Tom DeLay - Murderer, hypocrite, or both?


Slippin' Jimmy
Oct 14, 2001
Chicago Sunroofing
Tom DeLay, ringleader in Congress during the Terri Schiavo circus, once faced a similar situation regarding his father. Should Congress have gotten involved then to save his father's life? Should Tom DeLay, based on his statements in Congress, be turning himself in for murder? Or should Tom DeLay merely be given a 15-yard penalty in his game of political football?

Rep. Tom Delay Calls His Father's End-Of-Life Treatment 'Different'

POSTED: 8:16 am PST March 27, 2005

LOS ANGELES -- House Speaker Tom DeLay, who has helped lead a congressional effort to keep a brain-damaged Florida woman alive, joined family members nearly 17 years ago in allowing doctors not to take extraordinary measures to extend his father's life, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.

DeLay had just been re-elected to a third term in Congress in 1988 when his father, Charles DeLay, was badly injured in the crash of a backyard tram he and his brother had built. As DeLay's vital organs began to fail, the family chose not to connect him to a dialysis machine or take other measures to prolong his life, according to the Times, which cited court documents, medical records and interviews with family members.

"There was no point to even really talking about it," Maxine DeLay, the congressman's 81-year-old widowed mother, told the Times. "Tom knew, we all knew, his father wouldn't have wanted to live that way."

DeLay helped push through Congress a federal law allowing the parents of Terri Schiavo to go to federal court in an effort, so far unsuccessful, to have their brain-damaged daughter's feeding tube reinserted after state courts allowed it to be removed. The Texas Republican has also criticized Schiavo's husband and the courts for allowing what he called "an act of barbarism" against Schiavo, who doctors say is in a persistent vegetative state.

DeLay declined to be interviewed about his father's case, but a press aide said it was "entirely different than Terri Schiavo's."

"The only thing keeping her alive is the food and water we all need to survive. His father was on a ventilator and other machines to sustain him," said DeLay spokesman Dan Allen.

The 65-year-old DeLay, his brother, Jerry, and their wives were trying out a tram the brothers had built to ferry their families up and down a 200-foot slope from their backyard home in Canyon Lake, Texas, to the edge of the lake when the tram roared out of control and jumped the tracks on Nov. 17, 1988.

Charles DeLay was pitched headfirst into a tree. Hospital admission records showed he suffered multiple injuries, including a brain hemorrhage and broken ribs.

Doctors advised that he would "basically be a vegetable," said the congressman's aunt, JoAnne DeLay, who suffered a shattered elbow and broken bones in the crash.

Like Schiavo, DeLay had no living will but had reportedly expressed to others his wish not to be kept alive by artificial means.

"Extraordinary measures to prolong life were not initiated," according to his medical report, which cited "agreement with the family's wishes."

He died on Dec. 14, 1988.

During his hospitalization, DeLay never showed any signs of being conscious, said his widow, except when his younger son, Randall, walked into the room and "his heart, his pulse rate, would go up a little bit."

She said the decision to withhold extraordinary treatment fell to her and others in the family.

"Tom went along," she said of the congressman.

She called comparisons to her husband's case and Schiavo's "interesting," but added she agrees with her son that Schiavo might have a chance of recovering if her feeding tube is reinserted.

"There was no chance he was ever coming back," she said of her husband.
Of course Delay's a hypocrite. His father's case was a private matter for the family to decide. The family decided to let his father die, rather than keep him alive in the vain hope that he'd miraculously recover. There weren't screaming mobs of religious fanatics wanting to keep Charles Delay alive, so there wasn't any political payoff for Tom Delay to fight his family's wishes.

With Terri Schaivo, there is a political payoff if Tom Delay panders to the religious fanatics. These fanatics think that, sometime in the future, a miracle will happen and Terri Schaivo will wake up and be exactly the way she was 15 years ago. Delay is willing to support this wishful thinking because it may help him escape the ethics problems he's having. Some fanatic may think "Delay wanted to keep Schaivo alive, so he can't be guilty of the bribery and corruption charges being talked about by the House Ethics Committee." Saving his political skin is an excellent reason for Delay to be a hypocrite.
I see him as a murderer and a very big hypocrite.
Well, is it news that politicians are lying?

mfG mitsho

EDIT: To be politically correct: That most politicians are lying, some in the not so important way as Tom DeLay, some a bit more before elections and some before court. But not every politician has to lie, ;)
CivGeneral said:
I see him as a murderer and a very big hypocrite.

A very big hypocrite I agree with. Congress and Delay or any goverment agency for that matter should not have been involved with the terri schivo case. I don't see how you think of him as a murderer, I mean, I thought you supported Terri being starved to death.
"The only thing keeping her alive is the food and water we all need to survive. His father was on a ventilator and other machines to sustain him," said DeLay spokesman Dan Allen.

These are very differenet cases as seen inside the article. There is a huge difference between food & water and the other machines. To compare them is disingenuous. It is as far apart as comparing the reasons for military operations in Bosnia and Iraq. However, I think it should be the husband's choice as her guardian to let her die in peace.

Time to do my living will as I actually have one family member that would fight like her parents even though I've made my wishes clear to my wife, my siblings and my parents.
He's a hypocrite. He was a hypocrite before the Terri Schiavo episode. He'll be a hypocrite long after.

Justice DeLay'd is justice denied.
I've read (on EWTN in fact) that it is morally permissable to turn off life support only if it's extrodinary means (i.e., a machine permenantly taking over an organ, like the heart, lungs, liver). However, ordinary means (like a feeding tube) is not a reason to end a life.

In the case of DeLay's father, if the ventilator wasn't able to stabilize breathing, then that would become extrodinary. If it were able to stabilize breathing (and could have been remove eventually), then it did its' job.
A'AbarachAmadan said:
These are very differenet cases as seen inside the article. There is a huge difference between food & water and the other machines. To compare them is disingenuous.

Under both Texas and Florida law, feeding tubes are considered legally equivalent to most other machines in these circumstances. The real differences in these cases include that Michael Schiavo held out hope for much longer than the DeLay family did and that Tom DeLay did not find his family's decision murderous enough to think that the U.S. Congress should be involved.

Since I live in Texas and Texas can ignore my living will, I am drafting my living will as follows, in hopes of getting Congressional intervention to save me:

"Please put my life in the hands of U.S. Congress. A yes vote will indicate that you want me to live and that you agree with me that Tom DeLay should be indicted for murder. A no vote will indicate that you want to kill me and that Tom DeLay should not be indicted."
Charles DeLay was pitched headfirst into a tree. Hospital admission records showed he suffered multiple injuries, including a brain hemorrhage and broken ribs.

Doctors advised that he would "basically be a vegetable," said the congressman's aunt, JoAnne DeLay, who suffered a shattered elbow and broken bones in the crash

Chiefness It looks almost identical in terms of "medical state" they found themselves in
A nice bit from Maureen Dowd's column today:
But even as he exploits this one sad case, DeLay has voted to slash medicaid by $15 billion, denying money to care for poor people in nursing homes, some on feeding tubes.

DeLay made his stake clear at a conference two Fridays ago organized by the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian group. He said God had brought Schiavo's struggle to the forefront "to help elevate the visibility of what's going on in America." He defined that as "attacks against the conservative movement, against me and against many others."

So it's not about her crisis at all. It's about his crisis.
he's a politician, he has to be a hypocrite to keep his job.
Damnyankee said:
I don't see how you think of him as a murderer, I mean, I thought you supported Terri being starved to death.

I just see him as a murderer to our civil liberties and rights. I only know very little of him except that he is a worlds biggest hypocrite. I do support Terry being starved to death so that she does not have to suffer.
He's a republican. That alone should be sufficient to get him a lengthy term in a federal pound-me-in-the-@$$ prison.
JollyRoger said:
"Please put my life in the hands of U.S. Congress. A yes vote will indicate that you want me to live and that you agree with me that Tom DeLay should be indicted for murder. A no vote will indicate that you want to kill me and that Tom DeLay should not be indicted."

:lol: Thats amusing :lol:
CivGeneral said:
I just see him as a murderer to our civil liberties and rights. I only know very little of him except that he is a worlds biggest hypocrite. I do support Terry being starved to death so that she does not have to suffer.

Makes sense, I'm about 50/50 on him being a murderer of civil liberties and rights. Thats the thing that worrys me about a large chunk of the present day Republican party. The traditional conserative supported a small gov't system and was close to my morals. Now, these neo-cons that have hijacked my party are big gov't people without the economic benifits of lets say a big gov't dem. Plus, they have gone to the extreame far right on many social issues. Hate to say it, but this mid-right republican will vote for the dems in the next election if they don't come closer to the center. My freedom is more important then my security.
I see him as a man that does not particularly care about the truth, I think he is a good person, and a good politician.
Tom DeLay did not have a vested interest in his father dying. Do you really think that DeLay wanted to see his father die? Besides that, the entire DeLay family came to an agreement on their father/husband.

Michael Schiavo on the other hand, does. He has had 2 illegitimate children with his girlfriend outside of his marriage. He also stands to collect a substantial sum of money after she dies.

To say the two cases are even remotely similar is ridiculous.
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