- v1.1 (Revision 10) -

  • Mumble replaced with Chatango, added Discord, replaced all corporation graphics
  • NinjaCow's AI profile overhauled. Enjoy your per-turn pings!
  • Spammer, NLR city lists updated
  • Added NC and Robert's diplotext, integrated Omega's from the Civ3 mod
  • New Unit: Rocket Soldier (Mysore UU; replaces Grenadier)
  • Predator changed to Ballistic Sub replacement with Attack Sub bonuses
  • Unit flavour packs for Obscuristan, Mysore, Downfall Gang
  • Leaderhead changes
    • Terran Emperor disabled
    • Omega's AI profile adjusted as per request
  • New Faction: Orrian Imperium
    • Leader: Nuka-sama (Ind/Fin)
    • UU: Fire of Babylon
    • UB: Gates of Babylon
  • New era-specific diplomusic for e350tb
  • Optimized more of Reus' lazy scripting
  • Special text characters converted to HTML code to ensure compatibility

There's a lot I didn't get done for this (mostly pedia overhauls) and I haven't tested gameplay in depth, but I'm out of town this weekend and wanted to finally get this out before knuckling down on the Civ3 mod. Corporations are finally fully IOTified. I've also started experimenting with one of Reus' original plans: faction-specific flavour packs. It's only a couple right now because I'm not sure how badly these'll affect the Late-Game Memory Crash; either way I'll probably start compiling agreed-upon graphics into FPKs.

Known bugs: Didn't change Megs' civics.
<<<HOTFIX r11>>>

In the process of preparing the export packages, I somehow missed updating several XML files, causing a CTD when loading the mod. Both packages updated; SVN should be correct though I had a conflict error in a test update. Fixed files attached in case any of you encounter the same glitch. Any further problems will have to wait til Monday or Tuesday.

At this point I'm probably invested enough into the community to design a civ for this.


Any chance for a rework on my faction? Especially since I’ve renamed my nation as the United Systems of Coruscant as well as changing my user name in the past few months.
At the rate some people keep revising their stats, this mod will probably end up overhauled every year or so. :mischief:
No different than Blizzard nerfing/buffing Heroes in Overwatch :P
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