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Star of the Shogun: Realpolitik

No he shouldn't. Intentions don't matter when it's honour we're talking about. One might go to battle searching for glory, conquest and honour, but when lost he finds defeat and the dishonour it carries with it.

For it is dishonourable to survive a battle in which one should have died before losing, the commander is equally responsible for the result of the battle as the soldiers. And those who die in combat shall receive the greatest honours, whilst their fleeing defeated commanders deserve nothing but to become pariahs to society.

This is your case Arya, and now you shall be sentenced and accept what is decided.

ooc: Ilduce, I mean if you're putting your party in or joining the coalition leaving your party. It's clearly the first case. So I'll invite Hammer Rabbi in the SG of the coalition too, if you accept him.
I follow no code of Honor as you do. It is barbaric.

In any case, I have already said I would accept the due punishment once the election ends and an authority comes to power, and not BEFORE. I do not need YOU of all people to tell me what to do you sniveling coward.

As for your words on defeat.....do you even hear yourself? Your saying that its better to die than fight off those men your fighting. You call me a commander who flees as defeat is upon him, but when have I fled? I wasn't at the scene. I was not the commander of the battle. Your analogy is lost upon this situation, as is your so called code of honor.
Ooooooh, I see. You're a Frenchman who settles in Japan because of the superior culture, then you attack the French in what I think was a conspiracy to cause a war, then denounce the honor system, one of the biggest parts of Japanese culture. Not only that, you call someone who is against preemptive strikes a coward. Makes sense.

I'm getting a feeling that Arya is a French agent trying to start a war before we're ready. I think he's trying to destroy Japan. Now that he failed, he's trying to make it sound like we're the problem with Japan and not him.
I was saying that you just should accept the punishment and say nothing and not to try to involve anybody else.

It is only worth dying once you're defeated. If you have failed, you must die by your hand to recover honour.
We need to shun Arya until the response to his actions is announced by the Shogun or Ravus. Until then, talking with him is doing nothing more than giving him attention. Let's further ourselves to keep our honor intact.
I HAVE admitted I made a few wrong decisions, but it was not venturing out on this in the first place. And do not say it is all my burden to shoulder the blame, for it is the fault of the Ishina as well who failed to carry out my orders successfully and fully.

The commander has overall responsibility. All consequences lie with him. It was your failure to realise the Ishina could not complete this mission successfully that led to it being a failure.

It is an honor blow to me only because I made wrong decisions in its operation, not in its being carried out in the first place. I stand by that. It was a failure. But everybody makes failures, some small, some large, some with large consequences, some with small.

Christos used them...to attack a group of French outside our borders.

It is an Honour Blow to you because you have failed, in such a way that makes the deaths of our people far more likely. It is an Honour Blow to you because you attempted to shift the blame to one who was already disgraced. It is an honour Blow to you, because you refused to take responsibility for your actions until they were revealed.

Intentions mean everything. They mellow or worsen sentences, define opinions, create empathy and sympathy. Results matter as well, but a bad result with good intentions should not be looked down upon, but should be reprimanded, and told to create a better result next time, and the mistakes should be analyzed so nobody makes the same one again. This mistake was using the Ishina and failing to give clear enough instructions for the execution. A bad result with a bad intention should be attacked fiercely.

Results mean Everything, Intentions only migitate their effects. A Good result should be praised, a bad result should be scorned. If your actions have a negative effect on our standing, which they did, your actions Should be looked down on. That you undertook them with good intentions should only serve to prove that good intentions are no substitue for success.

You have this misconception that all must stand still and wait for the Shogun to declare what is imminent. It is right to obey the Shogun. That is a must. But waiting in the midst of war, and this is a war, is a very bad thing to do indeed. Initiative must be seized when a sliver of gold is seen, and withheld when all is pitch-black.

This is not a war! This whole situation could have been held back from war! All we had to do was decide not to fight, and the war you are ranting about would not be occuring. You actions have done nothing but taken us closer to war, nothing but Imperil the lives of our citizens!

You still neglect to respond to the fact that the letter was obviously sent before news of this reached Napoleon, if in fact it reached him. He already looked down upon us with disgust. He was already our enemy. Its just that you didn't believe it. And yet you still stand by the fact that he is a friend.

I stand by the fact that he could have been a friend. He was never our friend, only a Potential Friend. But with this attack that potential is gone. The potential for friendship is gone. The potential for Peace is all but gone, and the blame lies squarely on your shoulders.

You seek to give me advice, but it is advice I had already taken. I have already said I seek to take upon me what punishment is thrusted upon me. But taking me into custody while we have no authority? I am calling Ravus out on this one. You had not the authority for that, and have thus lost all my respect. Everybody here has attacked me for taking initiative, yet applaud when Ravus does the same. It is one way or the other, not both. If I am to be taken into an execution, Ravus should mirror my sentence. Should I be put to imprisonment. Ravus should have the same done unto him.

Ravus should mirror you scentance??? WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Ravus has acted to restrain somebody that has already proven to be a threat to our Nation! You have been a threat to our Nation! There is no reason these two things should be equally punished! Ravus should be praised for preventing more of your nonsense, not punished for '[doing] the same'!

I follow no code of Honor as you do. It is barbaric.

A defining point of our culture is barbaric? Surely you did not just insult the entire nation in one line? Honour is what sets us apart from the barbarians, it is what makes us worthy to grow strong and prosper.

One withut honour is not worthy to lead our People. Nor is he worthy to have any say in leading our people. I am sure the Bushido dragons understand that.

In any case, I have already said I would accept the due punishment once the election ends and an authority comes to power, and not BEFORE. I do not need YOU of all people to tell me what to do you sniveling coward.

You do not have reason to malign an honourable member of our society. Particularly given your own dishonour.

As for your words on defeat.....do you even hear yourself? Your saying that its better to die than fight off those men your fighting. You call me a commander who flees as defeat is upon him, but when have I fled? I wasn't at the scene. I was not the commander of the battle. Your analogy is lost upon this situation, as is your so called code of honor.

Better to die with honour than to publicly attempt to shift the blame to another, and then constantly deny involvement until your guilt is proven beyond all doubt. You may not have fled physically, but you have fled from the consequences of your actions. But that is to be expected of one who does not beleive in civilized behaviour.

I'm getting a feeling that Arya is a French agent trying to start a war before we're ready. I think he's trying to destroy Japan. Now that he failed, he's trying to make it sound like we're the problem with Japan and not him.

Why does this make so much sense?


Disbelieving :shake:
Voting for the isolationist party and the Giant Robot party.
i would like to officially request membership and residence within a holy monastery of the Brotherhood of the One Vision. I humbly await your response.

(OOC: yep totally new to this thing and quite late to the party. see my queries in the other thread for getting coaxed into seeing what this is all about.)

Welcome to the brotherhood, the world has gotten brighter as another soul has been enlightened.

So I'll invite Hammer Rabbi in the SG of the coalition too, if you accept him.
Yes please invite him.
OCC: I seems to have lost my subscription to this thread. Time to fix!
What happened to the public votes?
Someone from the CAJ mentioning public votes? Oh really? :p

But honestly, I thought they were scheduled for the weekend?
Oh, you mean the NPC votes, sorry :p
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