'self-segregation' is just another term for racism

You are going to tell me that today in 2007 that there aren't parts of the school yards/cafeterias that if a white child were to go into they won't recieve threats of violence from blacks for being the wrong race?

I'm sure they are. and the blacks who do that are scum. as are the whites who do it to the blacks. As are Asians who do it to blacks. As are blacks who do it to Asians etc etc. Its all racism. White people are NOT the only racists. All racism should be opposed, not just racism from white people
The white kid in Jena got beat up because he ran his mouth, not for simply sitting in the wrong place.

And the black kids in Jena got their lives threatened for simply sitting in the wrong place.
Funny, I was just thinking the opposite - who cares if blacks (or whites) voluntarily segregate themselves?

Property value does.
Putting a dead fish in a newspaper and leaving it on someone's doorstep isn't technically a crime in itself, but I think there's an important message attached...
At first when I thought the Jena 6 were something to do with Bushs daughter....

Ever see The Onion headline when she turned 18? Classic

"Jenna Bush's federaly protected wetlands now open for drilling"
You are going to tell me that today in 2007 that there aren't parts of the school yards/cafeterias that if a white child were to go into they won't recieve threats of violence from blacks for being the wrong race?

I'm white and I never got threatened by going into or through the Hmong or Mexican parts of the playground at my school (elementary), and then no further problems later on in school either. Soooooooo, yes I am going to tell you that.
Putting a dead fish in a newspaper and leaving it on someone's doorstep isn't technically a crime in itself, but I think there's an important message attached...

You waited too long to fillet your fish?
I'm white and I never got threatened by going into or through the Hmong or Mexican parts of the playground at my school (elementary), and then no further problems later on in school either. Soooooooo, yes I am going to tell you that.

Ah, then the anti-caucasian shadow orgnization hasn't made it to your neighbourhood yet...Just wait, they're on thier way :eek: ;)

You waited too long to fillet your fish?

Yup, and now you're looking to filet something else...! :mischief:
Many schhool cafeterias have all sorts of self-segrgation going on. The jocks aren't going to let the nerds sit at their table, there popular girls aren't going to let the fat girl with glasses, a ponytail, and overalls sit at their table.

What about a sexy girl with a ponytail? :drool:
The white kid in Jena got beat up because he ran his mouth, not for simply sitting in the wrong place.
And that justifies it?

Self-segregation is racism? :lol: What are you going to do, have the federal government forcibly mix neighborhoods so that they're all "racially equal"?
From the article:

Experts on residential patterns attribute the continued segregation, even among blacks at higher income levels, to the persistence of institutional racism pervading the real-estate and banking industries that steers black homebuyers into specific communities. Experts also blame white suburbanites who refuse to buy real estate in areas with a black population greater than 20 percent. In fact, surveys show that while 63 percent of blacks say they would prefer to live in integrated areas, 72 percent of whites say they would feel uncomfortable living in a racially mixed area and 64 percent of whites say they would try to move

This has not changed. According to Urban Politics text (which was published in 2004), those survey numbers are about the same...only slightly lower.
Experts on residential patterns attribute the continued segregation, even among blacks at higher income levels, to the persistence of institutional racism pervading the real-estate and banking industries that steers black homebuyers into specific communities. Experts also blame white suburbanites who refuse to buy real estate in areas with a black population greater than 20 percent. In fact, surveys show that while 63 percent of blacks say they would prefer to live in integrated areas, 72 percent of whites say they would feel uncomfortable living in a racially mixed area and 64 percent of whites say they would try to move[/I][/B]

This has not changed. According to Urban Politics text (which was published in 2004), those survey numbers are about the same...only slightly lower.

Apples and oranges?
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