RotQM06: Revenge on those Queen Muthaz!


Deviant Mind
Feb 24, 2006
With Fox09 down to a mop-up op, RotQM5.5 dying, and several other games close to the bitter end, I wanted to catch people before they left for any sort of holiday vacation with a couple new games, so I’m posting now.

RotQM06: Revenge on those Queen Muthaz!

The original Rise of the Queen Mother featured Victoria against 8 angry men, and we led her to victory in what was to become one of the few victories in the RotQM series.

RotQM02 was played at DM, and we won that baby (*cough* after a BC loss *cough, cough*). However, we next saw a string of losses: Quantum Monkeys, Quatrain Mavens, Quarrelplegic Midgitants (5 AND 5.5!). Even those AW games I started NOT cursed with the RotQM label suffered losses (see: The Dirty Dozen, The Magnificent Seven, & The Golden General). But now, the time has come for revenge ~ (so let’s please, please, please win :yup: )


Rivals: 6 Head Maidens (Boudica of the Celts, Hatshepsut of the Egyptians, Elizabeth of the English, Victoria of the Byzantines (not Holy Romans!), Catherine of the Russians, & Isabella of the Spanish)
Difficulty: Emperor
Map: Archipalego/Rocky
Size: Standard
Speed: Epic
Victory Conditions: All Enabled, but we can only win by Conquest.
Variant Rules: Always War, No Tech Brokering, No Barbs

RotQM01 Original Roster:
1 Pholkhero
2 Qwack
3 Timon of Athens (Imhotep)
4 Rex Tyrannus
5 Omni Paul
6 Talamane

I will hold spots open in the game for these individuals in memorium for the first win for the next 48 hours or so. I’ve only heard from one so far who’s definitely interested, so they may very well be plenty of open spots for anyone else who wants to try and win my first RotQM game since, eh . . . the 2nd maybe?? Ozbenno has already laid claim to one spot, should it open, and if you’d like to play, too, you can ‘place your quarter’ down, as it were, to claim any of the others if they open up, too.

I will roll up a new start once the roster is finalized
You might as well add "PH09" to the list.

How do you exile victoria to HRE?

Emperor and only "No Tech Brokering"? You must be kidding. Might as well change the difficulty to Immortal or Deity. Have more pride that way.

Not putting my quarter down unless you stop overestimating your puny Civ-ing skills. ;)

Not putting my quarter down unless you stop overestimating your puny Civ-ing skills.

it IS on an archipelago map, though ~ to me, that lowered the difficulty to monarch right there. and with no brokering, that takes us back to prince ~ perfect ~

at least I didn't add agg ai :lol:

plus, you don't get better by continually winning on settler (course, maybe you don't get better by getting smashed at emperor either, hmmm. . . :mischief: )

also, thanks for pointing that out ~ NOT HRE, but Byzantines!!

edit: for any who ARE interested in joining the Judean People's Front Suicide Squad, no one's seen Omni_Paul in months, i don't think Quack is around much anymore here, Rex certainly doesn't play civ anymore (posts got its, yes; plays, no), Imhotep is crammed with games, so very well may be all 5 (less one w/Ozbenno) spots will be open ~ don't be shy ya'll ~ it's fun!
If I can has a spot, you can has cuddles.

(No, I will not dress up as a cat. I will plead, but won't compromise my pride.)
Always war on emperor in Epic speed? Count me out :p

Playing epic speed always make me feel like my life is wasting away very slowly ....
okay, alternates so far are:

and nobody from the old squad checking in so i think i'll be advertising for players tomorrow :yup: (Is that the line i see queuing up around the block to take part? :mischief: :lol: ) I will PM them though ~
"Playing an sg with pholkhero is so much fun that you hardly notice you've lost". Look like pholkhero is staying true to form and all the sensible players are volunteering not to play so how could I resist? (Unless there is a massive reflux of the original squad).
quoting yourself? c'mon! ;)

just PMed everybody, so we'll see soon enough, but i'm only know that Talamane for sure is interested.

I'll waive my spot. Those AW games lost my interest lately, except OCC. With those settings you'll lose and moreover have an unfun game...
bah humbug ~ gen beast will come for you in your sleep, timon of athens

if everyone else thinks i'm being a glutton for punishment, i'll lower it down to monarch for you nancy-boys ;)
Pholk - are you confusing tech trading with tech brokering perhaps? No tech brokering won't change the difficulty of the game that much but no tech trading will slow the AI down significantly. Good luck on an AW emperor game though :lol:
Pholk - are you confusing tech trading with tech brokering perhaps? No tech brokering won't change the difficulty of the game that much but no tech trading will slow the AI down significantly. Good luck on an AW emperor game though :lol:
I think the lack of AI-on-AI trading love will slow them down, not as much as no trading, but certainly a good bit. I've always finds it slows down the pace for my SP games.

Also, don't forget we are playing an archi map ~ the AI ain't all that great on them either ~ I think Emperor will be just the right level of challenge.

also, w/Imhotep out for sure, Omni_Paul gone for many months, and Rex AWOL (more likely, killed in a barroom brawl), i"m going to slot in Ozzie, stuge and pigs.

Playing epic speed always make me feel like my life is wasting away very slowly ....
:lol: Well spoken, berserks! :lol: I too find epic speed annoyingly slow. But it is probably a necessary evil for an AW game ... certainly an AWE game.
Continuing my thread-jacking and pholky-bashing:

Look, dude. Have you actually won a game with AW no-tech-trading on Emperor? Do that before you say it is no challenge. Let's assume that no-tech--brokering means each AI trade for 1 tech every 19 techs they research on their own. A very very low estimate I think, considering they will be all hanky-panky with each other. That is a 5% tech increase. At emperor, you are teching at 1.2 times. A further 5% would bring you to 1.26 times. Consider that vs Immortal, you are only doing 1.25 times. As I say, might as well play at Immortal. More fun if you love a challenge.

Enough said.
Have you actually won a game with AW no-tech-trading on Emperor? Do that before you say it is no challenge.
sheesh again ~
hmmm . . . (scanning previous posts) . . . don't see the phrase "no challenge" anywhere.

If you mean this:
I don't think Emperor will be just the right level of challenge.
that was a typo ~ i think it WILL be the right level of challenge ~ one of the latest RB events was an AW, Agg AI, tech trading ON game that many won, though blake himself thought it couldn't be done.

We're beating an OCC Monarch AW game right now pretty handily. Granted its with some superb players, but i think we've got the goods here, too.

Maybe i'm missing something here, but I think the sea-based map will hamper the A fairly well ~ as i said, enough to knock it's Emperor-advantages down to Monarch. I think the no brokering will do the same. Maybe not another whole level, but certainly enough to make up for NOT having Agg AI on.

There's also the very real possibility that some AIs will not even meet until late in the game, thus limiting trade options.

the rough strategy i have in my head is based off of Fox09: horde wonders for a while and build up at home, and start breaking heads with our UU.

maybe it's because i forgot to post the DMSGEG:
Spoiler :
Alpha: The quality of your report outweighs the quality of your play; a log dump is right out. We’re here to have fun, and, of course, winning is fun, but losing in style is preferable to a boring win. Remember, your report should be a new reply to alert other players.

Bravo: Reports should be detailed, with plenty of screen shots and player commentary, explanations, musings, etc; an auto-log dump will not suffice. Shots of the F9 screens and overview shots of the empire are nice too, once in a while.

Charlie: Punctuality rocks! “24/48” means post a "got it" within 24 hours of when the last save was posted, and play within 48 hours of that ‘got it.’ Waiting 47 hours to ask for a skip is lame. Punk out two times in a row, and you’ll be dropped from the roster. Skips and swaps are fine, but try to let us know sooner, rather than later.

Delta: Major game decisions (war/peace declarations, religion swaps, city placement, etc) should be arrived at via group consensus.
1. If the team disagrees with you, either argue your case better, or do it their way. Do NOT just blow them off and do it your way because it's your turn.
2. However, if there’s no consensus and you’re up, do it your way and explain why. Conversely, if someone else is up, don't whine when they do it their way.
3. Similarly, overruling techs or city builds is rude and should be done via consensus, barring an emergency.
4. In extraordinary situations, sometimes an opportunity presents itself that the group didn't foresee. If the consequences of it are great (war declarations, birth of Great People, even some quests), players should stop, and refer the question to the group.

Echo: Being a better player does not give you the right to belittle anyone else or their play. Other people are going to disagree with you on major decisions; get used to the idea, and play nice. If not, take your ball and go home.

Foxtrot: Thread spam is good. Trash talking, poking fun, gentle ribbing, virtual noogies, and generally horsing around are all encouraged, but don’t be rude. See any SG I or other DMers have been in to see what I mean.

Golf: Automate sparingly.
1. Workers should almost never be automated, except perhaps late-game or building a trade network. However, if you have to, set your game options to “disallow automated worker forest chopping” and “keep previous improvements.”
2. Use of the “Emphasis” buttons is fine, but let the group know and explain your reasoning (specialization is a major game decision). If you prevent growth in a city, let the group know and remind them to take it off. Do NOT let the governor select build orders.
3. Sending units on go-to routes that last beyond your set is acceptable only if they’re heading for a rally point or if you otherwise inform your teammates.

Hotel: NEVER fortify Great People. Just press enter for 15 turns. Is that so hard?

India: Sign spamming is rude. Signs can be helpful reminders, but too many signs makes them easily ignored. Once a sign is no longer valid, delete it.

Guideline Alpha said:
We’re here to have fun, and, of course, winning is fun, but losing in style is preferable to a boring win.
I play SGs not to buffer my Hall of Fame, but to pretend i have a social life ;)
Emperor, eh. Yeouch. :eek: Count me in. I havent played in a while, though. It is possible that i may be out of play probably once in January '08. I will try to give the SG as much warning as possible.

I dont have BUG installed, nor do i have the unofficial patch to fix the colony thing. Do i need to do this?

Off topic. For some reason, in BtS, i have to press the tab key to go to the next movable unit. In all previous versions of C4 and C3, once a unit's moves were exhausted, the game automatically moved the focus to next available unit. Am i missing something here? I have played a couple of SP games to try the game out, but it does seem weird. It doesn't crash, still... Does anybody know what this is about?
i want to say it's an option, but don't know for sure ~

hmmm . . . w/o bug, you can't open the game log, and it would be a shame if the colony bugged grabbed us, but i wouldn't care much.
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