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Terrorism hits Colorado

Won't someone please think of the cops?

Also, when will the moderate christians and white people come out and condemn this blatant act of terrorism? For too long they have been silent

At one cop is dead from fighting this terrorist and more are wounded. I think some thoughts for them, responding to this attack on civilians, are in order.

Considering the placement of your post, is describing the act as terrorism not condemnation enough? Would it make your feel better to find some flagellation pics to post? I'll find some for you if it would. Or was the jibe just well worn satire?
I'm just asking that christians are held to the same standards as Muslims/any other religion.
at least read the article before posting "lol killed cops and didnt get shot on site". from the article it seems there was some potential explosive threat and the gunmen did take a defensive position. It also identifies this is a terrorist action feeding on the history of abortion-clinic violence and protests/threats, and the conservative organizations headquartered in colorado springs that likely motivated the shooter
I'm just asking that christians are held to the same standards as Muslims/any other religion.

Right. And is there a failing in my response you'd like to address, or was this addressed to nobody in particular instead to the nebulous American instead? Or somebody specific. I'm not really certain.
Also, when will the moderate christians and white people come out and condemn this blatant act of terrorism? For too long they have been silent

This would be a clever statement...if it made sense or was based in anything even slightly resembling reality. The thing is, white people do condemn the violent actions of other white people. If this guy did end up getting killed by the police, I guarantee 100% you would not see white people out in the street rioting and screaming "white lives matter!"; or making up ridiculous tales of the perpetrator being a "gentle giant".
at least read the article before posting "lol killed cops and didnt get shot on site". from the article it seems there was some potential explosive threat and the gunmen did take a defensive position. It also identifies this is a terrorist action feeding on the history of abortion-clinic violence and protests/threats, and the conservative organizations headquartered in colorado springs that likely motivated the shooter

Those orgs are more cunning and clever than jihadists, who will only gives mental inspiration for those nut gunmen, but not actively involved in organizing attacks.

See RSS in Gandhi killing for inspirations.
Well you sure seem to be milking it with your glorious memes. For the greater good obviously.

Good to see you tackling the real issues at hand here, the SJWS.

Right. And is there a failing in my response you'd like to address, or was this addressed to nobody in particular instead to the nebulous American instead? Or somebody specific. I'm not really certain.

It was cast out to the aether.

This would be a clever statement...if it made sense or was based in anything even slightly resembling reality. The thing is, white people do condemn the violent actions of other white people. If this guy did end up getting killed by the police, I guarantee 100% you would not see white people out in the street rioting and screaming "white lives matter!"; or making up ridiculous tales of the perpetrator being a "gentle giant".

It's such a strange trend of black people being gunned down in the slightest provocation but whites being allowed to live despite going on shooting sprees, strange that, almost as if there's a racial element involved.

The thing is commodore, whenever it's a white person the first thing that comes out is that he/she is a "lone wolf" or mentally unstable and if it involves a black person the first thing that's said is whether or not they have a criminal history or that they were no "angel".
you're too old to troll commodore lol

seriously dragging up a gas station shoving and petty theft leading to a little street kerfuffle/shooting to this thread?

thread should be closed. reopen with more expansive OP on this shooting/abortion clinic terrorism if you want with history of abortion clinic violence and such
It was cast out to the aether.

Fair enough. It is frustrating. It's doubly frustrating when in fact the person is acting in a manner which is loosely theologically consistent with but practically miles out of step with members of an organization. You want to be able to deconstruct whatever the flaw is, but this particular flaw is probably not much wider than the person we have in custody. I anticipate, and expect, and hope we collectively demand(we do, I think) a sufficient investigation now to see if this man acted out his violence in coordination with any other actors. If such other actors are found, we'll prosecute them too.
My problem is that the people advocating this won't ever be punished, Republicans and anti-abortionists know what their rhetoric does to people who genuinely believe their guff. This isn't the first incident at a PP clinic and it won't be the last.
The thing is commodore, whenever it's a white person the first thing that comes out is that he/she is a "lone wolf" or mentally unstable and if it involves a black person the first thing that's said is whether or not they have a criminal history or that they were no "angel".

Okay. I agree that it is ridiculous that we won't straight up call this guy what he is: a terrorist. However, you won't see white people defending this guy's actions, which was my point.

I, however, have no problem calling this guy a terrorist, regardless of his skin color or religion because that's what he is. And say what you want about the cops taking him alive, but it was the better move. Now they can interrogate him to find out if he really is a lone wolf or if he carried this action out for one of the myriad Christian extremist groups here in the US. You know, find out of this was an isolated incident or just the beginning of an anti-Planned Parenthood terrorist campaign.
Good thing Obama hasn't closed Gitmo. There should be plenty to round up a send there once this guy is water boarded and some of the social media reaction is analyzed.
Good thing Obama hasn't closed Gitmo. There should be plenty to round up a send there once this guy is water boarded and some of the social media reaction is analyzed.

Sounds good to me.
If it turns out the shooters motivation was to protect those "innocent fetuses" then yes, you will see people defend him, in a round-about convoluted way.
If it turns out the shooters motivation was to protect those "innocent fetuses" then yes, you will see people defend him, in a round-about convoluted way.

Sadly, you are correct.
"You're going to have to watch and study the mosqueschurches, because a lot of talk is going on at the mosqueschurches"

Updated it for Trump.

And then, we just need to think of the target of this Trumpasm:

"And I definitely want a database and other checks and balances. We want to go with watch lists. We want to go with databases.”
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