian units outside the civ's spawn area were intentionally converted to the new civ on birth
- Fixed bug with Hungarian Vegvars which resulted in way too high damage on bigger enemy stacks
- Fixed bug which caused to leave out some units from the Crusades' selection procedure altogether, usually also resulting in some unintended unittypes sent
- Fixed bug which in some cases resulted in less checks for potential units for the Crusade, thus in less sent units
- Fixed a couple mistakes in the date -> gameturn conversions on the timeline
- Fixed bug which made it possible for a collapsed (former) Crusade leader to declare war on the target civ
- Fixed bug in the special war declaration mechanics on the 2nd completed UHV where vassals could potentially declare war on their master
- Fixed spawn bug with unintended enemy units flipping to you in some cases, appearing in your starting stack
- Fixed a couple issues with unnecessary war and peace declaration messages upon civ resurrection
- Fixed city number calculation bug and a minor logic issue in the base resurrection mechanics
- Fixed "fake" AI resurrections where the game tried to bring back the new civ even if everyone managed to suppress the rebellion

Have fun, and don't forget to give feedback!
Cheers: Absinthe
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>- NOTE: Most of the map updates for the 1.5 version are not yet implemented in the 1200AD scenario

Is this still true?
>- NOTE: Most of the map updates for the 1.5 version are not yet implemented in the 1200AD scenario

Is this still true?
Yeah, updating the scenario map is really tedious.
I will only update it after all the planned map changes are in.
Congratulations with the update.
Thanks for your hard work.

To what svn version does RFCE 1.5 correspond?
Congratulations with the update.
Thanks for your hard work.

To what svn version does RFCE 1.5 correspond?
Everything is included which was commited to the SVN.
So revision 1263.
Hello Absinthe, glad to see RFCE still lives! My free time has dropped a lot these last years, but I'll take a look at the mod once I get some time. I don't think I'll be able to provide much more then some few experiences with the mod, but if there is any CTD in the game let me know. I'm studying C++ on College, so looking at those is like studying for my subjects. That's what I've been doing over in the Caveman2Cosmos subforum.

Good luck with the mod's development!
Welcome back! :)

Bad news though.. there are not too many CTDs nowadays.
Will try to be more effective in creating them!
What does CTD mean in this instance?

I know of that abbreviation only as a regimen treating cancer.
I think I can reveal my plans for 1.6. I currently only have one major update I want to do, which is an overhaul of the mercenary system. I soon will start a new thread with more details and for discussion.
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I also planned some updates for the Mercenary system. They always got postponed though.
Please PM me about the details, so we can discuss what would be the best approach.
I've been thinking the last couple of days about what can be done to add more flavor to Iberia, and as I did more research into it, I became more disappointed by a few of the inaccuracies and some of the details it lacks. Bear with me as I try to present my points one at a time.

Esla River: Running along the eastern edge of the city of Leon, the Esla river is the most important tributary of the Duero river. Its discharge into the Duero even exceeds the volume already present at the confluence of the two rivers. I'd really like to see this river added for the small health bonus to Leon, and to add more of a feel for all the streams and fresh water south of the Cantabrian Cordillera. It would also allow more farms and more room to grow for other important cities in the area, which brings me to my next request...

City placement: I've noticed that the south and southwestern corner of Leon is often left bare, when in fact it's an important cultural area with cities like Zamora, Salamanca, Avila, Segovia, and Valladolid. I'd like to see more incentive and diversity for settling cities around these parts, perhaps by spawning grain, cattle, or post-1492 corn (or potatoes, more on that later), even just one of these, for a little extra boost.

Province of Asturias: To make northern Iberia more historical and flavorful, I propose taking the coastline of the provinces of Leon and Castile, and the two easternmost tiles of Galicia (which, I haven't checked medieval borders, but in modern borders this arrangement fits correctly), and merging them into Asturias, a significant cultural region of Iberia. To add to this, I propose spawning just one Indy city, at random, in Galicia or the proposed Asturias, such as Ferrol, Orense, Oviedo, or Gijon. Pick two or three of those to spawn at like, idk, 20%/20%/60%? I did do the research on Oviedo and believe a spawn date of 760 would be accurate (Asturian kingdom appeared in 720 but Oviedo wasn't settled until 760). The city name map should be double checked in Asturias because the cities Aviles, Gijon, and Oviedo, which are all within 20 miles of each other in real life, are spread out like 200 miles on the game map! For a geography nerd like me, this is atrocious. There has to be a better way. This province should be made foreign for Cordoba, but Galicia should be set as a border province until Spain spawns. Core province for Spain.

I think this arrangement is especially suitable as I remember someone bringing up wanting a way to represent the Visigoths, and if the turn count is increased, which from what I can tell everyone wants, it will be relevant for longer.

Cattle near Pamplona: I know this is kind of nit-picky, but doesn't anyone else think it's silly that the town renowned for the Running of the Bulls, has no Cattle resource in its BFC? This tradition has been popular since at least the 14th century and I don't doubt its significance in Spanish culture. I'm not sure what reasons you may have left it out for, but if you hadn't thought about it please take another look :rolleyes: Also, if you're worried about Pamplona growing too big (which, the Basque coast is densely populated anyway; I'd still like there to be room to settle San Sebastian or Bilbao, for instance), I consider moving the deer elsewhere an option (hmm, maybe to that uncrowded region in Leon I talked about? Or Galicia even?)

Potatoes! Potatoes!: So last night I loaded up a game as the Netherlands and spent a good 50 turns or so playing Dutch, and then I checked worldbuilder because I wanted to see what New World resources spawned in Europe. I quickly noticed the obvious placement of potatoes in Ireland, and was amused by the potatoes in Saxony, however when I panned over Iberia, I didn't see any New World resources there, which I thought odd since, you know, they were the first to colonize the New World and cultivate what they brought over. I had a strong desire to see a corn resource or two placed in Iberia, and saw nothing. My interest was so piqued I rushed to google whatever history I could find about the use of maize in Spain, but what overtook me was in fact a great propensity for potatoes! Some mention about Basque sailors using them. I didn't get a chance to read about it though. Anyway, my point is, I can't really justify placing these resources, but if anyone would like to help, I'd like to see at least one potato and one corn resource in Iberia. :lol:

Cadiz: As an alternate indy city for the spawn of Sevilla, I implore you to add Gades/Cadiz 2S of Sevilla.

Edit: Murcia: I just remembered! Also wanted you to consider a randomly spawning city in southeastern Iberia, such as Murcia or Cartagena or Alicante. I remember reading somewhere that the city (or province?) of Murcia was given to Spain after the Iberian Wedding. I don't have any dates or specifics so I just want you to discuss the possibility/relevance. Food for thought!

That's about all I've got on Iberia. Other than that, just wanted to mention, because I'm not sure I brought it up before, but I strongly preferred the version of the map where Iberia wasn't tilted. I'm sure it's never going to change and you're going to keep the tilted version but I just wanted to make peace with the fact that the untilted version is the one I liked better and just wanted you to know that :king:

As always, I'm grateful for all of the hard work everyone has done contributing to this mod. I hope you'll all take my proposals seriously and consider implementing them to whatever extent you choose. Thanks!
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Thanks for the detailed feedback! :)
Some map updates will happen very soon, so you timed those suggestions perfectly.
This I must try.
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Yo yo yo guys!!! Hahaha :D I'm must say I am very very surprised I got the PM from AbsintheRed!! I remember most of my time here being just trolling and picking on a few "colourful" individuals. You know, just having a bit of fun.... :mischief:

But wow I must say, the dedication of some of you guys is truly admirable. Sadly though, life for me has changed considerably since the last time I played this game. Last time I touched RFC:E i was still single, jobless and living with my parents. As of today I am.... single... jobless... and living with my parents... actually you know what, not much has changed for me really LAWL

I remember the last time I played, what really did it for me was the lack of control of who spawns where. Like, as Byzantines/ERE i can control all of Asia Minor and more, and everyone there are of my culture, but then when the time hits 1300 or something a bunch of Ottoman Turks will still spawn in Western Asia Minor with a death stack anyway. Or as England you decide to conquer Netherlands, and convert everyone to your culture but when the time is right a bunch of YOLO Dutch will still spawn there. Very very immersion breaking...

Will definitely give this a try again though. If I can figure a way to install Civ 4, that is....

On a serious note, the amount of fans of Civ 5 and Civ 6 is absolutely embarrasing. Those games are absolute jokes, high budget jokes for casual gamers. Civ 6 community are a bunch of snowflakes. Civ 4 best Civ ever. CIV 4 MASTER RACE!

P.S Oh and I wonder if "The Turk" is still around the forums? I can never forget some of the things that guy said HAHAHAH :lol:
Well, trolling is obviously not welcomed. You must be confusing it with feedback :p
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