The 2024 US Presidential Election

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Trump can’t post $464M bond in New York civil case, lawyers say​

Donald Trump told an appellate court here Monday that he can’t obtain a bond for the full amount of the civil fraud judgment against him — more than $450 million, including interest — raising the possibility that the state attorney general’s office could begin to seize his assets unless the court agrees to halt the judgment while the former president appeals the verdict.

Trump’s lawyers said in a court filing that “ongoing diligent efforts have proven that a bond in the judgment’s full amount is a ‘practical impossibility,’” adding that those efforts “have included approaching about 30 surety companies through 4 separate brokers.”
Biden is trying to do something that has only been done once in American history, become a Vice President who then won twice as president and also served two full terms as POTUS. Thomas Jefferson is the only person to have done that. Nixon was elected twice but ran into some trouble.

So, I guess we should closely consider his running mate as well.
Grover Cleveland is the only guy to be President, lose, and then win again.

Let's hope it stays that way. Biden might end up being domestic disaster IMO, but Trump is bad news for everyone. It sounds harsh, but either one of them having to drop out would be good news for US.
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Cleveland actually won the popular vote three times running, losing in the EC in the second go round. Trump could be the first to win a rematch having never won the popular vote. That would tick the little sumtine to see, no? I expect it's something a lot of people would hate to see.
Let's hope it stays that way. Biden might end up being domestic disaster IMO, but Trump is bad news for everyone. It sounds harsh, but either one of them having to drop out would be good news for US.
There is still a real chance we won't see this match-up. Four of our 44 presidents have been assassinated, two were shot but survived. Four presidents have died of natural causes. We have two of the oldest and least loved. That's 8 of 44, a 18.1% death rate. Stand by for updates.
Triva: Which three living presidents were all born in the same summer?

Donald Trump- Born Jun 14, 1946
George Bush- Born Jul 6, 1946
Bill Clinton- Born Aug 19, 1946
Cleveland actually won the popular vote three times running, losing in the EC in the second go round. Trump could be the first to win a rematch having never won the popular vote. That would tick the little sumtine to see, no? I expect it's something a lot of people would hate to see.
Trump would also be the first person elected after being found liable for sexual assault, which a lot of people would hate to see. Of course Biden would be the first octogenarian to be elected President, which a lot of people would hate to see. Biden would also be the first to win reelection with a woman as their running mate. I expect that's also something a lot of people would hate to see. But again :sleep:... I'm sure we could find dozens of things for which the winner would be the first to do... none of which are particularly profound or which would ascribe some sort of meaningful higher significance to their election.

In other words "If Trump wins, it would be the first ...XYZ..." doesn't really matter. It doesn't lend any magical significance to Trump's candidacy. It might make for a nice game of trivial pursuit, but that's the extent of it.
Triva: Which three living presidents were all born in the same summer?

Donald Trump- Born Jun 14, 1946
George Bush- Born Jul 6, 1946
Bill Clinton- Born Aug 19, 1946
Great illustration of my above point:

George Bush- Born Jul 6, 1946- Lost re-election
Bill Clinton- Born Aug 19, 1946- never received a majority of the vote
Donald Trump- Born Jun 14, 1946 - Lost re-election, never received a majority of the vote

See the connection??:think: :eek:... What does it all mean?? :confused: :faint:

Absolutely nothing :nope: its just a trivial coincidence :lol:
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Trump would also be the first person elected after being found liable for sexual assault, which a lot of people would hate to see.
You're right. But your sentence should have ended with: which makes him unacceptable as a candidate for president, because the vast majority of Americans would abhor to have a rapist for president. But no, these trivialities are brushed aside.

Trump could rape a woman in the middle of 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose any MAGA voters.
Trump could rape a woman in the middle of 5th Avenue

none of which are particularly profound or which would ascribe some sort of meaningful higher significance to their election.

It reminds me of those football stats that I never know what to do with: this team has scored a touchdown in the third quarter of every game played in the rain for the last two and a half seasons.

As Tulsi Gabbard joins Trump's VP shortlist, her father distances himself​

Tulsi Gabbard, a former U.S. Representative once considered a rising star of the Democratic Party and even ran for president, has reimagined her political career. She went from being a prominent figure in Hawaiian politics to being considered as a potential vice presidential candidate on Donald Trump’s shortlist. It’s worth noting that her father, Mike Gabbard, has taken the opposite political path.

During a speech at Mar-a-Lago early this month, Tulsi Gabbard embraced MAGA talking points and compared the Democratic party to “evil-doers” and “dictators.” Conversely, her father, a political powerhouse in the Aloha State, remains one of the longest-serving Democratic senators in the Hawaii legislature, leading to some awkward dynamics within the Gabbard family.

“I don’t have the time or the information to be involved in that political circus,” Mike Gabbard recently told USA Today. “I feel that I’d be out of place talking about it. I’ve never had a clue as to what is going on (there).”Mike Gabbard’s political career has been remarkable for several reasons, particularly his stance on traditional marriage. He established a non-profit organization called Stop Promoting Homosexuality and spearheaded the campaign against same-sex marriage in Hawaii during the 1990s. Tulsi used to work for her father’s anti-LGBTQ organization but later expressed regret for her decision.

The article is mostly about Gabbard's father and his connection to her career in politics. Not too many details on her supposedly being on Trump's "short list", so I'm chalking it up to "rumor/speculation" at this point.
Jun 14th is spring
. . . no it isn't?

I mean I don't get the whole importance of dates thing, and maybe the US does seasons weird (they already call Autumn "Fall"), but Spring is traditionally March through May. June through August is summer.

Or is this a weird Brit thing and everyone else has a super late Spring or something?
If you take the solstice as the official beginning of summer.

Murca has the "unofficial beginning of summer," Memorial Day, and the "official beginning of summer": the summer solstice.
Summer solstice is when the sun is highest in the sky (maximum tilt), not when summer starts though?

But I guess if you peg it to whatever day is important to you all, that tracks. Can't really blame you when we have Guy Fawkes Day or whatever it's called these days.
George Bush- Born Jul 6, 1946- Lost re-election
Bill Clinton- Born Aug 19, 1946- never received a majority of the vote
Donald Trump- Born Jun 14, 1946 - Lost re-election, never received a majority of the vote

See the connection??:think: :eek:... What does it all mean?? :confused: :faint:

Absolutely nothing :nope: its just a trivial coincidence :lol:
Actually, that Bush won. His dad lost.

By the way, his dad, George H.W. was born in 1924. Guess who else was born in 1924? Jimmy Carter. Now H.W. lived to be 94 years old. Guess who else lived to be 94 years old. Jimmy Carter!

Spook action at a distance.
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. . . no it isn't?

I mean I don't get the whole importance of dates thing, and maybe the US does seasons weird (they already call Autumn "Fall"), but Spring is traditionally March through May. June through August is summer.

Or is this a weird Brit thing and everyone else has a super late Spring or something?
It's a kid thing. School broke for summer vacation around the first of June and didn't restart until right at the beginning of September. Hence, the summer defined.

Of course that was back in the ancient days. Now with all the climate change summer is about 6 months a year, according to some. And based on the weather we've had the past year, it's hard to argue against it (But everyone knows it's not the cow farts, it's the secret ongoing terraforming for our alien lizard overlords-and which brings us back to election, Overlord Trump, CounterLord Biden). Those folks.
It's a kid thing. School broke for summer vacation around the first of June and didn't restart until right at the beginning of September. Hence, the summer defined.

Of course that was back in the ancient days. Now with all the climate change summer is about 6 months a year, according to some. And based on the weather we've had the past year, it's hard to argue against it (But everyone knows it's not the cow farts, it's the secret ongoing terraforming for our alien lizard overlords-and which brings us back to election, Overlord Trump, CounterLord Biden). Those folks.
I mean my wife's a teacher, both my kids are in school and the customers I work with are all in higher ed, and the summer holidays have never just been summer to me. Maybe it's an over the pond thing.
Merrie Olde England has Midsummer Night to orient it aright on such matters.
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