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UK sailors captured at gunpoint by Iranian Forces

Security council is useless, get over it. Russia or China will block any move against any rogue state.

Just a note, text is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council#Veto_power

"Another criticism of the Security Council involves the veto power of the five permanent nations. As it stands, one veto from any of the "Big Five" (Russia, China, the United States, the United Kingdom and France) can halt any possible action the Council may take. One nation's objection, rather than the opinions of a majority of nations, may cripple any possible UN armed or diplomatic response to a crisis. For instance, "Since 1982, the US has vetoed 32 Security Council resolutions critical of Israel, more than the total number of vetoes cast by all the other Security Council members."[9]"

People are often screaming that Russia and China block all the decisions on SC by their veto, which clearly is not the case.

And please, do not try to flame me for being pro-terror / anti-Israel / pro-Iran blahblah.
Wha! wow. So Iran will only give the woman back if the UK says there were in Iran's water? So what happen to the other 14 men if the UK does makes this statement? Trial? I just don't get what is going on here,

Really, what is Iran thinking? are they trying to goat the UK? Iran has nothing to gain and a lot to lose, so why?
Iran used the sailors as a blackmail against UN SC resolutions. When the UK went to the UN SC Iran said you can't have the woman back. GC violations galore.
@ Xenocrates

Why do you keep bring up that Vincennes shot down the Iranian airliner? how did it matter at all if the ship was in Iran's waters or not? If it was found out they weren't in Iran's water, would that case be any different at all? They would still be just as wrong.

Also, that was the US, not the UK.

The precedent is that the Iranians were accused of lying about whether an airliner was shot down inside or outside Iranian territory before and whether the ship that shot it down was in or out of Iranian territory. On that occasion it turned out that they were quite correct on both counts.

It doesn't matter whether it was the British or the US; the fact is that the Iranians weren't lying last time.

I looked at the newspapers today and I now know where the lynch mob attitude is coming from - straight from Downing Street. Enough people in the World have lost their heads to unreason without us joining them. :cry:

Let me propose two hypotheses:

1) The Royal Navy ordered it's staff into Iranian waters or didn't robustly stop them from operating there.

If the navy admited that they were in breach of law a) they'd embarrass the UK Government at the worst possible time and b) they'd open themselves up to being sued by the families of the arrested sailors.

Under that hyposthesis of course they would lie.

2) The Iranians kidnapped the crew despite being encircled by the armies of the 'victim' nation' and it's ally - which happens to be a superpower. And knowing that said superpower has been hunting high and low for a casus beli against them for two years.

This hypothesis sounds silly, but it may be that they believe war is inevitable anyway and were hoping to either delay it or maybe even push forward the schedule so that the US would be less prepared.

Who's to say where the truth lies? I can only see one more possibility; that this is a mistake of some kind either by the British or the Iranians, perhaps akin to the plot of one of the Bond films where the GPS systems were out of callibration.
Really, what is Iran thinking? are they trying to goat the UK? Iran has nothing to gain and a lot to lose, so why?

They'll have a lot publicity, I told you guys, that is gonna take a lot of time.

more time = more publicity.
The confession of Faye Turney:

Sure, she could be lying. Who knows?

I think we all know now....except for perhaps yourself:

Faye Turney's letter to House of Commons said:
"Unfortunately during the course of our mission we entered into Iranian waters. Even through our wrongdoing, they have still treated us well and humanely, which I am and always will be eternally grateful," the letter said.

"I ask the representatives of the House of Commons after the government had promised that this type of incident would not happen again why have they let this occur and why has the government not been questioned over this? Isn't it time for us to start withdrawing our forces from Iraq and let them determine their own future?"

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/iran/story/0,,2046361,00.html

What a joke.

What was on the boat the UK was going to search? What happened to that boat?

We don'y know what was on it since the people who searched it were taken hostage. It sat in the same spot for a few days after, it may still be there. As far as I know it was not searched again.
We don'y know what was on it since the people who searched it were taken hostage. It sat in the same spot for a few days after, it may still be there. As far as I know it was not searched again.

Wasnt it cars? They thought it was smuggling cars but the paperwork checked out?
Who in the world talks like that...without a gun to their head? It sounds to me like the Iranians just wrote something for her to recite, because that sounds to me suspiciously like how some Iranian government officials speak. Right down to the choice of most words.

Clearly. And (as per her orders) she'll say the moon is made of green cheese and she started the great fire of london if it'll make them happy. Bacause it just doesnt matter, unless we want to start looking at the geneva conventions.
Iran is just hoping for the UK to lose it's cool, and conduct an attack of some kind, so they (Iran) can appear to take the 'victim' role, in a wider conflict that was going to ultimately materialize anyway.

Within Iran (where according press reports the public doesn't have much media coverage/knowledge of this at all - as it's mostly state controlled), the gov't will tell the people they've been unjustly attacked... giving them exactly the perception they know their people need, to get all fired up.

Iran wants war - they only need to make CERTAIN that their population is passionately motivated for the cause, so they can really make all those 12+ million paramilitary do what they do best... die in mass suicide waves.

Funny, I thought for sure they'd wait 'til they had nukes to do this. Hmmph, maybe they already do.
Iran is just hoping for the UK to lose it's cool, and conduct an attack of some kind, so they (Iran) can appear to take the 'victim' role, in a wider conflict that was going to ultimately materialize anyway.

Within Iran (where according press reports the public doesn't have much media coverage/knowledge of this at all - as it's mostly state controlled), the gov't will tell the people they've been unjustly attacked... giving them exactly the perception they know their people need, to get all fired up.

Iran wants war - they only need to make CERTAIN that their population is passionately motivated for the cause, so they can really make all those 12+ million paramilitary do what they do best... die in mass suicide waves.

Funny, I thought for sure they'd wait 'til they had nukes to do this. Hmmph, maybe they already do.
I don't see how a war would benefit Iran. If the UK gets involved, the USA will follow suit, perhaps also along with other Western countries.
We don'y know what was on it since the people who searched it were taken hostage. It sat in the same spot for a few days after, it may still be there. As far as I know it was not searched again.
Taken hostage? They are members of the military who essentially surrendered without a fight. So much for ruling Britain's ruling the seas.
So then "taken hostage" isn't accurate. "Surrendering per orders of their own government policy" is a more accurate description.

Not starting a shooting war with nuteral gov's, even if that means being arested. Yup, a major(ish) war is more important.
So then "taken hostage" isn't accurate. "Surrendering per orders of their own government policy" is a more accurate description.
Is this the attorney JR speaking? Don't you "surrender" when you're at war with a country and taken hostage when you're taken against your will whether military or otherwise?

They were in inflatables. I doubt they'd stand a chance defending themselves but more importantly why would they?
They were prisoners up untill the point Iran illegaly used them as propaganda and blackmail in violation of the Geniva Convention. At that time they were automaticly considered hostages.
They were prisoners up untill the point Iran illegaly used them as propaganda and blackmail in violation of the Geniva Convention. At that time they were automaticly considered hostages.
Is taping them in this way a violation of the Geneva Convention? Which part?
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