Rhye's and Fall of the Greek World Unofficial Patch released!

Due to my hectic schedule, a crippling glitch in the current (unpublished) version of the mod that I cannot solve (the glitch appears to be in the Game Core DLL rather than Python), and other reasons, this is effectively dead (again). :(
I attempted to add another civilization (which I have done successfully before), and now it gives a "You have been defeated" message for everyone at start.
I get the "you have been defeated" message for every civ, and no civ has units at the start of the game. This means that either RhyesandFall.py isn't working (that's the file where all of this data is stored), or there is some error in the DLL that I cannot trace.
The mod is good but I think the map is too small because when you hear "Greek World" you imagine half-hundred Greek polises, and you need big map for it.
I'm back, happy new year!


Spoiler :

Added Bactrian Civilization with a leader, dynamic names, etc.

removed Athens from the Athenian city name list. It gets built in odd places. Same for Rome for the Roman city lists

Rome can now produce units slightly faster

Changed some of Persia’s dynamic names

Remove Socialist names now that they can show up. Replaced them with the names of late dynasties (like the Sassanids and the Kushans)

Carthage no longer becomes a caliphate if it converts to Egyptian mythology

renamed “Nationhood” to “empire”, and make it accessible with the citizenship tech

Made Vassalage available with Aristocracy

Renamed Free Market to Trade (available with Trade)

Renamed State Property to Centralized Coinage (available with Currency)

Made Bureaucracy available with its own tech: Record Keeping, which is also a prereq for Education, that requires mathematics and alphabet

Made mercantilism available with Record Keeping

made river trade accessible with fishing. Otherwise, you can currently trade along the coast earlier than along rivers, and trade is an OP tech

Added record keeping tech (see bureaucracy note)

give starting nations technologies for the appropriate starting religions.

Moved drama into the tech tree, make it researchable

Replace Kashgar mountains with land for Bactria

Make Merchants a national unit (limited to three of them at a time). They are overpowered otherwise

Background Fixes:
Fixed the “tuple index out of range” error associated with the Indus Valley by adding another 0 to the end of tBirths in consts.py. Not sure why this helps, but for some reason it does. Not sure what the consequences would be. They still collapse, which is ok, I guess.

Fixed a tuple index out of range exception related to AI Wars

The biggest changes in this are that civics are working again, and Bactria has been added. I don't know if I will be able to resume active development, since my winter break will be over soon. However, enjoy this version in the meantime!
What do you guys think? Is Bactria working properly?
Atomic Gamer appears to be down. Everyone should use the Sourceforge link instead
@spaceman98 Is this still in development? I'm hitting an exception at about 30 turns till the end of the game and have the game save for it. would you be interested?
Right now its not really in development, I'm way too busy to pick this up again.

That said, post a screenshot of the exception here, along with the save. If I ever return to this, it will be valuable information
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