Louis XXIV
Le Roi Soleil
I think it's the same concept as with the Honor finisher. You're never going to make enough kills for it to become self-sustainable. It helps though.
Well, they're also getting faith from other sources.
I think it's the same concept as with the Honor finisher. You're never going to make enough kills for it to become self-sustainable. It helps though.
That link says you will be able to buy Great People with Faith, when did we ever have that confirmed?
That would require a nerf to the great scientist, or else people will hoard faith, buy 10 great scientists, and combine that with the army of GS's they already have, and boom: Medieval to Great War era in 1 turn.If that's in addition to the standard GP system that's awesome, if not it's bizzare (Buying a Great Scientist with faith???)
Except that many of the early scientists were clergymen (as aside from being rich, that was the only way to get an education).Even without exploits, Science & Religion don't exactly go hand in hand
Right, but that's an issue of religious hierarchy and dogma. I don't see any problem with Faith being used as a currency to purchase Great People, since there are ample examples of all types of such people in history (including great scientists) who were inspired by faith.And then many more were persecuted for blasphemy
Yep along with the nerf coming to Research agreements I am also a big proponent of nerfing Great Scientists. They are simply too powerful as is. Babylon's free GS needs to be removed too as that Academy is simply deadly early on.
I honestly hope that if buuying Great People is true that at least Great Scientists are nerfed. (I already have too many Great Scientists saved up near the late game in multi and single, this will only add to it).
I'm hoping the nerf is something along the lines of "X can only have 1 GS (or other GP) until used up" instead of actually nerfing the ability to one shot a tech. Same deal with RAs.
Not too concerned with faith-buying-greats if this is indeed the case.