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Russia Invades Ukraine

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It was only within the past two weeks I learned there was a (successful) campaign to change the English spelling of the capital city of Ukraine to Kyiv.

I asked a couple of friends about it and tried to look up the issue online. My best understanding is the Ukrainians use letters that translate to KYIV and pronounce it "KYIV" and Russians use letters that translate to KYEV and pronounce it "KYEV." The old spelling ends in EV and leads us to use the Russian pronunciation.

Are there people on the forum who can educate me on the issue?
those who have seen Lukashenko in front of a map ? Internet people say it shows generic and general locations of Ukranian forces . Its only significance might be that they are considering going all the way to Moldova . Which was on here like yesterday .
Ok, I have to ask : WTF is this with Lukashenko displaying the invasion plan (ooops sorry, I meant "military training"), down to Ukraine being separated on in 4 parts and an attack on Transnistria, on TV ?
Is this a joke I missed or what ?

No other real news outlet is reporting this. Given that it'd be tremendously stupid, I feel like that it's probably fake news.
Are we willing to allow the use of nukes as a threat to protect invasion ? Because that's not a door that will close anytime soon if we do.

This door has been wide open for a long time actually. Nothing could secure your state more than possession of nuclear weapons and if you are strong enough it allows invasion and occupation of neighbors and massive human rights violation within your own borders. Russia's error here looks to be a massive over-reach with regards to its internal politics including within its own army and a massive underestimation of Ukrainian resistance.
No other real news outlet is reporting this. Given that it'd be tremendously stupid, I feel like that it's probably fake news.

it is the official state channel of that Russia , he just looks smart , there is nothing secret but hopes and death numbers must be kept up .
LOL. Except for the articles I linked to.
Are you having trouble accepting that the US has been funding neo-Nazis in Ukraine?
Or that neo-Nazi militias like the Azov Brigade attract white supremacists from the US and many
other countries?

Here's an article that even you might trust because the source is typically very anti-Putin.

"Defend the White Race": American Extremists Being Co-Opted by Ukraine's Far-Right

The section of the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2017 is...
SEC. 8130. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to provide arms, training,
or other assistance to the Azov Battalion.

While Conyers’ amendment was widely reported in the media when it passed the House of
Representatives in June last year, it was never subject to a vote in the Senate. The 2016
Department of Defense Appropriations Act was incorporated into the 2016 Consolidated
Appropriations Act, which became law on December 18. The absence of the prohibition on funding
for the Azov Regiment was first noted in the media by the Nation on January 14.

Sorry if that doesn't square with your rose-tinted opinion of US conduct in foreign affairs. :)

Russia has been assisting neo-nazis in the US for at least 8 years now in one manner or another with their disinformation campaign... Are we to use this as a pre-text to invade Russia now? I get your point overall and Russia should be pissed but this is crazy over-reaction.
It's cause the idea of the hot, attractive, Ukrainian woman sounds like a much better deal than the old, balding, anti-western, increasingly unhinged, male Putin.

Who cares if such beauties are fascist? It don't have to be about love or political ideals, just sex.

I mean it sounds insane when put in text like this, but I've been arguing for some time that right wing movements in western governments have been led by young white incel types. Their online diatribes from years ago now lead CPAC talking points in the US. Its fudging uncanny actually and deeply disturbing. Who knew gamer gate was going to be such a pivotal point in human history?
Russia has been assisting neo-nazis in the US for at least 8 years now in one manner or another with their disinformation campaign... Are we to use this as a pre-text to invade Russia now? I get your point overall and Russia should be pissed but this is crazy over-reaction.
They lost 20+ million people in WW2 to Nazis, so it's a good propaganda vein to mine in Russia.
Your argument about the USA invading Russia isn't going anywhere except the Burning (Straw)Man festival. :)
This door has been wide open for a long time actually. Nothing could secure your state more than possession of nuclear weapons and if you are strong enough it allows invasion and occupation of neighbors and massive human rights violation within your own borders. Russia's error here looks to be a massive over-reach with regards to its internal politics including within its own army and a massive underestimation of Ukrainian resistance.
I'm not talking about protecting oneself from invasion by nuclear weapons, I'm talking about protecting an invasion force by nuclear weapons.
It was only within the past two weeks I learned there was a (successful) campaign to change the English spelling of the capital city of Ukraine to Kyiv.

I asked a couple of friends about it and tried to look up the issue online. My best understanding is the Ukrainians use letters that translate to KYIV and pronounce it "KYIV" and Russians use letters that translate to KYEV and pronounce it "KYEV." The old spelling ends in EV and leads us to use the Russian pronunciation.

Are there people on the forum who can educate me on the issue?
Yes, it was an English/Russian imperialist thing. Many cities were like this. Kharkiv was Kharkov under the Russians... Lviv was Lvov... and so forth. This type of thing happened all over the world... just look at the cities in India, for example, Bombay/Mumbai, Calcutta/Kolkata, etc.
It was only within the past two weeks I learned there was a (successful) campaign to change the English spelling of the capital city of Ukraine to Kyiv.

I asked a couple of friends about it and tried to look up the issue online. My best understanding is the Ukrainians use letters that translate to KYIV and pronounce it "KYIV" and Russians use letters that translate to KYEV and pronounce it "KYEV." The old spelling ends in EV and leads us to use the Russian pronunciation.

Are there people on the forum who can educate me on the issue?
Historically it was called Kiev in English. In last years there was a campaign to rename it to Kyiv because it sounds more "Ukrainian".
It's like if Russians would try to make you use "Moskva" instead of Moscow.
That doesn't matter.

Look at May parades for end of GPW.
Well, I know Ukranians have pointed out that Putin seems to have forgotten one Soviet conclusion from WWII – the hardest fighting units of the Red Army were the Ukranian.
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