The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

So far my only problem is the spellmaking and the enchanting. Can only make spells that go up to 100, and the enchanting isn't as fun as in Morrowind(which needed to be toned down anyways)
spoiler for after-MQ weapon
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you can get Jyggalag's sword from behind the tree in the New sheoth palace. It's like a 2-handed sword of order.
oh ya, what the hell does the wabbajack do?I for the life of me, cannot figure out what the hell it does?
If you zap it on creatures and NPCs, it transforms them into other things. For low level characters the resulting creature is usually stronger, so using it would be suicide. For higher level characters, it could be used to advantage, since some high level creatures have some nasty effects you want to get rid of.

Oh, and remember to test it on some unusual targets. ;)

See for further reading.

Hmmm. I haven't completed Sheogorath's daedric quest in Cyrodii yet, but I've already completed Shivering Isle and
Spoiler :
warning: this is a really big one!
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became the new daedric prince of madness... It would be cool if I could start the mayhem in that village myself, then pull the staff out of my nose...

Nah... not gonna happen. :ack:
Do you need Knights of Nine to install Shivering Isle ???
Knights of nine was a pass for me but shivering isle storyline and lots of goodies (new stuff) looks appealing
Nope, you don't need Knights of the Nine to install Shivering Isle.

Though Knights of the Nine is not bad either... just average. The KotN quest involved many dungeon adventures and new kind of quests (problem solving) in recovering the artifacts.

And some of the official mods bundled in it are great.

Frostcrag Spire
Looks amazing
The largest amount of storage area in the official homes
Garden that respawns alchemy ingredients (including ones from Oblivion)
Alchemy table that really boosts your skill
No quests

Since my character is a goody-two-shoes, I haven't checked out the other two homes yet, but I heard they have a few quests. One is for thieves (including a traning area, merchants, and the rare fortify skill spells), the other is for vampire (a prisoner for all your bloodsucking needs, etc.).

Horse armor looks good, and gives your horses a boost to their health.

Mehrunes Razor itself is average, but in the process of the quest you gain access to a huge area which quickly respawns, and a large number of other interesting loot (new magic items).

And unlike SI, KotN introduces no new bugs (okay, some, but not as much as vanilla or SI)... you should consider it when it gets cheaper. :)
Anyone know of any good custom longbows out there? The kind that dwarf your player and such. I've been scouring everywhere for something for my lusty argonian maid. :D
Can anyone tell me what's the point of Brindle Home, the small settlement almost due south of Chorrol (south south east of Hackdirt)

Here, there are three adventurers (sp?) 'all dressed up' but it seems they've not got 'no place to go', sporting armour and weapons with horses nearby but they don't seem to be doing much and I've completed the (vanilla) game and they never come into it.

Anyone got any ideas?
The main quest for Oblivion sorta sucked. It wasn't as elaborate as Morrowind, and was to short. But the actual gameplay is great. Also the mods for the game are really good.
The main negative to Fallout 3 to me is that the main quest is too short (just like Oblivion), and the ending sucks through a straw.
I'm hoping the last DLC actually changes the ending.

OTOH you can blow off the main quest and have lots of fun exploring, rummaging around, etc.
Have you done all three of the main quest endings? One thing I really like about F3 is that the area you are in doesn't level based on your level. I mistakenly assumed that the opponents would be on par with my own level, like what Oblivion was, so was rather shocked when I charged into an area I wasn't strong enough for.
Have you done all three of the main quest endings? One thing I really like about F3 is that the area you are in doesn't level based on your level. I mistakenly assumed that the opponents would be on par with my own level, like what Oblivion was, so was rather shocked when I charged into an area I wasn't strong enough for.

yeah, i really like that. it was a bit of a shame for me how you could complete oblivion on level 3 or something, as it just didn't feel epic or anything. so i purposely waited until about level 25 before tackling the main questline, which made it much more difficult and interesting (there's nothing quite like hordes of storm antronachs and xivilai to raise the difficulty ;))

as for fallout 3, i am having great fun atm with a melee character. only just got out of the vault though, so still a long way to go yet. also i still only have a baseball bat, so i could do with an upgrade. :)
Have you done all three of the main quest endings? One thing I really like about F3 is that the area you are in doesn't level based on your level. I mistakenly assumed that the opponents would be on par with my own level, like what Oblivion was, so was rather shocked when I charged into an area I wasn't strong enough for.

Ya, supposedly, but I found that just about the only thing you couldn't kill at level 2 were deathclaws, so I was still disspointed in that department.
Have you done all three of the main quest endings? One thing I really like about F3 is that the area you are in doesn't level based on your level. I mistakenly assumed that the opponents would be on par with my own level, like what Oblivion was, so was rather shocked when I charged into an area I wasn't strong enough for.

Didn't do any of them, once I found out the game ended at that point. Once I get the last DLC, I will probably finish the quest. I've had a lot of fun just finding
everything on the map, and creating a swath of bodies in my wake.

And I too like the fact that they backed off on monster scaling. Found out the
hard way that low levels are a tasty snack for Deathclaws.
I was thinking about reviving this thread to see if anyone was still playing Oblivion…

Anyway – is anyone still playing it? I recently got back into it (now with a MUCH more powerful PC that allows me to max out the settings). Finished the main quest in vanilla, and have just started a new game with OOO.
I was thinking about starting another game in Oblivion, it's just actually getting round to doing it. I'll probably play an soldier/archer type player, and probably do some nerdy roleplaying as well. :lol:
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