SCENARIO: Age of Imperialism; 1895-1924, Deluxe Version

it is intentional. i'm not a fan of removing trees and jungles. those cities were historically non-productive to a certain degree (rubber industry aside). i guess we can say that this handicap is part of the bag for these civs...
On a related topic, did you ever get round to adding an additional starting worker or two for Brazil? I think it would make them slightly more playable, since they have a LOT of development to do in their home territory, they can't build colonial conscript workers, and they are not industrious. It's also accurate given the fact that they have the fifth largest population in the world - i.e. a very large labour force.

Also, pretty please can we have iron and coal on Luzon? :)
I just got a quad-core laptop :) Haven't installed anything on it (yet), but I am gleefully anticipating the newest version to see how the baby purrs. :D
I've checked the list of ground units available to Brazil. I assume it's pretty similar to other non-major power countries? If so, I can tell that winning a war is going to involve some WWI-level casualties. With light cavalry at AT10 and FT17 at AT16, attacking an enemy protected by Maxims is going to be suicide... unless I stack dozens of artillery units... :(
Which is basically how the human player wages war in AoI. If in doubt if you have enough artillery, build some more. ;)

That too is my usuall tactic, but in this scenario, artillery stacks go from "being very helpfull" to "have them or give up!" :lol:
I just got a quad-core laptop :) Haven't installed anything on it (yet), but I am gleefully anticipating the newest version to see how the baby purrs. :D
purr it will, young Padawan :)

quick update - i reached the 4th era the other night. portugal is a neat civ to play with...
Brazil is simply... boring. Without the ability to "build" Conscripts, and with limited attack capabilities, I was stuck waiting far too long before I was able actually do anything. Decided to take a look at the US. One question poped up: why is Seward, Alaska, surronded with impassable mountains? Shouldn't there be at least 1 mountain we could build a road over?
Seward is a Colonial area, not an Industrial one.
forgot to note that, yes, i did add a few extra workers to brazil :) i read all the comments, boys :) just don't have time to comment on each and every one. and yes, i cherry-pick the recommendations that i think will work :D

alaska is nipped off b/c it has (now it does) the colonialism resource. roads did not connect alaska with the lower 48 until ww2. so to be historically anal, it's locked out :p
Yup, 1942 for the Alaska Highway. Which is kind of funny because Alaska didn't actually become a state until 1959.

Check this out.

I feel sorry for all the people who ran out and bought the brand new 49 star version of Old Glory only to have to replace it later that year when Hawaii became the 50th state and added another star! Still, the 49 star version would be a neat collector's item given that it was only in use for about eight months.

p.s. You'll see why USA/Canada wanted that highway after you play Japan or Russia in AoI a few times. Isolated Seward is a pretty soft target for hungry Emperors and Tsars. You can bet that changed once the Alaska Highway was put in and the US army had a direct route up through Alberta and BC. On the other hand, I know a few Alaskans, and my money would be on them putting up one of hell of a fight before the cavalry arrived either way!
nice link :) thanks for sharing. casual observers of history probably don't realize that the japanese landed and held american territory in alaska during the war. so yeah, that road up yonder was crucial.

some game test notes :D haven't done them in a while but planned to get at least some out prior to release.

i'm almost at 1910 in this portugal game. funny thing is that i still have not waged a single turn of war :lol: of course, this is sort of intentional since being a good neighbor in AoI means even quicker turn times...which are just ridiculous on my new pc. i click through a variety of IBT pop ups and 30 seconds later i'm up. 1909 too. just incredible imho and way beyond my wishes back in, say, 2006 ;) anyhow, built up all infrastructure in home lands and abroad. now i'm teeming with units since i haven't waged war. i would be able to withstand quite an AI onslaught at this point. screen#1 shows some of my military hardware. upgraded a pile of britsh-made QF 13 pounders to 18 pounders. of course, i've landed the WW1 troops way, way before anyone else (i think). i've been tempted to roll up on someone since i have an advantage atm. but for the sake of churning through turns, i've abstained.

i have, however, been diligent with shipping my raw materials back home. seen screen#2. i'm no.5 overall, a ways back though. but in the ballpark as they say :D this is just the base colonies + a few of the agricultural wonders that spawn RMs (rum trade, cotton trade, another one i think). i've also built up quite a fleet of ships. granted, i;ve got the generics. but i've got em in numbers which puts smaller convoys/stacks at a disadvantage. i've been stack about 6 DDs + 6 ACs and i have 5 or 6 of these stacks around my areas. i just sent a small stack of coastal subs down to the colonies on the african east coast.

britain is cruising in for a win on vp's. germany has made some hay in europe by slicing through russia, past the volga. A-H followed its ally's tracks and nabbed a few russian cities in this corridor too. US knocked the tommies out of n america. but nobody else has been dislodged in the western hemisphere (save for some colonial holdings in Carib). italy has been pumping out dreds left and right. french were carved uo some in europe and all of africa and aisia. she is a non-factor at this point. japan lost some cities in korea to the chinese. russians are out of manchuria (thanks to chinese as well). dutch holding in well with most of its colonies and firmly entrenched in europe (belgium too but she lost her colonies to the brits). US hasn't branched out much. she did hold some belgian colonies in africa for a time but lost them to the british. in sum, it's the zenith of the British Empire :D with the Portuguese picking up the scraps.

and a bonus shot of the balcans. remarkably, it's unchanged...that's not really a bad thing though :)


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What about the Middle East / India / Central Asia? How is the balance of power between Turkey, Persia, Britain, Russia, and (for what it's worth) Tibet? You gave the Turks a coastal Levantine city, right? Has that helped their cause at all? I imagine it would be very useful for the human player but the AI might not be smart enough to use it. My first game will be as Turkey I think, so I am getting ready to unleash some Ottomania on an unsuspecting world. :crazyeye:

I see Brazil has lost the Amazon. I'm surprised Mexico has held out this long. Those extra cities seem to give it a little more defensive durabilty. That's good I think.
belgium lost her congo colonies but has held firm in europe. netherlands holding strong in europe too and she has not lost her overseas holdings aside from the one in s america. ottomans have held ground in the middle east; they've even taken one of the gulf state cites from the brits. india is intact; brits hold all their original cities and me as portugal still holds goa. brits stormed into south central asia and vicked the whole colonial area away from Ivan (new colonial sector, simulation of the Great Game). germany cut a swath towards the oil-rich areas of southern russian, just above the colonial sector that the brits took from russia. balcans even have a city down here near the caucuses. persia is gone, thanks to the brits i think. that was a few years ago in game turns. turks do get that coastal city in the Levant. haven't seen much naval activity from them but i'm out of their range. so i can't see much going on over here unless i'm sending TRs through the canal. tibet still intact and actually +1 in cities atm. they wrenched pnom penh away from the frenchies i think. france is on the run. her days are numbered although she is holding firm in europe. but her no's are slipping. spain still holds all her overseas possessions too.

brazil lost a city in the amazon to one of her neighbors. yes, mexico is holding tight as well.
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