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sublime nonsense that requires a rant on
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as we have long seen America has a plan to create a Nation State for Kurds to start a Civil War on the maximum scale , instead of the minimum that keeps not happening anyhow . Somebody has to do the physical work and kill all the Turks . And this Nation State thing can not happen without the maximum scale Civil War , so like an oxymoron or something . As such New Turkey much necessary . Now that Western Media will not much delve on it ; here is the thing . America selling the courageous brave heroic ansd secular Kurds ! They have promised to make the Syrian branch of the seperatists fight the Turkish branch . Exactly on the day they officially referred it as subdivison of the Turkish branch ... Not that anyone believes it happening , not even in New Turkey but it's all about the depiction of America trembling in the glory of New Turkey . What does the Last Prime Minister say in Germany ? He says the elections in Germany are over , he says the referandum here is over , so Berlin and Ankara should make peace ... Really . Now that a crisis ending in victory is just what New Turkey needs , now that they are winning only with that . 42% ? Appears already recovering from that . Not that people feel relieved with the victory . Proves America will do nothing to A-K-P and stuff happens to neighbourhoods that doesn't vote for the Party . No need ever to explain why the leader of the Main Opposition refers to the said referandum . Proves he knows it's recovering from the 42% so says NO won the referandum with 52.18% and was hijacked with various devices to make the overall result a YES . Oh , everybody will accept this to be true , or at least a variation of it ... only when the Party loses its grip on the country .
operation right on tracks . After the first day's newspaper screams of 3 hours and troops will be inside Afrin the town , they have like captured some percentage of the area ; 10 or 20 or 30 and am not exactly sure . The "Muslims" naturally hate February 14th ; as an infidel immoral thing and naturally all the newspapers carry love letters to and from the troops there . As one can expect criticism only sinks the critic . A former Minister of Justice is under investigation by some association of lawyers ; and a troop gets killed and he has been involved in a traffic accident and he owes money . Some lawyer uses some automatic stuff for some re-possession , on the day of the death , unaware . Days pass , and oh my God , what a furore . Nobody has yet made a connection on TV ; and ı don't think anyone will . Former Chief of Staff of the now extinct Turkish Armed Forces calls for unity , because the troops are fighting and obviously he is against the Lefties and all that . And he is savaged by the Party and the almost racists ; of course he has to explain who are using the operation for political gain ! Operation in the name of the "Turkish Nation" even provides a canard for removing the term Turk / Turkish and Turkey from many organizations , some of them referred by the Constitution . See , before 1980s everybody was like free to be where ever they liked so there was a Leftwing Police association and a Rightwing Police association . Police has no association these days and everything was unified . Despite the "risks" . You can't practice Medicine without being a member of the Doctors thing , so my older brother is a member and there's this monthly or something magazine and ı have seen one or two and the editorial board is like obviously sympathetic to a pro-Kurdish narrative . While the country wide lawyer's association is like obviously "Kemalist" . And guess what - "Muslims" can not win elections in both ... So , they will be "broken" so that "Muslims" can establish associations where they can win elections and they will deny the term Turkish and the like to their rivals . So like back to 2013 , the word Turk being undesirable and all that .
please , no charges that this is unrelated to the shooting down of an Israeli plane . It obviously is , as the affair has somehow increased the bargaining power of New Turkey . Last year's El Bab thing was meant to rush to Halep to save the Jihadis . Between the needs of emptying Rakka for a seperatist victory for America and some little bribing from the Russians meant the beardies of ISIL forcing a so called NATO army retreat from places with like 10 tanks lost . This year's Afrin operation much means to rush to Idlip to save the Jihadis and like stupiiiiiid Americans can not like convince themselves it was just a fluke , an accident as much as a plane running into a flock of birds . So after Americans keep a steady stream of beggers to New Turkey we hear the glorious news that that there might not be a war over Menbij afterall . More to the point , NATO now makes a deal with New Turkey to keep the Lines of Communication in the North Atlantic open . Nothing to worry , just about allocating a frigate or so to an ASW Taskforce . As routine as anti-piracy patrols off Aden . Proves am wrong and NATO works with us . As if it wasn't me who authorized the combat loaded , combat tasked , what Americans call "Boomer" patrols like a decade ago . As if 2 to 7 minutes is not in English and can not be used to calculate a geographic location or two . As if ı will not be ___ for saying we have no need of Stoltenberg to say anything . Oh , how am tempted to hark back to the dark days of 1942 when USN could not even start convoying so that them U-booten could sink more . Even more stupidly , ı now have to say none of this is not real in anyway , too .
and then the Aegean . Because ı have to guerilla post and stuff and we have this spike in troubles over there . Not over the islands you see , but hydrocarbon business ; because them evil Greeks are stealing " Muslims' " natural gas . While there were no issues as the islands were becoming "occupied" in return for a promise of rights in the wealth to be extracted . As said , ı check somewhere else and that place has this Greek Nationalist . Talking much about the 1987 affair . The Hour of Opposition on the Voice of Russia had this Turkish journalist from Greece and there were some muddled moments as the guest had a long winded talk on Papandreau introducing his extramarital affair to general public on the 14th of that year ; you know , because he would be most unable to procure a victory in shooting war ... Scandal to cover his like greatest embrassement since Washington and Moscow told him to shut up as Santa Turgut was worth 10 Andreases in that moment , creating a Kurdish Nation State behind the back of the Republic . ı really hate to be like the first to connect the dots , you know . This Greek Nationalist then claims the evil EU ordered all facilities provided to a Turkish invasion and only heroic Slavic brothers , namely Bulgarians , assisted the heroic Greeks . Mobilising thousands of tanks within hours , threatening Edirne . He claims of military service , hence expertise . But obviously he is like unaware that this is a very Balkan thing . Ours say Bulgarians once said they had the backing of their Russian uncles and they would take Edirne in an hour and a half . In the next war . Hearing this the local garrsion of Edirne and environs took their lot out . ı have heard the number was like 3 000 . And am pretty sure my porents knew this to have happened before they emigrated here in 1972 ...
ever ready to be helpful then ı found some magazine , with an article on the Military Balance . Apparently with the numbers of 1983 . So , Bulgarians had 300 T-34s , a round 1000 T-54/55s , 60 T-72s and 60 BMP-1s . Fair enough . Greeks fielded 1650 or so of various makes . Also fair enough . We had 3600 , fair enough ? A full reckoning would a require a coffee book of 500 pages , but Bulgarians come really as the poorest of WP militaries . No tank divisions and none of the 8 infantry divisions rate as a Category 1 , ready to move and fight on short notice ... Romania has 2 , possibly the only help Bulgaria could expect . Poland has 10 . Hungary has 0 but fields more tanks with an army of 84 000 when contrasted to Bulgaria's 120 000 . East Germany has 6 with almost the same personnel numbers , fielding 1500 tanks , and has 1600 in reserve too . See , this is not how the Cold War was conducted . Nobody reads Bill Gunston these days . Well , in '82 or 83 NATO discovered them Soviets had perfected Milimeter wave stuff , radars that could identify tanks under camouflage and guide anti tank missiles in top attacks . Much panic , after a careful mixture of a supposed Syrian attack on an Israeli HQ in the otherwise terribly unsuccesful 1982 fighting , carried out by Su-22 Fitters at ultra low level . Hearing this Russians went to the extent of "designing" a special variant , wings fixed at 45° , radar absorbing paint and plastic structure too , even "torpedo tubes" to launch the wonder missiles . America's answer was to be the WASP , a Hughes product to be launched in "speculative firing" , salvoed with the hope that they would something and hit something . Put into drop tank shapes so that even the lowliest NATO tactical fighter could use some . Naturally Hughes saw no profit in that and only studied in 370 gallons size for Phantoms so that the US taxpayer money could become profits with less work . Of course didn't happen . And the gloriously glorious , awesomely awesome British Brimstone was like in 1999 or what ? See , if one thousand Bulgarian tanks , then 1000 "Allied" Phantoms , each with 24 WASPs . Typically "Nationalist" stuff . Dangers lurk out there and only the steel like resolve can save the people . Hence the strong must be given everything , so that they can indulge in their true fantasies . Weeding out the weak , say , Kafka sprouting losers .
and this to remind that ı don't prove to be 100% correct all the time . We haven't been conquered by ISIL yet ...
now that newspapers now assure the quarter or 1/8 White Wabbit aka Maddog Mattis has 7000 volumes of books in his personal library thus knows history thus avoids antagonizing this new brilliant New Turkey ... It's not particularly unreadable , after the great Xenforo work . Only the post linked and not the rest of the page , now that it's a particularly on topic with Phantoms , right ?
operation right on tracks . After the first day's newspaper screams of 3 hours and troops will be inside Afrin the town , they have like captured some percentage of the area ; 10 or 20 or 30 and am not exactly sure . The "Muslims" naturally hate February 14th ; as an infidel immoral thing and naturally all the newspapers carry love letters to and from the troops there . As one can expect criticism only sinks the critic . A former Minister of Justice is under investigation by some association of lawyers ; and a troop gets killed and he has been involved in a traffic accident and he owes money . Some lawyer uses some automatic stuff for some re-possession , on the day of the death , unaware . Days pass , and oh my God , what a furore . Nobody has yet made a connection on TV ; and ı don't think anyone will . Former Chief of Staff of the now extinct Turkish Armed Forces calls for unity , because the troops are fighting and obviously he is against the Lefties and all that . And he is savaged by the Party and the almost racists ; of course he has to explain who are using the operation for political gain ! Operation in the name of the "Turkish Nation" even provides a canard for removing the term Turk / Turkish and Turkey from many organizations , some of them referred by the Constitution . See , before 1980s everybody was like free to be where ever they liked so there was a Leftwing Police association and a Rightwing Police association . Police has no association these days and everything was unified . Despite the "risks" . You can't practice Medicine without being a member of the Doctors thing , so my older brother is a member and there's this monthly or something magazine and ı have seen one or two and the editorial board is like obviously sympathetic to a pro-Kurdish narrative . While the country wide lawyer's association is like obviously "Kemalist" . And guess what - "Muslims" can not win elections in both ... So , they will be "broken" so that "Muslims" can establish associations where they can win elections and they will deny the term Turkish and the like to their rivals . So like back to 2013 , the word Turk being undesirable and all that .
please , no charges that this is unrelated to the shooting down of an Israeli plane . It obviously is , as the affair has somehow increased the bargaining power of New Turkey . Last year's El Bab thing was meant to rush to Halep to save the Jihadis . Between the needs of emptying Rakka for a seperatist victory for America and some little bribing from the Russians meant the beardies of ISIL forcing a so called NATO army retreat from places with like 10 tanks lost . This year's Afrin operation much means to rush to Idlip to save the Jihadis and like stupiiiiiid Americans can not like convince themselves it was just a fluke , an accident as much as a plane running into a flock of birds . So after Americans keep a steady stream of beggers to New Turkey we hear the glorious news that that there might not be a war over Menbij afterall . More to the point , NATO now makes a deal with New Turkey to keep the Lines of Communication in the North Atlantic open . Nothing to worry , just about allocating a frigate or so to an ASW Taskforce . As routine as anti-piracy patrols off Aden . Proves am wrong and NATO works with us . As if it wasn't me who authorized the combat loaded , combat tasked , what Americans call "Boomer" patrols like a decade ago . As if 2 to 7 minutes is not in English and can not be used to calculate a geographic location or two . As if ı will not be ___ for saying we have no need of Stoltenberg to say anything . Oh , how am tempted to hark back to the dark days of 1942 when USN could not even start convoying so that them U-booten could sink more . Even more stupidly , ı now have to say none of this is not real in anyway , too .
this post will make more sense ...
and then the Aegean . Because ı have to guerilla post and stuff and we have this spike in troubles over there . Not over the islands you see , but hydrocarbon business ; because them evil Greeks are stealing " Muslims' " natural gas . While there were no issues as the islands were becoming "occupied" in return for a promise of rights in the wealth to be extracted . As said , ı check somewhere else and that place has this Greek Nationalist . Talking much about the 1987 affair . The Hour of Opposition on the Voice of Russia had this Turkish journalist from Greece and there were some muddled moments as the guest had a long winded talk on Papandreau introducing his extramarital affair to general public on the 14th of that year ; you know , because he would be most unable to procure a victory in shooting war ... Scandal to cover his like greatest embrassement since Washington and Moscow told him to shut up as Santa Turgut was worth 10 Andreases in that moment , creating a Kurdish Nation State behind the back of the Republic . ı really hate to be like the first to connect the dots , you know . This Greek Nationalist then claims the evil EU ordered all facilities provided to a Turkish invasion and only heroic Slavic brothers , namely Bulgarians , assisted the heroic Greeks . Mobilising thousands of tanks within hours , threatening Edirne . He claims of military service , hence expertise . But obviously he is like unaware that this is a very Balkan thing . Ours say Bulgarians once said they had the backing of their Russian uncles and they would take Edirne in an hour and a half . In the next war . Hearing this the local garrsion of Edirne and environs took their lot out . ı have heard the number was like 3 000 . And am pretty sure my porents knew this to have happened before they emigrated here in 1972 ...
ever ready to be helpful then ı found some magazine , with an article on the Military Balance . Apparently with the numbers of 1983 . So , Bulgarians had 300 T-34s , a round 1000 T-54/55s , 60 T-72s and 60 BMP-1s . Fair enough . Greeks fielded 1650 or so of various makes . Also fair enough . We had 3600 , fair enough ? A full reckoning would a require a coffee book of 500 pages , but Bulgarians come really as the poorest of WP militaries . No tank divisions and none of the 8 infantry divisions rate as a Category 1 , ready to move and fight on short notice ... Romania has 2 , possibly the only help Bulgaria could expect . Poland has 10 . Hungary has 0 but fields more tanks with an army of 84 000 when contrasted to Bulgaria's 120 000 . East Germany has 6 with almost the same personnel numbers , fielding 1500 tanks , and has 1600 in reserve too . See , this is not how the Cold War was conducted . Nobody reads Bill Gunston these days . Well , in '82 or 83 NATO discovered them Soviets had perfected Milimeter wave stuff , radars that could identify tanks under camouflage and guide anti tank missiles in top attacks . Much panic , after a careful mixture of a supposed Syrian attack on an Israeli HQ in the otherwise terribly unsuccesful 1982 fighting , carried out by Su-22 Fitters at ultra low level . Hearing this Russians went to the extent of "designing" a special variant , wings fixed at 45° , radar absorbing paint and plastic structure too , even "torpedo tubes" to launch the wonder missiles . America's answer was to be the WASP , a Hughes product to be launched in "speculative firing" , salvoed with the hope that they would something and hit something . Put into drop tank shapes so that even the lowliest NATO tactical fighter could use some . Naturally Hughes saw no profit in that and only studied in 370 gallons size for Phantoms so that the US taxpayer money could become profits with less work . Of course didn't happen . And the gloriously glorious , awesomely awesome British Brimstone was like in 1999 or what ? See , if one thousand Bulgarian tanks , then 1000 "Allied" Phantoms , each with 24 WASPs . Typically "Nationalist" stuff . Dangers lurk out there and only the steel like resolve can save the people . Hence the strong must be given everything , so that they can indulge in their true fantasies . Weeding out the weak , say , Kafka sprouting losers .
and this to remind that ı don't prove to be 100% correct all the time . We haven't been conquered by ISIL yet ...
and of course ı have these otherwise worthless stuff which somehow still defines the essense what's eating the Turk and hence which will be reason of something to befall Uncle Sam ...
now that newspapers now assure the quarter or 1/8 White Wabbit aka Maddog Mattis has 7000 volumes of books in his personal library thus knows history thus avoids antagonizing this new brilliant New Turkey ... It's not particularly unreadable , after the great Xenforo work . Only the post linked and not the rest of the page , now that it's a particularly on topic with Phantoms , right ?