• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

Oh, thank goodness, there is some form of higher being.!.!
starting update now
Global News Reporting: We’re Always Watching You

Global News Report

NUKES SPREAD EVEN MORE. Singapore, United Nations. Another nation has completed research into nuclear weapons. Nuclear scientists have announced that Germany is fully capable of building and deploying a nuclear arsenal. Germany, despite civil war and the effects of the Third World War, has managed to become the first European nation to enter the exclusive club of nations with nukes. Many attribute this to the economic miracle or Wirtschaftswunder which has occurred in the years following the civil war.

North/Central American News Report

CRISIS IN THE CARIBBEAN. Kingston, United States of America. American interdiction bombers on patrol north of Venezuela came across reports of supplies being delivered to insurgents via submarine. The submarines were caught on the surface moving north from the coastline and were promptly sunk by the American bomber squadron. The submarines were identified as German, and several survivors were captured by patriotic fishermen in Jamaica. (-1 Wolfpack for Germany)

South American News Report

VLF WINS VICTORY. Caracas, United States of America. The Venezuelan Liberation Front gained massive local support following a major raid on the primary food distribution center in Venezuela. The VLF immediately distributed the food to the people, providing vital aid to a starving populace. Other, smaller raids on other food distribution centers have bourn fruit and grain, helping the Venezuelans make it through a tough year. Seeds acquired in the raids have allowed the Venezuelan people to start their own gardens, providing a much needed stable food source for the people. (VLF Local Opinion to Admired and Global Opinion to Liked)
Casualty List
USA: 1 Infantry Division
Venezuela: 1 Militia Division

European News Report

BALKAN WARS. Sofia, Bulgaria. A large amount of fighting has been reported in southern Bulgaria between government forces and Greek insurgents. The Greek rebels have struck at multiple Bulgarian banks and gold depositories throughout the occupied region and southern Bulgaria. King Simeon II has denounced the Greeks as a “phantom menace” which needs to be stopped at all costs. To this end, Simeon has announced the mobilization of military forces and the construction of internment camps for “restless” portions of the Greek population.

PROGRESS AMID CRISIS IN SCANDINAVIA. Stockholm, Republic of Scandinavia. 1949 has been a devastating year for Scandinavian government. Early in February bombings forced the closure of Parliament for the year, while President Weimar of Scandinavia was killed when a bomb killed him and his wife in their car in Stockholm. Ledig Norge was immediately blamed for the attacks. This was followed by an increase of unrest within Finland following an influx of Scandinavian forces. The Finnish countryside has risen in revolt, with bridges being burned in the night, and trains failing to reach their destination. Further west, Ledig Norge has won their first victory against American forces at the battle outside of Oslo, where the Norwegians surprised and destroyed a Scandinavian air base protected by an American division. Bombings have occurred against American convoys and government buildings throughout the rest of Norway. Yet even as Finland and Norway burn, the battered Scandinavian government has announced a series of major projects, promising the construction of a modern 8-lane bridge connecting Denmark to the rest of Scandinavia, which would be the world’s largest bridge. This is to be joined with the creation of an autobahn system throughout Scandinavia, linking the greatest cities of the nation. (-1 jet Fighter Squadron for Scandinavia, -1 Infantry Divisions for USA)

STALIN ASSASSINATED. Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Iosef Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, and former ruler of the nation of Georgia, was assassinated in Moscow by a sniper. Vyacheslav Molotov, previously head of the Foreign Ministry, has been proclaimed the new ruler of the Soviet Union. Reactionary forces and the organization known as Novaya Russia have been blamed for the assassination of the man who has become popularly known as “savoir of the Soviets.” Molotov has promised retribution against those responsible for the attack.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

TURKEY EJECTED FROM EL. Ankara, Turkey. Following revelations of Soviet bombers based in Turkey, Italy forcibly removed the Turkish nation from the European League. In protest Turkey has withdrawn from the European Economic Community, closing its ports to EEC shipping. Portugal and Serbia have denounced Italy’s unilateral dismissal of Turkey, while France declared the action as “a prudent motion.”

UN FORCES MOVE INTO NEW ZION. An international coalition, led by the military arm of the United Nations, sent nearly twenty divisions into West Africa to aid the besieged Jewish nation. Though outnumbered by the combined Sokoto and Mexican forces, massive bomber assaults by Commonwealth and American planes devastated the invaders’ air force. The UN forces arrived just in time to relieve the besieged capital of New Jerusalem. Led by a South African armored spearhead, UN forces advanced from a beachhead in the south and quickly moved to secure Camp Caen, the former Free French headquarters. Flanking Polish and Nicaraguan forces were heavily besieged by the armies of Sokoto, but the arrival of a Brazilian relief column provided aid. Tactical strikes by UN forces have managed to eliminate the military leadership of both invaders and after several months of tough fighting, the invasion was repulsed and the Mexicans and Sokoto sent across the border. Now the world wonders if the United Nations will take the step of launching an assault into the offending nations.
Casualty List
Sokoto: 6 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Division, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 1 Bomber Squadron
Mexican Free State: 8 Infantry Divisions, 1 Armored Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Nicaragua: 1 Infantry Division
Poland: 1 Infantry Division
South Africa: 1 Armored Division
USA: 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
New Zion: 2 Infantry Divisions
Brazil: 1 Infantry Division

Asian/Pacific News Report

SOCIALISTS REMOVED IN MONGOLIA. Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia. The long-standing Socialist leaders of Mongolia were forced to resign after strikes and riots brought the nation to a standstill. The opposition, known as the Khan’s Party, a nationalist, fascist movement, has been given power by popular elections late in the year. The new government has withdrawn from their agreements with the People’s Republic of China and the USSR, renouncing all ties with both nations. The new Mongolian government has vowed to no longer be dominated by its neighbors.

Global News Ticker







Diplomatic Pouch

To: American Security Agreement
From: Chile

We would like to announce our intention to withdraw from the ASA. We believe that our best path forward is to assist the United Nations in helping the world achieve peace. We promise not to share military technology or information with any enemies of the ASA and wish you only prosperity and peace.


@germanicus: I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again, you can only have one research specialization at a time. Sorry.

I should mention that United Nations forces are slightly better than most militaries, because they are provided with the best technology money can buy and are all volunteers loyal to the cause of the United Nations.

Azale, mrpwn3r, Abbadon, luckymoose have all been removed for inactivity. However, all nations will be kept free for one more update in case they decide to return.

World Map

Spoiler :
Novaya Russia denies any association with Stalin's assassin, as it has so far employed entirely peaceful methods in restoring democracy to Russia.

Oh, thank goodness, there is some form of higher being.!.!

If there is, he doesn't seem to like Scandinavia much.
the UN forces will not be Leading any invasion of the Mexican free state or Sokoto. We will maintain our position until peace between the three happens, or a nation contributing forces to the invasion choses to strike out on their own, without our support, to end this war through force.
The UCS navy shall remain in the area. Our planes will recon the enemy every now and then to see what is happening. (of course if they have anti air weapons we may have to call it off and ground the planes.)
To Germany
From USA
Your treachery knows no bounds. We cannot in good conscience sell oil to a country that attempts to stab us in the back, especially after all we have done for you.

To Europe
From USA
In light of recent events, even after we dissuaded Dar al Islam from implementing an oil blockade of Europe, you still somehow find another way to annoy and aggravate us. After talks with Dar al Islam, the CPO will longer be shipping oil to those countries in Europe not in the ASA.

To Chile
From USA
We respect your wishes and your discretion in not sharing those techs that we have researched together. The best of luck to you.
From Italy:

Germany has unilaterally taken this decision without consulting its allies, and to punish the whole of Europe for her actions is unreasonable.

To Germany
From Italy:

Not only have you taken actions against the United States, you have done so without consent from any other nation in the alliance. By doing so you have placed a burden upon all of us. What do you have to say for yourself?
Germany has been indisputably found supplying the terrorist organization Venezuelan Liberation Front.
I hereby find Germany in violation of Article 3-45, and call for full economic sanctions and embargo Against Germany.
For how long are said sanctions to last?
that, I do not know. all the article calls for is the sanctions and embargo. so until a resolution is passed in the UN specifying the time limits and severity, length and severity will be up to the individual nations.
Yeah, the sanctions should probably be in resolution form. With a set date and so forth. However, it could possibly bypass the LEadership Council, as it only involves a resolution which has already been enacted.
From Germany

Germany denies sending supplies to the Venezuelan Liberation Front. The delivery of cargo was merely free and open trade which was being subsidized by the government; the sailors had the explicit instructions not to deal with the VLF, and in fact the Wolfpack in question was headed for Panama to deal there. That the USA should respond so violently is understood and we do not blame them for wishing to be critical, however the anger of the US government is uncalled for. German forces would never consort with terrorist organizations.

To Italy, EL
From Germany

If the European League feels it desirable to expel Germany, so be it. We have only been a positive arm in support of the growing strength of Europe, and now they feel compelled to turn their backs on her. That is fine. Our cooperation was prosperous, if short-lived. First we will warn you, however, that we never intended to aid the VLF and the accusations placed by the US government are outlandish - if you banish Germany you will only tear Europe even more asunder.

From Germany

Two issues:

1. On the subject of economic sanctions, Germany will stress that she had no intentions of dealing with the VLF. That Wolfpack was part of a government-subsidized effort to expand trade in Central America; we do not condone Venezuelan terrorism nor terrorism in general. Germany will vehemently argue against any UN legislation which aims to oppress her.

2. Now that pre-war borders have been reached in West Africa, Germany encourages the UN stops while it is ahead and seeks peace. A lasting peace can be sought by compromise, but failing that, it is still ideal that some sort of deal be reached before the war lasts any longer.
To Germany
From USA

You do not use submarines for free and open trade. That and the fact that we have have found large amounts of German weaponry, both near the submarines and on the ground within Venezuela. There were no other ship sin the area. You have definitively proven to have provided weapons to the VLF and you will now reap the whirlwind of your actions.
the UN has already conducted an independent investigation into the incident, and confirmed that Germany was supplying the VLF. we did this before invoking article 3-45.

OOC: I did a spot investigation, and it was confirmed by EQ.
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