UK Politics VI - Will Britain Steir to Karmer Waters?

Everything is happening today. I am not sure exactly what happened, but it sounds like the police started a riot by trying to take someones child, and then just gave up and abandoned the area for a few hours while the far right tried to organise some violence.

At 5pm, West Yorkshire police had arrived at a residential street to deal with a disturbance seemingly brought on by a row over children from a Roma family being taken into care by social services. A crowd started to gather, tensions were inflamed and the outnumbered officers were forced to retreat. They left behind a police car, which was smashed and flipped on to its side.

Within a couple of hours, riot police arrived in an attempt to control the escalating situation but witnesses said this appeared to make things worse. People – male and female, and of all races – were seen lobbing bricks and bottles at officers, hitting riot shields, as the police retreated into their vans.

Five hours after the police were first called, in the darkening evening, a doubledecker bus was ablaze, the larger of two fires raging just off Harehills Lane, which is one of the main roads through the densely populated part of the city.

The heat from the burning bus was already keeping the crowd at a distance but when loud explosions punctuated the roar of the inferno, people screamed and scattered.

Somebody was throwing gas canisters on the fire, a dangerous situation with no police around to stop them.

On social media, an altogether different furore was breaking out as far-right groups mobilised against the Muslim residents of the neighbourhood, in particular the Harehills Green party councillor Mothin Ali – who, if social media was to be believed, was complicit in the disorder.

The far-right antagonist Tommy Robinson claimed footage showed “the newly elected councillor for the area rioting tonight in Leeds. Multiple reports he’s even on the streets with them”.

In fact, Ali was seen by dozens of people earlier in the evening intervening in an attempt to calm the disorder and stop the attacks on police.

At 11pm he was at the bus fire, a sheen of sweat across his forehead, calling for the community to come together. He was flanked by other residents – Muslim men and a mix of people from different backgrounds who anxiously confronted those who were trying to amplify the chaos.

At about midnight, local residents began gathering water from nearby houses in buckets and Biffa bins to reduce the bus blaze to smouldering embers. The crowd briefly moved about 50 metres down the road and cheers could be heard as a young man, Mohammed, did backflips to entertain those gathered and defuse any remaining heat. People played music on their phones.

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More beeb as the mouth of the state. There a story about a police officer who had a long and commonly known history of wildly inappropriate public behaviour being promoted into an "ethics champion" in one supervisory role and another to act as an “ambassador” for women and girls before being finally fired. There is no talk about who promoted him, and what they knew of his behaviour.

Police ethics champion who wolf-whistled at women fired

James Endean worked for Thames Valley Police for 22 years and as a sergeant from 2009, before he was sacked without notice last month.

The panel found Mr Endean, who was previously based in Reading, Berkshire, repeatedly bullied colleagues and made comments about his penis and sexual abilities.

It said this conduct continued even after a reflective practice meeting, and that it was “intentional, deliberate and targeted”.

The panel was told by his colleagues that he would “rate” women’s attractiveness while on patrols and told them that some were “asking for it”.

Colleagues reported how he had told them women would enjoy sex with him and that his fingers “should be on Britain’s Got Talent”.

His comments about sex were “unwanted and grossly inappropriate” and created an environment that was “hostile, offensive and degrading”, especially for his female colleagues.

The wolf-whistling would have been “loud enough to be heard by members of the public”, the panel found.

Mr Endean was made an ethics champion in January 2022, received further training, and last year was appointed a White Ribbon, external champion, to act as an “ambassador” for women and girls.

After a catalogue of allegations were made against him in March 2023, he was moved from Reading to Bracknell and Wokingham, where he worked in a supervisory role.

I have a number of instant hypotheses for promoting him:.

They thought:

(a) by promoting him to the role it might result in him reining in on his behaviour

(b) this will be fun to watch, it will really annoy the 'wokie' crowd

(c) he annoys us, DEI advocates annoy is, let us combine these annoyances into one person

(d) this will make him/them easier to sack.
For UK standards some shocking police violence, though perhaps not to those used to the US.

An armed British police officer has been filmed kicking a man in the head as he lay on the ground in an incident that has been denounced as an example of police brutality.

Greater Manchester Police confirmed that the attack on the man took place at Manchester Airport on Tuesday.

In a video widely shared online, armed police can be seen pointing Tasers at a man lying on the ground, before one officer begins kicks and then stamps the man in the head.

An older woman attempts to protect the man, who continues to remain on the ground, as none of the other officers attempt to help the man or reprimand the officer.

Instead, the other officers point their Tasers at a crowd of outraged onlookers shouting at them to stop. Another man with his hands on his head is then kicked and punched by the same police officer as he appears to follow instructions to also get on the ground.

Spoiler Upsetting video :
It seems Kemi Badenoch may have said some things online. The Spectator (avoiding paywall)

In Westminster, a link is being shared over WhatsApp between candidate teams, MPs and general Westminster watchers of ‘Naijablog’ a blog about Nigeria, where a below-the-line commentator by the name of ‘Kemi’ had plenty to say – and plenty bones to pick. The comments are direct, sometimes rude, often confrontational, making off-colour jokes and taking no prisoners. In other words, sounding very much like a certain Kemi Badenoch who was then studying for a postgrad at Birkbeck.

Spoiler She put this picture online :

Spoiler Comments :

  • On Diane Abbott (original blog here). ‘Abbot is a racist hypocrite. She spent years lambasting people for sending their kids to private school, and then turned round and did exactly the same thing. She had to admit on TV that her decision was indefensible. She also made a claim that “blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls” in her local hospital in east London were unsuitable as nurses because they had “never met a black person before”. Can you imagine if someone had said the reverse, that black skinned, people were unsuitable as nurses if they had never met a white person before?’
  • On Britain’s colonial legacy in Nigeria (blog here). [Comments she disputed in italics].
    • “Nigeria for centuries was a country entirely based on culture and tradition,” ‘UTTER bullfeathers. Nigeria has only existed as a country for 93 years. Not for centuries. It was made up of many kingdoms with many different cultures and traditions imbibed from all over africa and the middle east. Our culture and traditions like that of many other countries, changed regularly and even before the Brits came, our history records complaints by the ever vocal elders about how we were losing our culture.’
    • One which held greater respect for people over things.” ‘COMPLETE AND UTTER bullfeathers. We bought and sold our people, friends, families and our enemies as chattels. Our rulers sold them to Europeans for guns and broken mirrors. HOW IS THAT A CULTURE THAT VALUES PEOPLE OVER THINGS? Go and read A History of the Yoruba Peoples. Or, if that is too big for you, go read Chinua Achebe’s “Things fall Apart” anything even.’
    • “one which put age before power!” ‘Not really, although it definitely put age over common sense and STILL DOES. This is why we are continuously ruled and bullied by a succession of old fools. It was colonized. Like many countries, such as India, South Africa and Ghana which are all doing MUCH better than Nigeria.’
    • “stripped of its culture” ‘Such as human sacrifices, the creation of outcast tribes like the osu and the killing of twins’
    • “and now has started building up its new way” ‘Which explains why the country is much worse than it was 30 years ago and has just had the most fraudulent elections ever held. Otherwise, I doubt anybody can list 10 things or even 5 good things that the British stripped us of. i.e. things which by 1960 we had been stripped of. The truth is that we LOST and THREW away our culture. Stop blaming others for the state of our country. Give this colonisation argument a rest!’
  • Defending Thai women who marry Westerners for security, not love (link here) ‘Those Thai women do not love the husbands but the security of the relationships, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, people should not flatter themselves to think that there is any genuine feeling or affection involved. Look at the wife of Ken Bigley for instance. As soon as her husband had been captured in Iraq, she packed her bags (and no doubt all the family treasures) and moved back to Thailand ages before he lost his head! No desperate pleas in front of the camera like all the normal English wives who truly cared whether their husbands lived or died. Transactional relationships have their place. As everyone: caveat emptors, innit?’
  • On Nigerian women who put up with philandering husbands (blog here) She responded to a blog about a road rage incident in Nigeria where one driver says he was told “how dare you do that – I am a married woman!” The blog author asks of his commentators: ‘Do Nigerian men really only learn respect for women when they are married? If not, why do some Nigerian women think this?’
‘Kemi’ replies: ‘That is why Nigerian men tend to be more philandering than most. Because they know the stupid bush goat they have at home is too scared to become single or divorced and lose the “respect” she associates with her status. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: many Nigerian women believe Mrs. is better than Dr. as a title.’
  • Why it’s not insulting to call out an idiot (link here). ‘A person who cannot think or reason is an idiot. It is only an insult when used to someone who is clearly not an idiot. To call an honest man a thief is an insult. To call an armed robber a thief is NOT an insult.’
  • On politeness (link here). ‘Most of the people who changed the world, for good were notoriously rude. It was the bad people, Idi Amin, Hitler etc who were charming and respectful. People like you would have been defending them that they were good people because they had good manners. Robert Mugabe was also once known for his good manners!! Meanwhile, the scientists and philosophers who gave us the advanced world we take for granted were famously anti-social to the point of misanthropy. People even think Einstein and Newton might have had Asperger Syndrome. Had Einstein been a Nigerian no doubt he would have died a clerk in the patent office because some buffoon of a superior would have decided that he was rude and had no respect.’

The whole "colonial legacy" spiel was like, a third of the spoiler (sorry for folks who haven't clicked on it).

Anyhow, the fuss is that these are common conservative attack lines, from the targeting of Abbott, to defending colonialism, to the inferred blaming of progressive folk as to why you can't "call a spade a spade anymore", or words to that effect. If you agree with some of them, it doesn't really matter. The angle of attack her is floating her comments online to a) determine the public reaction to such so that the relevant parties can b) decide whether or not to lean into her as a possible frontrunner.
Same crap different day. Besides, if the tory party is actually likely to get a fourth female leader (to labour's hideous zero), and a black one for the first time, I will be impressed.
I'd be more interested in what trash she says now, than what trash she said decades ago.
Greens expel Surrey members who allegedly backed tactical voting against Jeremy Hunt

The Green party has been accused of acting in a draconian and authoritarian way after a number of members were expelled for allegedly trying to support tactical voting to defeat Jeremy Hunt at the general election.

At least three members, two of them councillors, have been banned from the party until 2029. One of those expelled said it seemed to go directly against the Green values of internal party democracy and tolerance.

The row began before the election when Green members in Hunt’s Godalming and Ash seat in Surrey suggested standing down their candidate to give the Liberal Democrats, Hunt’s main challengers, a better chance of unseating the then chancellor.

Steve Williams, a Green councillor who was originally the candidate against Hunt, said the idea was hatched in part because the Lib Dem candidate, Paul Follows, had previously collaborated with the party.

In a secret ballot of the local party, which covers Hunt’s seat and two adjoining Surrey constituencies, members voted three-to-one in favour of Williams standing down but the candidates in the other seats remaining in place.

Williams said he formally withdrew a few days before the close of nominations, and told the Greens headquarters in England and Wales what the local party had decided.

“By 2pm the next day, I heard the news that another Green parliamentary candidate had been parachuted in,” he said. “I was shocked that, notwithstanding the commitment to stand in pretty well every constituency in the country, that they would override a local decision in such a draconian manner.”

The new candidate, Ruby Tucker, won 1,243 votes in the election. Hunt held on to his seat by just 891 votes, with the Lib Dems coming second.

Williams said that he, another local councillor called Clare Weightman, and a third member had since been told they were being expelled by the Greens, seemingly for allegedly supporting tactical voting so Hunt might lose.

Party notices sent to Williams and Weightman, seen by the Guardian, said they had “forfeited” their membership until 2029 for breaching a clause in the party constitution that prohibits members from standing against a Green or “campaigning for someone who is standing against a properly selected Green”.

Williams said he had been given no notice about an investigation or any chance to present evidence or appeal. He said that the grounds given for his expulsion were questionable, and for Weightman they were “inaccurate and inadequate”.

A strong supporter of tactical voting and alliances to get around the first past the post electoral system, Williams said he had been expelled from Labour in 2017 “under similar circumstances” but had expected different from the Greens.

A Green spokesperson said: “Green party members voted to stand a full slate of candidates at its final conference before the general election and this helped us secure a record number of votes and four MPs.

“In Godalming and Ash, there was a last-minute discussion of some members that didn’t override the wider national membership decision and so the Green party’s governance bodies took the decision to uphold the membership’s decision on candidacy. Green party members at conference hold the most senior decision-making power in the Green party on the basis of one member, one vote.”

Green party councillor Clare Weightman, seen here with the Lib Dems’ Paul Follows in 2023, is one of those expelled. Photograph: Andy Hall/The Observer
I think the green party is correct.

It is not the job of local green activists to adopt a local policy to abandon their voters and support another party.

If individual people want to vote tactically to get what they consider the least worse candidate,
well it is a secret ballot and that is their decision.
Banned from the party for five years? That seems unnecessary.
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