Shadow of the Fall: A Peshawar Lancers IOT

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With Reference to the Growth of Socialism in Somalia
Somalia is a tune, and must be sung together. When we say "Somali Socialism", do we attempt to copy the whims of another power? Or do we go straight into the process of redefining it?
A Socialist Internationale may sound attractive to some. However, to do so would be to utterly reject what it is to be a sovereign Somali, and as a result, we must come to one of two conclusions.
The first,
that Socialism is inherently un-Somali, and must be repressed.
The second, that if Socialism is to thrive in Somalia, it must adapt to the concept of the Somali state, and not the other way round.

It would be unwise to reject the first. We are a secular state, and it is not in our best interests to shut down a movement that has, so far, done us no wrong. However, it is undeniable that Socialism in its international form is designed to destroy the Uniqueness of a Somali government.

To this effect, I propose the creation of Socialism with Somali characteristics. If Socialism means to uproot the Clan System, then do not count me as a Socialist. We will strive for Socialism on Somali terms, and not those on the terms of some foreigner with delusions of grandeur!
- Barre Cawil Xuseen, at the founding conference of the Somalosocialist Party
Treaty of Mombasa -The Kingdom of Madagascar promises to not expand into the provinces Sudan or Tanganyika.
-The Federal Confederation of the Somali People promises not to expand into Madagascan core territories or south of Tanganyika.

~Signed, Queen Ranavalona V of Madagascar.
Hey guys, if you need to get in touch with me, PM me here or try to PM me on Discord. I'm not on Discord as often as I used to be, so PMing me here is best.

On Saturdays/Sundays, I tend to be more away from CFC than not, so if I don't immediately get back to you, I will that Monday.

Agriculture Minister to tour provinces

With the government being criticized for doing little for farmers, Agriculture Minister Reymundo Torres plans to tour the countryside in all four provinces and meet with locals and local officials. "This government is committed to improving the standard of living for all those who work and own land. Without the farmer and the laborer there is no country" said Torres. "This country is incredibly diverse and we shall research options tailored to local conditions, whether this means improvements in infrastructure, education or prices." The tour is expected to take about a month and the Minister is expected to deliver a report to the General Assembly when he returns to the capitol.

Government to launch Buy Local campaign

While many shoppers and citizens are happy to see more goods in local stores at cheaper prices, many businessmen and farmers are not so happy. Domingo Pereira of the Alliance of Brasilian Businesses (AEB) "We have no problem with trade abroad with our neighbors, but we are concerned about what happens to local businesses and industries that employ locals and pay taxes. If they lose business or customers they go out of business which leads to unemployment and a reduction in services." In light of this concern the Imperial government has launched a new campaign calling for Brasilians to purchase local goods as a form of pride in their country. Viriato Lucas, Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade "We call on Brasilians to buy local, not just because of the label but to support their communities and neighbors. The money they spend remains in the municipalities and provinces and helps to improve the country. It is a win for business and industry and the country as a whole." The brightly colored posters have become a standard in many shops and from what we see here it will a prominent from now on."

Compre o Local! Compre brasileiro! (Buy Local! Buy Brasilian!)
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In Nomine Domini Pape

Pope Pius XII.jpg

Viva l'Italia!
The Cardinal court of HIS HOLINESS THE POPE has congregated for the year and have decided on a nationwide decrease in property tax. Additionally, the exemption on property tax for the organs of the Church has been extended in part to Islamic temples and mosques, as well as to Muslim schools and vessels for Hajj. While this may shock the faithful, worry not-- more money in the pockets of any citizen means more circulating the markets of the people.

Viva Cristo!
HIS HOLINESS THE POPE's body of legate representatives in the capitals of the other nations of the world has doubled in size, and the Holy Word of Christ will reach the ears of children on every continent. These United Dioceses will see government brought to regions of Italy and Europe whose lives will be enriched by the light of God in ways not known since before the Fall.

Viva Il Papa!
Pope Pius XII has turned 61 this year, and he extends personal blessings to Tani Bonovic and Ludovico Santini, two of the prominent legates in the new worldwide diplomacy program initiated by foreign minister Paolo Harpini, the third recipient of a Papal blessing for the year.

Petrus, Paulus

Teodoro di Caprise, Press Minister of the UDI
The United Dioceses of Italy is interested in purchasing technology or entering research deals with other nations, particularly pious nations.
Although a majirity of the Levantine people are Catholics, we are a firmly secular republic, and thus have to question what a pious country is.
In Nomine Domini Pape
On State Piety

A pious state is one that does not reject God; one that does not work against the word of God; one that respects its Godly masses and the knowledge of God, as well as the word of the Church in the governance of its religious institutions. A pious state is not always a state in which the word of God is the law, though surely if it is moral then God does speak through its courts, but it must respect the symbols and doctrines of the Church in the parts of society they reside. A pious state, in short, does not have to specifically abide by Catholic Law, but it must respect Catholics and the Church in matters of religion, and must be good and righteous in its governance, and surely shall not bow instead to heathen false gods.

An impious state is one that disregards the Catholic Church, or oppresses Catholics in its borders, or is built on the Law of the words of the false gods and demons who would mislead from God's truth.

Petrus, Paulus
How so much unexpected from a government as sectarian and tyrannical as a theocracy to disregard the well-being of those who will not conform to their doctrine. What can be a pious state but a state that truly respect the rights and freedoms of its citizens to profess and practice their religion.

As my soul is bound by faith to the word of Pope, so my conscience is bound to my country and its people, and so long as my heart beats I will belong to them before I belong to God. While we are eager to partake in bilateral as well as multilateral agreements with Italy we will not partake in such rhetoric as mingles matters of state and of creed.

President Gonzalo Marés y Schmidt of the Levantine Republic.
A Pious state, is an absolutist state. For the monarch, granted by God his divine right to rule, rules his state in the name and will of God. All is God's will, A monarch that fails to uphold his pious and faithful duty will lose God's favor, and his divine right, and thus God will institute a new pious ruler. All is as God Wills it, we are but mere mortals tasked to carry out his will as best as possible, but ultimately it is out of our hands. If God's will is not fulfilled by the ruler, he will be replaced by God's chosen means. When a people can no longer be entrusted with the holiest of states, the absolute one, God will institute a less pious state to retain what piousness remains, in the hopes that the secular republic, or tyrannical theocracy will one day be able to return to him, and re-institute the Absolute state.

That is God's will, and that is a Pious State.

Not your so called "Catholic" Theocracy that claims to rule in God's stead that believes it can interpret and know God's Will perfectly. Nor your secular republic who holds no God in their hearts. Only a state ruled by a divinely appointed absolute monarch who holds the God of Abraham in his heart, and believes that all is God's Will, can truly be considered Pious.

-Tsar Kir Nikolaevich Romanov, Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, Shah of Persia, Tsar of Georgia, Lord of Iberia and Turkestan, et al. in response to Pope Pious XII and President Gonzalo Marés y Schmidt of the Levantine Republic, on the topic of a Pious State.
Orders softlock tomorrow at noon. After the softlock, orders already in my inbox cannot be changed, but new orders will still be accepted.

Orders hardlock Monday at noon. After the hardlock, no orders will be accepted.

I will not be on Discord between now and hardlock. If you have any questions, you must PM me here on CFC or ask in this thread.
Softlock retroactively applied twelve hours ago.

Hardlock Noon tomorrow.
President Marie Blanchard in a speech on the destiny of Louisiana:

"I say it is time we spoke out in the open about the meaning of Manifest Destiny, two words on many's lips these days. What is truly the destiny of our great state? When the Fall hit the old United States with a devastating blow, our people prevailed and Louisiana stood strong amidst a global crisis. While America plunged into anarchy, President McEnery declared our independence and made public our intent to protect all lands under the name of Louisiana. Yet as we stand here today, it is clear this nation has given up on this cause over the last century. Our own men and women rally for westward expansion and the annexation of Texas, when the lands of Minnesota - our lands of Minnesota since the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 - have been abandoned by none other than ourselves. It is time we take on the responsibility we as a nation already carry on our shoulders, before we take on even more. Our destiny begins at home, in all the state of Louisiana. In Dakota, in Kansas, and in Minnesota. Let us never forget that as we march northward to show our brothers and sisters that we intend to keep our promises."
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Professor advocates new style of Government and Society

Professor Gero Messmann has created a stir across the country with the publication of his new book, Comunidade e Sociedade (Community and Society) in which he proposed a new society based on what he calls Christian Corporatism. Using the doctrine of Paul of Tarsus in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 where Paul speaks of an organic form of politics and society where all people and components are functionally united, like the human body, Professor Messmann believes that society could be organized to help avoid crises and promote the general welfare. "I do not advocate a dictatorship or a loss of individual liberties but a society of cooperation between workers and employers and people and the government." Private businesses and labour unions would sit together in the form of Guilds based on particular industries with the State acting as a neutral observer and arbeiter. Labor unions would be allowed and protected by the state and the state would provide a broad social welfare system to protect the people.

Such a plan is not without it's critics ranging from members of the General Assembly, to fellow professors to labor activists. Many are afraid of granting private business or the central government so much power or that a broad social network would discourage people from workings. Others call the plan 'idealistic' or unable to compete with other countries. Whether or not this plan remains on paper remains to be seen.

Agriculture Ministry addresses the General Assembly

Agriculture Minister Reymundo Torres delivered his report yesterday to the General Assembly calling for an increase in aid to rural communities. "Let me be clear, the people in the rural sections of the provinces and farmer communities do not want charity. They simply want the same opportunities that their urban counterparts have such as better schools, better electricity and water infrastructure." Both the Democratic and Popular Labor Parties have endorsed the report and called for the implementation of the proposal. The report calls for improvements in infrastructure such as roads, sewer and electrical systems, an increase in education and social spending and a minimum price 'floor' for certain crops such as beans and rice.
8th March, 2025

ISLANDS IN THE SUN - Debate in the Assembly on a bill to reclaim Hispaniola and Puerto Rico

There was an audible hum coming from the Cuban lower house at the end of today's session. With the full house on attendance, towards the end of the afternoon, the Representative from Cienfuegos, lone official from the Restoration Party, motioned to introduce a bill to reclaim Hispaniola and Puerto Rico in the name of the Spanish Empire. Thus, in his third month on the job he fulfilled his signature campaign promise. The constituency of Cienfuegos is known to include a high amount of landlords and former Spanish colonial officials, and is a bastion of conservatism in the island. With the progressive wave that swooped the nation in backlash to the repeated scandals of Prime Minister Roldán, a fringe candidate managed to capture a plurality of the vote. Luís de Anzaldúa Campos, allegedly descendant of the last Spanish Governor and Lord Protector, ran on a platform of restoring monarchism and claiming the Caribbean back into the Empire. Although he managed to create a small party infrastructure across the whole island and even in some of rural Andalucía, Cienfuegos has been its only notable result, granting him his party's only seat in the Cuban Assembly.

Perhaps the most surprising thing of the day has been the fact that, during the discussion of the bill, its substance was never challenged but merely its rhetoric. Alejandro Soto del Valle Moix, Social Democrat rising star, was one of the loudest and most incensed speakers, and it is noteworthy that while his speech heavily criticised "the heinous ideas that impregnate this bill, implicitly calling for the demolition of our noble Republic in the name of a tyranny of landlords and oligarchs who dream of a supposedly glorious past, tales of which have come to them third-hand from the grandfathers of their grandfathers," he made a full turn towards the halfway mark to note that "the vessel mustn't contaminate what is in its content the ferment of truth and liberty." Soto del Valle spent the remainder of his speech arguing for renewing the colonization efforts on Hispaniola and Haiti, as well as expanding what few settlements have remained and developed from the last one. It is our duty to remind our readers that such attempts, occurred over a hundred years ago, almost bankrupted the Cuban treasury and was the catalyst for integration into the Levantine Republic.

His arguments rested on the idea that this territorial expansion would free up space, allowing for the definitive destruction of large landlords and a final land redistribution. Since independence, this has been done no less than half a dozen times, but ever time landlords have eventually reacquired most of their lands. According to Soto del Valle, this land would be outside their reach and would create a demand for agricultural workforce that would force the landlords to increase the meagre wages. Populistic reasons aside, a Social Democrat official close to the federal government has confirmed Republican Unionist claims that the reclamation would finally allow for a long-time ambitioned project to lay new transatlantic telegraph cables between the Peninsula and Cuba. At the close of this edition, major party spokespeople stated once more their opposition to the bill, while other parties are preparing amendments and, according to even other sources, the major parties themselves are working on an acceptable version of the bill.
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